Infectious Diseases - Collaborating Center for Prison

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Transcript Infectious Diseases - Collaborating Center for Prison

 Who are we?
 Common infectious diseases
 How to prevent the spread of disease
A Few Questions…
True or False:
1. Hepatitis B is preventable with a vaccine, but
there is no cure
2. If you have Hepatitis C, you will look very
A Few Questions
True or False:
1. Oral Herpes has a cure
2. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the most
common sexually transmitted infections
caused by bacteria
A Few Questions…
True or False:
1. Head lice cannot be spread by sharing a
2. Tuberculosis only affects the lungs
3. HIV and AIDS mean the same thing
 Inflammation of the liver
 Bacteria
 Alcohol and toxins
 Your own immune system
 Viruses
 Multiple different ones!
 Today – Focus on Hep B and C
Hepatitis B Virus
 How do you get it?
 Blood
Unprotected sexual contact
Sharing needles
During birth if mother infected
Blood transfusion (rare)
 Some Symptoms
 Nausea and vomiting
 Jaundice
 Pale feces/dark urine
 Pain in upper right part of abdomen
 Itching all over the body
Hepatitis B Virus
 Half of people show no symptoms
 Chronic Hep B – long-term infection
 5-10% of adults with Hep B develop this
 Can lead to
 Liver scarring
 Liver cancer
Hepatitis B Virus
 Diagnosis: blood tests
 No cure for chronic Hep B
 Preventable with a vaccine
 Treatment: anti-retroviral drugs
Hepatitis C
 How do you get it?
 Blood
Unprotected sex
Sharing needles
During birth if mother infected
Blood transfusions (rare)
 What are the symptoms?
 80% of people have no symptoms
 Symptoms may not show up for over 10-
20 years
 Similar symptoms to Hep B
Hepatitis C
 Diagnosis: blood test
 75% of adults with Hep C develop chronic
 Chronic Hep C can lead to
 Liver scarring
 Liver cancer
 The cure rate with medication is ~50%
Oral Herpes
 How do you get it?
 Touching infected saliva or skin
 Examples - lips, mouth, nostrils, ears, eyelids,
genital area, anus
 Symptoms?
 Painful sores
 Fever and muscle aches
 Commonly no symptoms
 No cure
Genital Herpes
 How do you get it?
 Skin-to-skin contact
 Sexual intercourse and oral
 Symptoms
 Lesions and ulcers
 No cure
 Medications to prevent and
treat recurrences
Chlamydia and
 How do you get it?
 Spread through vaginal, anal or oral sex
 Symptoms
 Often no symptoms
 Discharge, painful urination, fever
 Treatment is with antibiotics
 Prevention
 Limiting sexual partners
 safe sex practices
Head Lice
 Live on the head and
lay eggs
 How do you get it?
 Direct contact
 Sharing hairbrushes
 Hats, towels, clothing
and bedding
Head Lice
 Symptoms
 Itchy scalp
 See nits in hair
 Live lice near scalp
 Treatment
 Shampoos
 Proper cleaning of brushes, clothes and
 How do you get it?
 Direct contact such as
sexual relations and
 Towels, clothing, bedding
 Symptoms
 Small, raised bites
 Very itchy
 Worse at night
 Treatment
 Topical
 Wash
 How do you get it?
 Sexually transmitted
 Direct contact
 Symptoms
 6 weeks – ulcer
 6 months – rash, fever, aches
 6 years and longer – affects
heart, brain, etc.
 Treatment
 Antibiotics
 Abstain from sex during
 How do I get it?
 Coughing
 Sneezing
 Talking
 Contributing Factors
 Immunosuppressed
 Diabetes
 Alcohol
 Injection drug use
 Lungs infected most often
 Symptoms
 May have no symptoms
 Coughing and chest pain
 Fever and chills
 Night sweats and weight
 Diagnosis
 Skin test, chest x-ray, labs
 Treatment
 Multiple antibiotics
 Human immunodeficiency virus
 How do you get it?
 Sexual activity
 Blood transfusions
 Needle sharing
 Mother to fetus
HIV Stages
 Acute viral illness
 Clinical latency (average 8 years)
 No symptoms
 Later symptoms
 Fever and chills
 Night sweats and weight loss
 Herpes infection
 Oral thrush – fungal infection
 Pneumonia
 Meningitis
 Brain infections
 Severe mono infections
 Diagnosis
 Blood testing
 Treatment
 Antiretroviral therapy with multiple
 Prevention! Avoid:
 Needle sharing
 Unprotected sex
 Get educated!
A Few Questions…
True or False:
1. Hepatitis B is preventable with a vaccine, but
there is no cure
2. If you have Hepatitis C, you will look very
A Few Questions
True or False:
1. Oral Herpes has a cure
2. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the most
common sexually transmitted infections
caused by bacteria
A Few Questions…
True or False:
1. Head lice cannot be spread by sharing a
2. Tuberculosis only affects the lungs
3. HIV and AIDS mean the same thing