Meet Your Marvelous Brain

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Transcript Meet Your Marvelous Brain

Meet Your
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Brain References
Brain Benders
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Similar & Different
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Human brains are more alike than they
are different – but like fingerprints, each
brain is slightly different (brain scans)
No two brains have been, are, or will ever
be identical in structure, function, or perception—
not even in brains of identical twins!—because
every thought you think changes your brain and
no one ever thinks identical thoughts
No one really ‘read’ another person’s mind to
know exactly what they are thinking
Arguments to Wars
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
There's never been a true war that wasn't
fought between two sets of people who were
certain they were in the right.
The really dangerous people believe they are
doing whatever they are doing solely because
it is, without question, the right thing to do.
And that is what makes them dangerous.
Neil Gaiman, writer
Take Away
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Stop expecting another brain to understand yours
or vice versa—you don’t even understand your
own brain completely, because if you did
you’d be consistently successful
Each brain only has its own opinion . . .
Avoid meaningless argument
and foolish controversy!
Understanding more about brain function gives you
the option of managing yours by design
Brain Maturation
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Your brain is about the size of your two fists but
size does not necessarily equate with ‘smarts’
The brain matures from the back to the front and
takes longer than body maturation – the body
can procreate long before the brain can make a
valid decision about doing so . . .
Make life-impactful decisions with care prior to
mid-twenties at least
Pre-Frontal Cortex Maturation
cortex may
be done by
the mid to
late 20s
Human prefrontal cortex doesn't fully develop
until after age 20 ―Daniel J. Levitin PhD
Hemisphere Bridges
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
The brain takes much longer than the
body to mature—neuronal axons must
be wrapped with insulation (myelin)—
think fiber optics or brain asphalt
Several bridges connect the brain hemispheres
(e.g., anterior commissure and corpus callosum)
so the right hand knows what the left is doing and
so you can cross the mid-line of the body
Corpus Callosum
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Myelination of the brain’s
largest hemisphere bridge
(corpus callosum) may
be done by age 20-21
Prior to that the brain is at
risk for intermittent ‘malfunctions’ (‘shorting out’
or ‘brain hiccups’) due to incomplete myelination
Think patches of unpaved road or potholes . . .
Maturation Differences
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
There can be 2-3 years difference
in maturation levels between brains
of a similar chronological age . . .
The male brain may take up to 1.6
years longer to mature—a later onset of puberty
allows for longer pruning of the corpus callosum
so that is has fewer neuronal axons
of smaller diameter, giving it two
somewhat independent brains
Corpus Callosum
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Individuals who are fast at naming something
(e.g., TV game shows, when asked a question)
tend to use one portion of the corpus callosum—
the largest band of horizontal connecting fibers
in the brain
People who are slow at naming something tend
to use a different portion of the corpus callosum
Probably unrelated to IQ . . .
Human Brain Layers
©Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Can be described as three
functional layers that mature
from back to front
3rd layer or neocortex has the
function of consciousness
(may be aware of 5%-15%)
The 2nd or mammalian layer and
the 1st or reptilian layer are
both subconscious
Human Brain Layers
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Reptilian 1st layer and mammalian 2nd
layer do not use language per se as
does the cerebrum or 3rd layer
They can perceive the pictures
created in the neocortex 3rd layer
and can follow those pictures
It is critical what type of pictures are
created in the 3rd layer (thinking, talking, listening,
reading, writing, watching TV . . .)
White Bear Phenomenon
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
The brain thinks in pictures and deals
easily with positives, a one-step process
Negatives require a two-step process and tell you
what not to do but not what to do (Dr. Daniel Wegner)
The 1st and 2nd brain layers may miss the negative
altogether and follow the first picture or convert
the picture unclearly (push to toward behaviors)
(Whatever things are . . . Think on these things
—Philippians 4:8)
Thoughts and words create
internal pictures that give
the brain a map to follow
Program Your Brain
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Think and speak affirmingly because affirmation
is the programming language of the brain — tell
your brain what you want to have happen avoid
telling your brain what you do not want (stop)
Use your first name and the pronoun ‘you’ with
short, positive, present-tense words
(Joe, you are . . .; Jane, you can . . .)
