Transcript Recursion

Recursion in Scala
A recursive method is a method that calls itself
A method is indirectly recursive if it calls a method that
calls a method ... that calls the original method
Mutually recursive methods are methods that call each
Recursive, methods
The mathematical definition of factorial is:
factorial(n) is
We can define this in Scala as:
1, if n <= 1
n * factorial(n-1) otherwise
def factorial(n: Long) = {
if (n <= 1) 1
else n * factorial(n – 1);
This is a recursive function because it calls itself
Recursive functions are legal in almost all languages
Anatomy of a recursion
Base case: does some work
without making a recursive
def factorial(n: Long) = {
if (n <= 1) 1
n * factorial(n – 1)
Extra work to convert the
result of the recursive call
into the result of this call
Recursive case: recurs
with a simpler
The four rules
Do the base cases first
Recur only with simpler cases
Don't modify and use non-local variables
You can modify them or use them, just not both
Remember, parameters count as local variables,
but if a parameter is a reference to an object, only the
reference is local—not the referenced object
Don't look down
Another simple example
The following counts the number of elements in a list
scala> def count(list: List[Any]): Int = {
if (list.isEmpty) 0
else 1 + count(list.tail)
count: (list: List[Any])Int
scala> count(List("ace", "deuce", "trey"))
res2: Int = 3
Note: For a recursive method, you must specify the return type
Parts of the simple example
def count(list: List[Any]): Int = {
| if (list.isEmpty) 0
| else 1 + count(list.tail)
Extra work to
convert the result
of the recursive
call into the result
of this call
Base case: does some
work without making a
recursive call
Recursive case: recurs
with a simpler
Infinite recursion
The following is the recursive equivalent of an infinite loop:
def toInfinityAndBeyond (x: Int): Int = toInfinityAndBeyond(x)
This happened because we recurred with the same case!
While this is obviously foolish, infinite recursions can happen
by accident in more complex methods
def collatz(n: Int): Int =
if (n == 1) 1
else if (n % 2 == 0) collatz(n / 2)
else collatz(3 * n - 1)
Why recursion?
As long as we are dealing with linear data structures
(sequences), there isn’t much need for recursion
Although it can be very handy for lists
Next semester we will be working with many
recursively-defined data structures
Example: A binary tree is a data structure consisting of
A value
An optional left binary tree, and
An optional right binary tree
The best way to work with recursively-defined data
structures is with recursive functions
Binary trees
scala> class BinaryTree(value: Any, left: Option[BinaryTree],
right: Option[BinaryTree]) {
override def toString = s"($value $left $right)"
| }
defined class BinaryTree
scala> val l = new BinaryTree("I'm left", None, None)
l: BinaryTree = (I'm left None None)
scala> val r = new BinaryTree("I'm right", None, None)
r: BinaryTree = (I'm right None None)
scala> val root = new BinaryTree("I'm the root!", Some(l), Some(r))
root: BinaryTree = (I'm the root! Some((I'm left None None))
Some((I'm right None None)))
Merging sorted lists
scala> def merge(list1: List[Int], list2: List[Int]): List[Int]
= {
| if (list1 isEmpty) list2
| else if (list2 isEmpty) list1
| else if (list1.head < list2.head) list1.head ::
merge(list1.tail, list2)
| else list2.head :: merge(list1, list2.tail)
| }
warning: there were 2 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature
for details
merge: (list1: List[Int], list2: List[Int])List[Int]
scala> merge(List(1, 4, 5, 7, 11), List(2, 3, 5, 10, 20))
res1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 10, 11, 20)
Do the base cases first
Recur only with a simpler case
Don't modify and use nonlocal variables
Don't look down
The End