High Performance Computing Lecture 1
Transcript High Performance Computing Lecture 1
Virtues of Good (Parallel) Software
Able to exploit concurrencies in
Resilient to increasing processor count
More frequent access to local data than to remote
Employ abstraction and modular design
Two Basic Requirements for
Parallel Program
Safety: Produce correct results
Result computed on P processors and on 1
processor must be IDENTICAL.
Livelihood: Able to proceed and finish; free
of deadlock.
Sources of
Execution time
The time that elapses from when the first processor starts executing on the
problem to when the last processor completes execution
Execution time = computation time + communication time + idle time
Communication / interprocess interaction: usually main source of overhead
T_comm = t_s + t_w*L
Minimize the volume and frequency of communications; overlap
Idling: lack of computation or lack of data
Load imbalance
Presence of serial components
Wait on remote data
Replicated Computation
Communicate or replicate
Speedup & Efficiency
Relative speed-up: the factor by which the execution
time is reduced on multiple processors
S(p) = T_1/T_p
T_1 is the execution time on one processor
T_p is execution time on p processors
Absolute speed-up: where is T_1 is the uniprocessor
time for best-known (sequential) algorithm
S(p) <= p
Embarrassingly parallel (EP): no communication among cpus.
Superlinear speedup: exists in reality
Efficiency: the fraction of time that processors spend
doing useful work.
E = S/p = T_1/(p*T_p)
Parallel cost: p*T_p
Parallel overhead: T_o = p*T_p – T_1
Amdahl’s Law
Alpha – fraction of operations in serial code that
can be parallelized
P – number of processors
This is for a fixed problem
T_p = alpha*T_1/p + (1alpha)*T_1
S 1/(1-alpha) as
Alpha = 90%, S10
Alpha =99%, S100
Alpha = 99.9%, S1000
“Mental block”
Gustafson’s Law
S (1 ) P
Alpha – fraction of time spent on parallel
operations in the parallel program
This is for a scaled problem size; or
constant run time.
T_1 = (1-alpha)*T_p + p*alpha*T_p
As problem size increases, fraction of
parallel operations increases
Iso-Efficiency Function
For fixed problem size N, as P increases,
increase in speedup S slows down or levels off,
efficiency E decreases
For fixed P, as the N increases, S increases,
efficiency E increases
As P increases, can increase the problem size N
such that the efficiency is kept constant
This N(p) for fixed efficiency is called iso-efficiency
Rate of increase in N(p), dN/dp, measures the
scalability of a parallel program
Smaller rate of increase more scalable
Parallel Program Design
PCAM Model
(I. Foster)
Decompose the computation to be performed
and the data operated on by this computation
into small tasks
Purpose: expose opportunities of parallel
Ignore practical issues such as number of processors
in target machine etc
Avoid replicating computation and data
Focus: Define a large number of small tasks in
order to yield a fine-grained decomposition of
the problem
Fine grained decomposition provides the greatest
flexibility in terms of potential parallel algorithms
Maximize concurrency
Good partition: divides both the computation
associated with a problem and the data this
computation operates on
Domain/Data decomposition: first focus on data
Partition the data associated with the problem
Associate computations with partitioned data
Functional decomposition: first focus on
Decompose computations to be performed
Deal with data decomposed computations work on
Domain Decomposition
Decompose the data first, and then associated
“owner computes”
Outcome: tasks comprising some data and a set of operations
on that data
Some operation may require data from several tasks
Data can be input data, output data, intermediate data,
or all of them.
Rule of thumb: focus first on largest data structure or the data
structure accessed most frequently
Mesh-based problems:
Structured mesh: 1D, 2D, 3D decompositions
Unstructured mesh: graph partitioning tools such as METIS
Favor the most aggressive decomposition possible at
this stage
Functional Decomposition
Focus first on computation to be performed;
Divide computations into disjoint tasks
Then consider the data associated with each
Data requirements may be disjoint done
Data may overlap significantly, communications; May
just as well try domain decomposition
Provide an alternative way of thinking about
problem; Hybrid decomposition maybe best
E.g. multi-physics simulations, overall functional
decomposition, each component domain
Partitioning: Questions to Ask
Does your partition define more tasks (an order of
magnitude more?) than the number of processors of the
target machine?
No reduced flexibility in subsequent stages
Does your partition avoid redundant computation and
storage requirements?
