Shared Memory Programming

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Transcript Shared Memory Programming

Parallel Programming – Barriers,
Locks, and Continued Discussion of
Parallel Decomposition
David Monismith
Jan. 27, 2015
Based upon notes from the LLNL OpenMP Tutorial and
from Introduction to Parallel Computing by Grama,
Karypis, Kumar, and Gupta
Last Time
• Parallel Decomposition
• Review of OpenMP Directives
– parallel for
– shared
– private
– reduction
This Time
OpenMP Barriers
OpenMP Locks
An example with the Dining Philosophers problem
More decompositions
– Exploratory Decomposition
– Speculative Decomposition
Tasks and Interactions
Load balancing
Handling overhead
Parallel Algorithm Models
OpenMP Barriers
• A barrier is a parallel programming primitive that
forces all threads to wait until every thread in the
process has reached the barrier.
• Barriers are used to enforce synchronization within
• OpenMP Barriers are implemented with the following
– #pragma omp barrier
• Important – barriers cannot be used in a #pragma
omp parallel for, they may only be used within
a #pragma omp parallel block
OpenMP Lock Variables
• Lock variables allow for finer granularity of control over
• In OpenMP the lock variable type is omp_lock_t
– omp_lock_t myLock;
• Locks must be initialized using the omp_init_lock function.
– omp_init_lock(&myLock);
• After initializing a lock, the lock may be acquired using the
omp_set_lock function and a lock may be released using the
omp_unset_lock function.
– omp_set_lock(&myLock);
– omp_unset_lock(&myLock);
• Locks must be destroyed using the omp_destroy_lock
– omp_destroy_lock(&myLock);
Example: Dining Philosophers
• Five students eating at Joy Wok with
• Only five chopsticks available.
• A student needs two chopsticks to eat.
• Chopsticks are situated between students.
• Students can't move from their positions at
the table.
• Students alternate between thinking and
Example: Dining Philosophers (Contd..)
A possible solution to deadlock: Students always reach
right first.
Philosopher Pseudocode
1. Check if the index value of the left chopstick is
less than the index value of the right chopstick.
If true, do 2 then 3. Otherwise, do 3 then 2.
2. Attempt to acquire the left chopstick
3. Attempt to acquire the right chopstick .
4. Eat for specified time period
5. Release chopsticks
6. Think for a specified time period
Review of OpenMP Dining
• See the OpenMP Dining Philosophers Example
on the course website.
• Be sure to make note of the following items
– OpenMP Parallel Section
– OpenMP Barriers
– OpenMP Locks
– Deadlock Prevention by disallowing a cycle in the
resource allocation graph
Exploratory Decomposition
• Exploratory Decomposition – used to decompose
problems corresponding to a solution space that must
be searched.
• Partition search space into smaller parts.
• Search each part concurrently until solutions are found.
• Examples
– 15 puzzle
– Chess AI (Tree search)
– Checkers
• We will return to this later when we investigate parallel
depth-first search.
Speculative Decomposition
• Speculative decomposition – used when a
program may take one of many
computationally significant branches based
upon the computation that preceded it.
• Discrete Event Simulations are an example of
such types of computations and will also be
covered in following lectures.
Task Properties
• Four properties play a major role in mapping
– Task Generation
– Task Size
– Prior knowledge of sizes
– Amount of data associated with each task
Task Creation
• Tasks (i.e. threads) may be created dynamically or
– Static creation – all tasks are known before beginning
an algorithm
– Example – matrix multiplication and LU factorization
– Dynamic generation – tasks and a dependency graph
may not be available before starting an algorithm
– Examples include the 15-puzzle, chess, and other
exploratory decomposition algorithms
Task Sizes
• Uniform – time complexity (and often data complexity)
is similar across tasks.
– Example – matrix multiplication
• Non-uniform – significant variation in time and space
complexity across tasks.
– Example – performing a parameter sweep
• Prior knowledge of the sizes of tasks can drastically
affect how tasks are handled and load balanced.
