include - Computer Network Lab

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Transcript include - Computer Network Lab

Ju, Hong Taek
Computer Network Lab.
Keimyung University
[email protected]
Rm: 1228, Tel: 580-5234
Lean about classical inter-process
Experience with synchronized shared memory
Explore semaphore implementation
Use message queues for inter-process
Understand the consequences of persistence
15.1 POSIX:XSI Interprocess Communication
InterProcess Communication (IPC) provides
mechanisms for sharing information
 among processes on the same system
IPC is part of the POSIX:XSI Extension and has its origin
in UNIX System V interprocess communication
IPC inncludes message queue, semaphore sets, shared
 These mechanisms have a similar structure
POSIX Function
Message queues
create or access
receive message
send message
create or access
execute operation
shared memory
attach memory to process
detach memory from process
create and initialize or access
15.1.1 Identifying and accessing IPC objects
POSIX:XSI identifies each IPC object by a
unique integer: key
greater than or equal to zero
returned form the get function for the object
 the same way as the open function
A key must be specified to designate the particular
object to be created or accessed
Pick a key in one of the following three ways
1. Let the system pick a key (IPC_PRIVATE)
2. Pick a key directly
3. Ask the system to generate a key from a specified
path by calling ftok
The ftok function allows independent
processes to derive the same key
 Based on a known pathname
 The file corresponding to the pathname must exist
and accessible that want to access an IPC object
#include <sys/ipc.h>
key_t ftok(cont char *path, int id);
 The pathname is a name of file in file system
 The id allows several IPC objects of the same type to
be keyed form a single pathname
 Return a key if successful, otherwise return -1 and
set errno
15.1.2 Accessing POSIX:XSI IPC resources
form the shell
The POSIX:XSI Extension for shells and
utilities defines shell commands for examining
and deleting IPC resources
The ipcs command displays information about
POSIX:XSI IPC resources
ipcs [-qms] [-a | -bcopt]
The ipcrm command removes POSIX:XSI
Extension IPC resources
ipcrm [-q msgid | -Q msgkey |
-s semid | -S semkey |
-m shmid | -M shmkey] ....
15.2 POSIX:XSI Semaphore Sets
A POSIX:XSI semaphore sets consists of an array of
semaphore elements
 The semaphore elements are similar, but not identical, to
the classical integer semaphores as described earlier.
 A process can perform operation on the entire set in a
single call: AND synchronization
Each semaphore element includes
 semval: a nonnegative integer representing the value of
the semaphore element
 sempid: the process ID of the last process to manipulate
the semaphore element
 semncnt: the number of processes waiting for the
semaphore element value to increase
 semzcnt: the number of processes waiting for the
semaphore element value to equal 0
The major data structure for the semaphore set
is semid_ds
 is defined in sys/sem.h
 has the following members
/* operation permission structure */
struct ipc_perm sem_perm;
/* number of semaphores in the set */
unsigned short sem_nsems;
time_t sem_otime; /* time of last semop */
time_t sem_ctime; /* time of last semctl */
Each semaphore element has two queues
 A queue of processes waiting for the value to equal to
 A queue of processes waiting for the value to increase
15.2.1 Semaphore creation
The semget function returns the semaphore
identifier associated with the key parameter
#include <sys/sem.h>
int semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflag);
 creates the identifier and its associated semaphore
 if either the key is IPC_PRIVATE or semflag &
IPC_CREAT is nonzero and no semaphore set or
identifier is already associated with key
 The nsems parameter specifies the number of
semaphore elements in the set
 The individual semaphore elements are referenced by
the integers 0 through nsems-1
 Semaphores have permissions specified by the
semflag argument in the same way as for files
The following code segment create a new
semaphore set
int semid;
if((semid = semget(IPC_PRIVATE, 3, PERMS)) == -1 )
perror(“Fail to create new private semaphore”);
 The IPC_PRIVATE key guarantees that semget
creates a new semaphore
 The process must specify by using the IPC_CREAT
flag that it is creating a new semaphore
 To get a new semaphore set from made-up key or a
key derived from a pathname
The following code segment access a
semaphore set with a identified by the key
value 99887
#define KEY ((key_t)99887)
int semid;
if((semid = semget(KEY, 1, PERMS|IPC_CREAT)) == -1 )
perror(“Fail to access semaphore with key 99887”);
 Giving a specific key value allows cooperating
processes to agree on a common semaphore set
 If you replace the semflag argument with PERMS |
IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXECL when the semaphore
already exists, what happen?
