healthy eating quiz

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How many portions of fruit and
vegetables should we aim to eat
per day?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
(e) 6
Protein is found in many foods,
such as chicken, baked beans and
burgers. What is the biggest
reason your body needs protein?
(a) To clear out wax from your ears
(b) To improve blood flow to the brain
(c) To build and maintain healthy body tissue
(d) To build and maintain strong bones and teeth
You are late for school and decide to skip
breakfast. What is the best thing to do?
(a) Hope to persuade your friends to give
you something out of their packed lunch.
(b) Wait until Interval and buy a snack
(c) Grab a can of irn bru and drink it on the
way to school
(d) Grab a cereal bar and a piece of fruit and
eat them on the way to school.
Vitamin A is found in carrots, broccoli
and other vegetables. What does the
body use Vitamin A for?
(a) It builds strong bones and teeth
(b) It strengthens the body’s ability to fight
(c) It improves eyesight
(d) It makes us type text quicker
How often should you be doing some form
of energetic exercise each week?
(a) Once per week for one hour
(b) 5 times per week for 1 hour each day
(c) Once per month for no more than 15
(d) 7 days per week for an hour at a time
What is the best way to work out if you
weigh too much or too little for your body
(a) Ask the best looking people in your class
what they think
(b) Ask a stranger
(c) Look through magazines and compare
yourself to the models and celebrities
(d) Ask your doctor or school nurse
It is 1 hour before your big game of
hockey/football and you are hungry.
What is the best thing to eat?
(a) Spaghetti and meatballs
(b) Cheeseburger and chips
(c) An apple and a muffin
(d) Macaroni cheese
Calcium helps develop strong teeth and
bones. Which of these foods is the best
source of calcium?
(a) A banana
(b) Chicken
(c) Yoghurt
(d) Bread
Carbohydrate provides the body with
energy. How much carbohydrate should we
eat each day?
(a) About half of what we eat
(b) We should eat nothing but carbohydrate
(c) About 1/3 of our diet
(d) Very little because it is too fattening
You are in Tesco at lunchtime and want to buy
lunch. You look at the nutritional label on a
sandwich. Looking at the fat content, how much
would be ‘a lot of fat’ per 100g?
(a) 2.0g of fat per 100g is a lot
(b) 0.2g of fat per 100g is a lot
(c) 20g of fat per 100g is a lot
(d) 6g of fat per 100g is a lot
Fibre is the part of the plant that cannot be
digested. It adds bulk to the diet and aids
digestion. It is found mainly in
(a) A greenhouse
(b) In milk, yoghurt and cheese
(c) In vegetables, fruits and cereals
(d) In crisps, doughnuts and biscuits
Nearly 2/3 of your body weight is made up of water.
You need to drink plenty of water to avoid becoming
dehydrated (suffer headaches, irritability and lack of
concentration). You should aim to drink:
(a) 1-2 glasses of fluid per day
(b) Just fizzy drinks over the course of a day
(c) 6-8 glasses of fluids, particularly water,
per day
(d) 4 litres of any fluid per day
Which of these drinks should you avoid
between meals? (there may be more than one
correct answer)
(a) Fizzy drinks
(b) Flavoured water
(c) Water
(d) Fresh orange juice
(e) smoothies
Give yourself 1 point for each correct answer
Q3 –d
Q4- c
Q5- b
Q6- d
Q7- c
Q8- c
Q9- c
Q10- c
Q11- c
Q12- c
Q13- a and d
Further Work:
Why not keep a food diary for a
week. Write down everything that
you eat and drink and at the end of
the week, try to work out how
nutritionally balanced your diet has