Speak as if the new behavior is already in place
and happening right now – critical for altering
PET Scan Studies
Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
When asked to respond to a question
or solve a problem:
Individuals above age 21 tended to stay up in
the neocortex or 3rd brain layer
Individuals below age 21
tended to move down into
the mammalian or 2nd (emotional) brain layer
Why Phenomenon
Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
Regardless of age, when the
word why was used all the
study participants tended to
process responses down in
the mammalian 2nd (emotional) layer
Why implies you should have done something
different and can trigger just enough worry and
anxiety (fear) to downshift the brain
Avoid Using the Word Why
Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
Try asking instead:
When you exhibited this behavior
what did you think might happen?
If you make this same choice again do you
think you’d get similar outcomes?
What could you do differently next time
to get positive outcomes?
Brain Neurons
©Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
Form the basis for IQ  86 biIlion neurons
in the brain, another billion in the
spinal cord (neurons do not divide)
May be arranged in the brain in
fields of 1 million neurons per
field, vibrating at the same
frequency within each field
Neurons act as radio transmitters (send and
receive their frequency potential) – may
influence who you initially ‘like’ or ‘dislike’
Heart Neurons
©Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
Your heart contains neurons, too— at
Least 40,000—so you ‘think’ with your heart
Brain and heart neurons exchange information
via an unmediated channel (free flowing)
Heart neurons likely form the basis for EQ
(Emotional Intelligence) and more than 80% of
your success in life may be due to your level of
EQ (only 20% is believed due to your IQ)
Estimates: you create 50% of your own
problems by the way you think
Enteric Nervous System
©Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
Your ENS (gastrointestinal tract) may contain far
more neurons than are in any other peripheral body
organ (and maybe as many neurons as the brain)
Your ENS neurons use more than 30
neurotransmitters, most of which are identical to
those in the brain and CNS
Your ENS also contains 90% of all the
serotonin and 50% of all dopamine
found in the brain and body
ENS, Cont’d
©Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
Because of this the ENS has been referred to as
a second brainno surprise that:
 Upset stomach  headache
Upset emotions  GI upset
Excess serotonin release can
trigger nausea and vomiting
IBS is being referred to as an enteric (ENS)
neuropathy (neurons are mal-functioning)
Electromagnetic Energy
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Em energy is a form of radiation energy (as are
rays from the sun) produced by neurons and that is
never destroyed (according to quantum physics)
Em energy leaves your body and travels at the
speed of light — Em energy forms a field that can
be measured 12-15 feet out from the body but is
strongest within 3 feet
Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
Multimeter, (SQUID)-based magnetometers,
Oculargram, Electrocardiogram or ECG,
Electroencephalograms or EEGs, Hologram
Heart ‘Em’ Energy
Arlene R. Taylor PhD Realizations Inc
The heart generates the largest
electromagnetic field in the body
The electrical field of the heart as
measured in an Electrocardiogram or ECG is
about 60 times greater in amplitude than the
brain waves recorded in an
Electroencephalogram or EEG
―Rollin McCraty PhD
Heart ‘Em’ Energy, Cont’d
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
The magnetic component of the heart’s field,
which is around 100 times stronger than that
produced by the brain, is not impeded by tissues
and can be measured several feet away from the
body with Superconducting Quantum Interference
Device (SQUID)-based magnetometers
―Rollin McCraty PhD
Other studies have reported 5,000 or more times
stronger than that produced by the brain
The Power of ‘Em’
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
The brain detects and responds to it on a
subconscious level — children and animals are
especially sensitive to Em energy
Brain waves synchronize to heart waves when
people engage in caring touch (e.g., hold hands,
arm around shoulder, massage, laying on of
hands, anointing … )
When you sense negative Em energy from another
brain, implement a pre-planned strategies to block
it, or temporarily distance yourself
Bottom Line
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Positive thoughts generate positive ‘Em energy,’
negative thoughts generate negative
Are you putting out positive
or negative Em energy?
It impacts your:
Brain and body first …
Environment (people, pets, plants) …
The Universe …