No may not be scalable to large problems
Are tasks of comparable size?
No hard to allocate to cpus with equal amount of work load
Does the number of tasks scale with problem size?
Ideal: increased problem size increase in number of tasks
No may not be able to solve larger problems with more
Have you identified alternative partitions?
Maximize flexibility; try both domain and functional
Purpose: Determine the interaction among tasks
Distribute communication operations among many
Organize communication operations in a way that
permits concurrent execution
4 categories of communications:
Local/global communications:
Local: each task communicates with a small set of
other tasks (neighbors)
Global: communicate with many or all other tasks
Structured/un-structured communication
Structured: A task and neighbors form a regular structure, grid or
Un-structured: communication represented by arbitrary graphs
Static/dynamic communication:
Static: identity of communication partners does not change over
Dynamic: identity of partners determined by data computed at
runtime and highly variable
Synchronous/asynchronous communication
Synchronous: requires coordination between communication
Asynchronous: without cooperation
Task Dependency Graph
Task dependencies: one task cannot start until
some other task(s) finishes.
E.g. the output of one task is the input to another task
Represented by the task dependency graph:
Directed acyclic
Nodes: tasks (task size as the weight of node)
Directed edges: dependencies among tasks
Task Dependency Graph
Degree of concurrency: number of tasks that can run
Maximum degree of concurrency: the maximum number of tasks
that can be executed simultaneously at any given time
Average degree of concurrency: the average number of tasks
that can run concurrently over the duration of program
Critical path: The longest vertex-weighted directed path
between any pair of start and finish nodes
Critical path length: sum of vertex weights along the
critical path
Average degree of concurrency = total amount of work /
critical path length
Task Interaction Graph
Even independent tasks
may need to interact, e.g.
sharing data
Interaction graph:
captures interaction
patterns among tasks
Nodes: tasks
Edges: communications /
Example interaction graph
Usually contains task
dependency graph as
Communication: Questions to Ask
Do all tasks perform the same number of communication
Unbalanced communication poor scalability
Distribute communications equitably
Does each task communicate only with a small number
of neighbors?
May need to re-formulate global communication in terms of local
communication structures
Can communications proceed concurrently?
Can computations associated with different tasks
proceed concurrently?
No may need to re-order computations / communications
Improve performance: Combine tasks to reduce
the task interaction strength, increase locality,
increase the computation and communication
granularity. Also determine if it is worthwhile to
replicate data/computation
Dependent tasks will be combined
Independent tasks may also be agglomerated to
increase granularity
Goals: reduce communication cost, retain
flexibility w.r.t. scalability and mapping decisions
Increasing Granularity
Coarse-grain usually performs better:
Send less data (reduce volume of communication)
Use fewer messages when sending same amount of data
(reducing frequency of communications)
Surface-to-volume effects:
Communication cost usually proportional to surface area of
Computation cost usually proportional to volume of domain
As task size increases, amount of communication per unit
computation decreases
High-D decomposition usually more efficient than low-D
decompositions, due to reduced surface area for a given volume.
Replicate computation:
May trade off replicated computation for reduced communication
or execution time.
Agglomeration: Questions to Ask
Has agglomeration reduced communication costs by
increasing locality?
If computation is replicated, have you verified that the
benefits of replication out-weigh its costs for a range of
problem size and processor counts?
If data is replicated, have you verified that it does not
comprise scalability
Do the tasks have similar computation and
communication costs after agglomeration?
Load balance
Does the number of tasks still scale with problem size?
Map tasks to processors or processes.
If the number of tasks is larger than the number
of processors, may need to place more than one
task on a single processor
Goal: minimize total execution time
Place tasks that execute concurrently on different
Place tasks that communicate frequently on the same
In general case, no computationally tractable
algorithm for the mapping problem, NPcomplete.
If SPMD-style, one task per processor
Parallel Algorithm Models
Data parallel model: processors perform similar
operations on different data
Work/task pool model (replicated workers):
Pool of tasks, a number of processors
A processor can remove a task from pool and work on it
A processor may generate a new task during computation and
add it to the pool
Master-slave/manager-worker model: master processors
generate work and allocate it to worker processors
Pipeline/producer-consumer model: a stream of data
passes through a succession of processors, each
perform some task on it.
Hybrid model: combination of two or more models