Use ipcs and ipcrm to display and remove the created semaphore set
15.2.2 Semaphore control
Each element of a semaphore set must be
initialized with semctl before it is used
#include <sys/sem.h>
int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, ...);
 Control operations in element semnum for the
semaphore set semid
 The cmd parameter specifies the type of operation
 The optional fourth parameter, arg, depends on the
value of cmd
 Returns a nonnegative value if the cmd is the GETVAL,
GETPID, GETNCNT or GETZCNT, and successful
 Returns 0 if all other values of cmd and successful
 Returns -1 and sets errno if unsuccessful
Refer Table 15.2 to the value of cmd
The arg parameter is of type union semun,
which must be defined in programs that use it
union semun {
int val;
struct semid_ds *buf;
unsigned short *array;
} arg;
Sets the value of the specified semaphore
element to semvalue
Deletes the semaphore specified by semid
15.2.3 POSIX semaphore set operations
The semop function atomically performs a
user-defined collection of semaphore
#include <sys/sem.h>
int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, size_t nsops);
 semid: the semaphore set
 sops: an array of element operation
 nsops: the number of element operations in the sops
 Returns 0 if successful, otherwise return -1 and sets
The semop function performs all the
operations specified in sops array atomically
on a single semaphore set
 If any of the individual element operations would
cause the process to block, the process blocks and
none of the operations are performed
The struct sembuf structure includes the
following members
 short sem_num : number of the semaphore element
 short sem_op : particular element operation
 short sem_flag : flags to specify options for the
If sem_op is an integer greater than zero
 semop adds the value to the corresponding semaphore
element value and awakens all processes that are waiting
for the element to increase
If sem_op is 0 and the semaphore element value is
not 0
 semop blocks the calling process (waiting for 0) and
increments the count of processes waiting for a zero value
of that element
If sem_op is a negative number
 semop adds the sem_op value to the corresponding
semaphore element value provided that the result would
not be negative
 semop blocks the process on the event that the semaphore
element value increases if the adding operation would
make the element value negative
 semop wakes the processes waiting for 0 if the resulting
value is 0
What is wrong with the following code to
declare myopbuf and initialize it so that
sem_num is 1, sem_op is 1, and sem_flag is 0
struct sembuf myopbuf = {1, -1, 0 };
The function setsembuf initialize the struct
sembuf structure members sem_num, sem_op
and sem_flag
The following code segment atomically
increments element zero of semid by 1 and
element one of semid by 2
sembuf myop[2];
setsembuf(myop, 0, 1, 0);
setsembuf(myop+1, 1, 2, 0);
if( semop(semid, myop, 2) == -1)
perror(“Failed to perform semaphore operation”);
Suppose a two-element semaphore set, S, represents a
tape drive system in which Process 1 uses Tape A,
Process 2 uses Tape A and B, and Process 3 uses Tape B.
