Transcript Word Up!

February 25, 2011
Do you know your word problems?
Warm-Up Review of Yesterday
Identifying Key Words
Understanding Word Problems
Practicing with Word Problems
Completing the Exit Ticket
Let’s Go!
You have 2 minutes to complete the following
How can 4( 3+9) be expressed using the distributive property?
A. 4(3) + (4+9)
B. 4(3) + 4(9)
C. 4+9= 9+4
D. (4+3) X (4+9)
What is (x + y) + z if x = 21, y = 18, and z = 6?
A. 42
B. 41
C. 45
D. 43
How did you do?
How can 4( 3+9) be expressed using the distributive property?
A. 4(3) + (4+9)
B. 4(3) + 4(9)
C. 4+9= 9+4
D. (4+3) X (4+9)
What is (x + y) + z if x = 21, y = 18, and z = 6?
A. 42
B. 41
C. 45
D. 43
Identifying Key Words
• Today, you are going to learn one strategy to
understanding word problems. Let’s take a look
at our Key Words for Solving Word Problems
• In the next slides you will be given phrases from
word problems. Using your Key Words handout
determine the mathematical operation. Your
teacher will call on you for the correct answer.
You must give the key word and tell the
mathematical operation.
Let’s Go!
How many books does she have in all?
• What is the key word?
• What is the operation?
How many books does she have in all?
• What is the key word?
–in all
• What is the operation?
There are 9 buses with 40 scholars.
How many scholars are there total?
• What is the key word?
• What is the operation?
There are 9 buses with 40 scholars.
How many scholars are there total?
• What is the key word?
• What is the operation?
My car gets 32 miles per gallon. How
many gallons will it take to go 500 miles?
• What is the key word?
• What is the operation?
My car gets 32 miles per gallon. How
many gallons will it take to go 500 miles?
• What is the key word?
• What is the operation?
Your Turn
• Take 2 minutes to make up a word phrase for a
multiplication problem.
• Your teacher will call on a few of you to share
your phrase and identify your key words.
Copy the next slide onto
your spiral index card.
You do not need to
draw the illustrations.
I will PAWS!
Point Out Key Words by underlining the
words and circling the question.
Analyze and Arrange the Information
Take out the important information.
Work it Out
What mathematical operations do you need
to use? How many steps do you need to take
to solve this problem?
Solve It- Does it make sense?
Your teacher will read over
the next two index cards,
then allow you to copy. You
have five minutes.
You have 5 minutes to copy the notes.
Craig’s mother works at a soda company just 5 miles from their
house. She said that every 8 minutes, a machine fills 150 bottles.
How many minutes does it take to fill 675 bottles?
P= Our key word is every, and our question is How
many minutes does it take to fill 675 bottles?
A= 8 minutes per 150 bottles and ? Minutes per 675
bottles. We need to set up a ratio to solve this
problem. We are comparing two quantities. Is the 5
miles important in this word problem?
You have 5 minutes to copy the notes.
W= We need to set up the problem like this:
8 minutes
(We put X here since we don’t know the total minutes)
150 bottles
675 bottles
S= Solve it
Let’s cross multiply 8 X 675 = 5400
150 x X=
How do we get X by itself? X = 36 minutes
Let’s Go!
✔For Understanding
You have 5 minutes.
•Using iPAWS,
complete the 2
word problems on
the worksheet.
Exit Ticket
• You will have 12 minutes to
complete 10 problems.
• Go to Quia and Find the Quiz
entitled Exit Ticket_February