• Similarly, prior knowledge of the amount of data to be
processed by each task can affect such handling.
Task Interaction
• Static vs. Dynamic
– Static - Interaction pattern for each task occurs at predetermined
– Dynamic – time of execution of tasks cannot be determined prior to execution
of the algorithm
• Regular vs. Irregular
– Regular – structure can be exploited for efficient computation (e.g. matrix
– Irregular – no such pattern exists (e.g. sparse matrix-vector multiplication)
• Read-only vs. Read-write
• One-way vs. two-way
– One-way – one task provides work other tasks without being interrupted (e.g.
read-only data)
– Two-way - data/work needed by tasks is provided by another task and access
is coordinated by the pair/group of tasks (e.g. producer-consumer)
Load Balancing
• Overhead – task idle time, context switching time, and time
spent initiating interactions with other tasks
– Want to reduce the amount of time processes and threads
spend interacting with each other
– Want to reduce idle time
• Static Mapping – distribute tasks among processes or
threads prior to running the algorithm
– E.g. Array_length/num_threads
• Dynamic Mapping – distribute work during algorithm
– Task sizes may be unknown and may cause load imbalances
– Data may need to be moved between processes to balance the
Data Partitioning for Static Mapping
• Array Distribution
– Assume tasks are associated with data such that distributing data is
equivalent to distributing tasks
• Block Distribution
– Assign uniform portions of an array to different processes
– Example: assign n/p rows of an n by n matrix to each of p processes
– Example: assign n/p blocks of size n/sqrt(p) by n/sqrt(p) of an n by n
matrix to each of p processes
– Useful to ensure data reuse in cache
• Cyclic and Block Cyclic Distribution
– Partition an array into many more blocks than available processes
– Assign partitions and associated tasks to processes in a round robin
fashion so each process gets several non-adjacent blocks
– Used to reduce idling in operations such as LU factorization to ensure
each process gets an equal sampling of a data structure
Other Mapping and Partitioning
Randomized Block Distributions
Graph Partitioning
Task Partitioning
Hierarchical Mapping
All are somewhat more complex and will be
discussed at a later date
Dynamic Load Balancing
• Centralized
– All executable tasks are maintained in a common data structure.
– Process designated to manage pool of available tasks is called the
– Worker processes are called slaves.
– Processes that have no work to do take work from the master.
– Newly generated tasks are added to the data structure.
– Example: processes could process small chunks of data and request
more to process once they become idle
• Distributed
– Executable tasks are divided between processes
– Allow processes to send and receive work from any other process
– Important to take care in how much work is transferred, how often,
how processes are paired, and how work transfer is initiated (e.g. by
sender or receiver)
Controlling Overhead
Maximize data locality
– Promote and maximize use of local data or recently fetched memory (i.e. cache lines)
– Use row-major operations in C and column-major in Fortran
Minimize data exchange volume
Maximize temporal data locality
Make as many consecutive references to the same data as possible
Example: Use block operations to perform matrix multiplication
Store intermediate results in local data, and perform shared data access only to store the final
Minimize frequency of interactions
– Restructure your algorithm so that shared data are accessed and used in large chunks
Minimize contention
– Avoid having multiple processes access the same resources at the same time
– Example: sending multiple messages to the same process at the same time, outputting data
from multiple processes to one file at the same time, etc.
Overlap computation and interaction
– Perform computations while waiting for shared data or messages to arrive
Controlling Overhead
• Replicate data or computations
– Replicate copies of commonly used data structures on
each process as memory permits.
– This avoids communication overhead between processes,
especially if the data structures are read-only.
– Additionally, performing redundant computations may cost
less time than performing message-passing.
• Use carefully as appropriate
• Use optimized collective interaction operations
– Broadcast, All-to-All, and other shared data operations
have been implemented in a highly optimized fashion in
the MPI library.
– We will make use of such functions later in the course.
Parallel Algorithm Models
Data Parallelism
Task Graph Model
Work Pool Model
Master-Slave (i.e. Client-Server)