Both tape drives must be accessed in a mutually exclusive
struct sembuf get_tapes[2];
struct sembuf release_tapes[2];
setsembuf(&(get_tapes[0]), 0, -1,
setsembuf(&(get_tapes[1]), 1, -1,
setsembuf(&(release_tapes[0]), 0,
setsembuf(&(release_tapes[1]), 1,
1, 0);
1, 0);
Process 1: semop(S, get_tapes, 1);
<use Tape A>
semop(S, release_tapes, 1);
Process 2: semop(S, get_tapes, 2);
<use Tape A and B>
semop(S, release_tapes, 2);
Process 3: semop(S, get_tapes+1, 1);
<use Tape B>
semop(S, release_tapes+1, 1);
15.3 POSIX:XSI Shared Memory
Shared memory allows processes to read and
write from the same memory segment
The sys/shm.h header file defines the data
structures for shared memory, including
shmid_ds, which has the following members
struct ipc_perm shm_perm;
size_t shm_segsz;
pid_t shm_lpid;
pid_t shm_cpid;
shmatt_t shm_nattch;
time_t shm_atime;
time_t shm_dtime;
time_t shm_ctime;
operation permission structure */
size of segment in bytes */
process ID of last operation */
process ID of creator */
number of current attahces */
time of last shmat */
time of last shmdt */
time of last shctl */
15.3.1 Accessing a shared memory segment
The shmget function returns an identifier for
the shared memory segment associated with
the key parameter
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg);
 Returns a nonnegative integer corresponding to the
shared memory identifier
15.3.2 Attaching and detaching a shared
memory segment
The semat function attaches the shared
memory segment specified by shmid
#include <sys/shm.h>
void *shmat(int shmid, cont void *shmaddr, int shmflg);
 Use a shmaddr value of NULL
 shmflg for memory alignment
 Returns a void * pointer, address of shared memory
When finished, a program calls shmdt to
detach the shared memory
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmdt(const void *shmaddr);
 Returns 0 if successful, otherwise return -1
15.3.3 Controlling shared memory
The shmctl function provides a variety of
control operation
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, struct chmid_ds *buf);
 shmid: shared memory ID
 cmd: operation to be performed
 IPC_RMID: remove shared memory
 IPC_SET: set value of field from values found in buf
 IPC_STAT: copy current values for shared memory into
 buf: depends on the value of cmd
15.4 POSIX:XSI Message Queues
The message queue allows a process to send
and receive message form other processes
The sys/msg.h header file defines the data
structures for shared memory, including
shmid_ds, which has the following members
struct ipc_perm msg_perm;
msgqnum_t msg_qnum;
msglen_t msg_qbytes;
pid_t msg_lspid;
pid_t msg_lrpid;
time_t shm_stime;
time_t shm_rtime;
time_t shm_ctime;
operation permission structure */
number of messages in queue */
maximum bytes allowed in queue */
process ID of msgsnd */
process ID of msgrcv */
time of last msgsnd */
time of last msgrcv */
time of last msgctl */
15.4.1 Accessing a message queue
The msgget function returns the message
queue identifier associated with the key
#include <sys/shm.h>
int msgget(key_t key, int msgflg);
 Returns a nonnegative integer corresponding to the
message queue identifier
A program inserts messages into the queue
with msgsnd
#include <sys/shm.h>
int msgsnd (int msgid, const void *msgp,
size_t msgsz, int msgflag);
 The msgp parameter might be defined as follows
sturct mymsg {
long mtype; /* message type */
char mtext[1]; /* message text */
 The message type must be greater than 0 and user
or application specific value
Steps needed to send the string mymessage
to a message queue
1. Allocate a buffer, mbuf, which is of type mymsg_t
and size sizeof(mymsg_t) + strlen(mymessage)
2. Copy mymessage into the mbuf->mtext member
3. Set the message type in the mbuf->mtype member
4. Send the message
5. Free mbuf
A program can remove a message from a
message queue with msgrcv
#include <sys/shm.h>
int msgrcv (int msgid, void *msgp,
size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflag);
 msgp: a user-defined buffer for holding the message
to be retrieved
 msgsz: the actual size of the message text
 msgtyp: for message selection
Use msgctl to deallocate or change
permissions for the message queue
#include <sys/shm.h>
int msgctl (int msgid, int cmd, struct msgid_ds *buf);
 cmd : specifies the action to be taken
 IPC_RMID: remove the message queue
 IPC_SET: set member of the msgid_ds data structure
from buf
 IPC_STAT: copy members of the msgid_ds data
structure into buf