Bayesian Networks - Blog of Applied Algorithm Lab., KAIST

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Transcript Bayesian Networks - Blog of Applied Algorithm Lab., KAIST

The slides are based on
<Data Mining : Practical Learning Tools and Techniques>, 2nd ed.,
written by Ian H. Witten & Eibe Frank.
Images and Materials are from the official lecture slides of the book.
Bayesian Networks
4th, December 2009
Presented by Kwak, Nam-ju
Table of Contents
Probability Estimate vs. Prediction
What is Bayesian Network?
A Simple Example
A Complex One
Why does it work?
Learning Bayesian Networks
Searching for a Good Network Structure
K2 Algorithm
Other Algorithms
Conditional Likelihood
Data Structures for Fast Learning
Probability Estimate vs. Prediction
• Naïve Bayes classifier, logistic regression
models: probability estimates
• For each class, they estimate the probability
that a given instance belongs to that class.
Probability Estimate vs. Prediction
• Why probability estimates are useful?
– They allow predictions to be ranked.
– Treat classification learning as the task of
learning class probability estimates from the data.
• What is being estimated is
– The conditional probability distribution of the
values of the class attribute given the values of
the other attributes.
Probability Estimate vs. Prediction
• In this way, Naïve Bayes classifiers, logistic
regression models and decision trees are
ways of representing a conditional probability
What is Bayesian Network?
• A theoretically well-founded way of
representing probability distributions
concisely and comprehensively in a
graphical manner.
• They are drawn as a network of nodes, one
for each attribute, connected by directed
edges in such a way that there are no cycles.
– A directed acyclic graph
A Simple Example
Summed up into 1
Pr[outlook=rainy | play=no]
A Complex One
• When outlook=rainy,
humidity=high, and
• Let’s call E the situation
given above.
A Complex One
• E: rainy, cool, high, and true
• Pr[play=no, E] = 0.0025
• Pr[play=yes, E] = 0.0077
An additional example of the calculation
Multiply all those!!
A Complex One
• E: rainy, cool, high, and true
• Pr[play=no, E] = 0.0025
• Pr[play=yes, E] = 0.0077
A Complex One
Summed up into 1
Why does it work?
• Terminologies
– T: all the nodes, P: parents, D: descendant
– Non-descendant: T-D
Why does it work?
• Assumption (conditional independence)
– Pr[node | parents plus any other set of non-descendants]
= Pr[node | parents]
• Chain rule
• The nodes are ordered to give all ancestors of a
node ai indices smaller than i. It’s possible since the
network is acyclic.
Why does it work?
Ok, that’s what I’m talking about!!!
Learning Bayesian Networks
• Basic components of algorithms for learning
Bayesian networks:
– Methods for evaluating the goodness of a given
– Methods for searching through space of possible
Learning Bayesian Networks
• Methods for evaluating the goodness of a given
– Calculate the probability that the network accords
to each instance and multiply these probabilities
all together.
– Alternatively, use the sum of logarithms.
• Methods for searching through space of possible
– Search through the space of possible sets of
• While maximizing the log-likelihood based on the
training data, the resulting network may overfit. What
are the solutions?
– Cross-validation: training instances and validation
instances (similar to ‘early stopping’ in learning of
neural networks)
– Penalty for the complexity of the network
– Assign a prior distribution over network structures
and find the most likely network using the
probability by the data.
• Penalty for the complexity of the network
– Based on the total # of independent estimates in
all the probability tables, which is called the # of
• Penalty for the complexity of the network
– K: the # of parameters
– LL: log-likelihood
Akaike Information
– N: the # of instances in the training data
– AIC score = -LL+K
– MDL score = -LL+(K/2)logN
Description Length – Those two scores are supposed to be minimized.
• Assign a prior distribution over network
structures and find the most likely network by
combining its prior probability with the
probability accorded to the network by the
Searching for
a Good Network Structure
• The probability of a single instance is the
product of all the individual probabilities from
the various conditional probability tables.
• The product can be rewritten to group
together all factors relating to the same table.
• Log-likelihood can also be grouped in such a
Searching for
a Good Network Structure
• Therefore log-likelihood can be optimized
separately for each node.
• This can be done by adding, or removing
edges from other nodes to the node being
optimized. (without making cycles)
Which one is the best?
Searching for
a Good Network Structure
• AIC and MDL can be dealt with in a similar
way since they can be split into several
components, one for each node.
K2 Algorithm
• Starts with given ordering of nodes
Result depends on
the initial order
• Processes each node in turn
• Greedily tries adding edges from previous
nodes to current node
• Moves to next node when current node can’t
be optimized further
Pictures from Wikipedia and
K2 Algorithm
• Some tricks
– Use Naïve Bayes classifier as a starting point.
– Ensure that every node is in the Marcov blanket
of the class node. (Marcov blanket: parents,
children, and children’s parents)
Naïve Bayesian Classifier
Marcov blanket
Other Algorithms
• Extended K2 – sophisticated but slow
– Do not order the nodes.
– Greedily add or delete edges between arbitrary
pairs of nodes.
• Tree Augmented Naïve Bayes (TAN)
Pictures from
Other Algorithms
• Tree Augmented Naïve Bayes (TAN)
– Augment a tree to a Naïve Bayes classifier.
– When the class node and its outgoing edges are
eliminated, the remaining edges should form a
Naïve Bayes classifier
Other Algorithms
• Tree Augmented Naïve Bayes (TAN)
– MST of the network will be a clue for maximizing
Conditional Likelihood
• What we actually need to know is the
conditional likelihood, which is the
conditional probability of the class given the
other attributes.
• However, what we’ve tried to maximize is, in
fact, just the likelihood.
Conditional Likelihood
• Computing the conditional likelihood for a
given network and dataset is straightforward.
• This is what logistic regression does.
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• Learning Bayesian networks involves a lot of
• For each network structure to be searched,
the data must be scanned to get the
conditional probability tables. (Since the
‘given term’ of the table of a certain node
changes frequently, we should rescan the
data in order to get the brand new
conditional probabilities many times.)
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• Use a general hash tables.
– Assuming that there are 5 attributes, 2 with 3
values and 3 with 2 values.
– There’re 4*4*3*3*3=432 possible categories.
– This calculation includes cases of missing values.
(i.e. null)
– This can cause memory problems.
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD (all-dimensions) tree
– Using a general hash table, there will be
3*3*3=27 categories, even though only 8
categories are actually used.
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD (all-dimensions) tree
Only 8 categories are required,
compared to 27.
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD (all-dimensions) tree - construction
– Assume each attribute in the data has been assigned an
– Then, expand node for attribute i with the values of all
attributes j > i
– Two important restrictions:
• Most populous expansion for each attribute is omitted
(breaking ties arbitrarily)
• Expansions with counts that are zero are also omitted
– The root node is given index zero
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD (all-dimensions) tree
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD (all-dimensions) tree
Q. # of (humidity=normal, windy=true, play=no)?
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD (all-dimensions) tree
Q. # of (humidity=normal, windy=false, play=no)?
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD (all-dimensions) tree
Q. # of (humidity=normal, windy=false, play=no)?
#(humidity=normal, play=no) – #(humidity=normal, windy=true, play=no)
= 1-1=0
Data Structures for Fast Learning
• AD tree only pay off if the data contains
many thousands of instances.
Pictures from
Questions and Answers
• Any question?