Transcript h(k)

Data Integrity / Data
Authentication (Signature) algorithm - A
Verification algorithm - V
Authentication key – k
Verification key – k’
Message space (usually binary strings)
Every message between Alice and Bob is a
pair (m, Ak(m))
Definition (cont.)
• Requirement – Vk’(m,Ak(m)) = “yes”
• In the symmetric case
– k=k’
– The authentication algorithm is called MAC
(Message Authentication Code)
– Ak(m) is frequently denoted MACk(m)
– Verification is by executing authentication and
comparing with MACk(m))
Definition (cont.)
• In the a-symmetric case
– kk’
– The authentication algorithm is called “Digital
– Ak(m) is frequently denoted SIGk(m)
Properties of MAC Functions
• Security requirement – adversary can’t
construct a legal pair (m, MACk(m))
• Output should be as short as possible
• The MAC function is not 1-to-1
Adversarial Model
• Security Model:
– Known message
– Chosen message
• Note: chosen MAC is less realistic
• Goal: given n legal pairs (m1, MACk(m1)),
…, (mn, MACk(mn)) find a new legal pair
(m, MACk(m))
One-Way Functions
• A function f: DR is called one-way if:
– Computing f(x) is “easy”
– Computing f-1(y) for almost all the images is “hard”
• Given the “real-world” definition of “hard” a oneway function may have a constant-sized output
(e.g. SHA-1)
• Given the theoretical definition, we require a
function with variable sized output or a family of
one-way functions of constant sized output
The Domain is all the pairs of prime numbers.
The function is f(p,q) = pq
Multiplication is easy – naïve algorithm is O(n2)
Factoring is difficult – simple algorithm is O(2n/2).
NFS and ECM are better but not polynomial.
• The function f(p,q) = pq (almost) maintains length
Hash Functions
• Map large domains to smaller ranges
• Example h: N{0,1,…,m-1} is defined by
h(k) = k mod m
• Used extensively for searching in hash
• Collisions are resolved by several possible
means – chaining, open hashing etc.
Collision Resistance
• A hash function h: DR is called weakly collision
resistant for xD if it is hard to find x’x such
that h(x’)=h(x)
• A function h: DR is called strongly collision
resistant if it is hard to find x, x’ such that x’x
but h(x)=h(x’)
• Note: given certain constraints a strongly
collision-resistant hash function is a one-way
The Birthday Paradox
• If 23 people are chosen at random the
probability that two of them have the same
birth-day is greater than 0.5
• Let h:DR be a mapping. If 1.17|R|1/2
elements of D are chosen at random, the
probability that two of them are mapped to
the same image is greater than 0.5
• Leads to the birthday attack
Cryptographic Hash Functions
• Cryptographic hash functions are hash
functions that are strongly collision
• Usually defined by:
– Compression function mapping n bits (e.g. 672)
to m bits (e.g 160).
– Extension via chaining to arbitrary strings.
– Padding
Merkle - Damgard
Merkle - Damgard (cont.)
• Unlike most encryption systems, the IV is
usually constant
• Typically, there is padding (including text
length before the final output)
• Claim: if the basic function H is collision
resistant then so is its extension.
• Input message length should be arbitrary
• Block length is usually 512 bits
• Output length should be at least 160 bits
Real-World Hash Functions
• MD family
– MD-2
– MD-4
– MD-5
• SHA and SHA-1
• SHA-256, 384 and 512
Hash Function Status - 2005
• Internet standards (IPSec, SSL, X.509, many
others) use MD-5, SHA-1 almost exclusively
• Multi-block differential attacks:
– First block get near collisions (small number of
different bits)
– Second block achieve full collision
• MD-5 fully broken, large number of collisions of
Word, Postscript files and others.
• SHA-1 – collision attack requires 263 steps, no
practical collisions found yet
HMAC Attempts
• First goal: combine message and key, hash
and produce MAC
• Second goal: work with any cryptographic
hash function
• First attempt: MACk(m)=h(k,m)
• Second attempt: MACk(m)=h(m,k)
• Proposed in 1996 by [BCK]
• Receives as input a message m, a key k and
a hash function h
• Outputs a MAC by:
– HMACk(m,h)= h(kopad, h(kipad,m))
• Claim [BCK]: HMAC can be broken if and
only if the underlying hash function is
HMAC in Practice
• IPSec:
– AH