Transcript Document
Basic Syntax
Variables, Types, and Operators
What is a Variable?
• A variable is a place to store a piece of information. Just as
you might store a friend's phone number in your own
memory, you can store this information in a computer's
memory. Variables are your way of accessing your
computer's memory.
• Of course, your memory changes over time. Your friend
moves across country and has a new phone number, and
your friend's new phone number will replace the old one in
your memory. Over time, as you acquire new friends, your
memory will keep changing to store different pieces of
information. Likewise, a computer's memory can change
over time, if you tell it to. Since variables are your access
point to your computer's memory, it makes sense that you'd
be able to change the information in a computer's memory;
otherwise, they wouldn't be called variables (they'd be
called statics).
• Why should you care about variables? Variables
are the essence of any computer program! Without
variables, computers would be useless. Imagine a
program which asks the user for two numbers and
adds them together, and prints the result.
# AddTwoNumbers
Enter the first number: 2
Enter the second number: 5
The sum of 2 and 5 is 7.
• Sounds simple, right? But let's do a little roleplaying to see what the computer has to do to
execute this program. Instead of this interaction
between a person and a computer, let's imagine the
same kind of conversation between two people,
Sol and Frank.
Sol: Hey Frank, I just learned how to add two numbers together.
Frank: Cool!
Sol: Give me the first number.
Frank: 2.
Sol: Ok, and give me the second number.
Frank: 5.
Sol: Ok, here's the answer: 2 + 5 = 7.
Frank: Sheesh! This guy is unbelievable!
• After Frank says "2", Sol has to store that number
in his memory somewhere. It may be stored in
short-term memory, but he has to store it
somewhere before Frank gives him the second
number. Even if Frank were to give him two
numbers in the same sentence, Sol would have to
store the numbers somewhere in his memory to
add them together.
• In the sample program described above, the
computer would most likely store "2" in a
variable, then store "5" in a variable, and then
calculate the sum by calculating the sum of the
numbers store in the two variables.
• Although there are similarities between a person's
memory and a computer's memory, there are some
pretty big differences. In C++, you need to grab a
little piece of the computer's memory before you
can use it. In other words, you have to tell the
computer that you're planning to store a number in
a variable before you can actually do it. This is
called declaring a variable. To declare a variable,
you need to know what kind of information it will
store (i.e., will it store a number, or a text-string,
or something else) and how you plan to refer to
the variable (i.e., the variable's name).
C++ imposes fairly strict rules on
how you can name your variables:
– variable names must begin with a letter
– variable names are "case-sensitive" (i.e., the
variable "myNumber" is different from the
variable "MYNUMBER" which is different
from the variable "mYnUmBeR")
– variable names can't have spaces
– variable names can't have special characters
(typographic symbols)
• What can you name your variables? In general,
variable names can be composed of letters,
numbers, and underscores (_)
• . However, C++ reserves certain keywords which
have special meaning to the language, and you are
not allowed to use any of these keywords as
variables names. Some examples of C++
keywords are:
• int, for, else, and class.
• You can, however, use keywords in the middle of
a variable name, such as "foreign" or "classical".
For a complete list of C++ keywords, view the
Variable Types and Declaring
Variable Types
• A variable type is a description of the kind of information a
variable will store. Programming languages vary regarding
how strict they require you to be when declaring a
variable's type. Some languages, like Perl, do not require
you to announce the type of a variable. Other languages
require you to declare some variables as numbers and
others as text-strings, for example. C++, a strongly-typed
language, requires you to be even more specific than that.
Instead of declaring a variable as a number, you must say
whether it will store integers or decimals. In C++, the type
of an integer is int and the type of a decimal is float
(floating-point number).
Declaring Variables
• Declaring a variable in C++ is simple. Let's
say you want to declare a variable of type
int called myAge. That is to say, the
variable myAge will store an integer. In
C++, this is written:
– int myAge;
• All this does is tell the computer that you
plan to use an integer, and that the integer's
name is myAge.
• In some languages, variables are initialized
to 0 - that is, a variable's initial value will be
0. This is not true of C++! Sometimes your
variables will be initialized to 0, but
sometimes they will be initialized with
garbage. As you might anticipate, this can
cause some nasty bugs. Let's take a look at
another sample program.
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int myAge;
cout << "My age is " << myAge << endl;
return 0;
• You might expect the program to output "My age
is 0". In fact, the output of this program is
unreliable. On one system you may get output of
"My age is 11"; another system may output "My
age is 0"; yet another system may output "My age
is 3145". That's what it means to have a variable
initialized with garbage.
• It is always a good idea to initialize your variables
with some value. If you don't know what a
variable's initial value should be, initialize it to 0.
Initializing a variable is easy. Let's fix the above
program so that it always outputs "My age is 22".
The first line of the main function initializes
myAge by assigning it a value immediately.
#include <iostream.h>
int main()
int myAge = 22;
cout << "My age is " << myAge << endl;
return 0;
• That's all there is to it! By the way, the equals sign
("=") is called an operator and will be covered
later in Section 3.
Casting of Variables
How Do Computers Store Variables?
• In any programming language, and
especially in C++, it's important to have at
least a cursory understanding of what the
computer is doing "behind the scenes".
Since we're talking about variables in this
chapter, it's important to understand how a
computer stores the information in
More Variable Types
• For reasons not explained here, variables can only store
finite numbers. Suppose that the size of a particular data
type, that we'll call a gorb, is 1 byte. That means that gorbs
can only represent 28*1 = 28 = 256 distinct values. So,
gorbs might be able to store only the numbers between 0
and 255 (inclusive). Any number that you tried to store in a
gorb which was smaller than 0, or larger than 255, would
not be stored correctly; it would be stored as one of the
values between 0 and 255. However, maybe you want to
be able to store positive and negative numbers in gorbs, in
which case you'd only be able to store 128 negative
numbers and 128 positive numbers. Since we need to be
able to store 0 also, you might decide that the range of
values for a gorb is -128 to 127.
• We've already learned about two different
data types (not including "gorbs"!): int and
float. What are the sizes of these data types,
and what are the limits on the kinds of
values that they can store? We just saw that
a data type whose size is 1 byte can store
256 distinct values. Data types of size 2
bytes can store 28*2 = 216 = 65536 different
values. Using the same formula, we
determine that data types of size 4 bytes can
store 28*4 = 232 = 4,294,967,296.
Unfortunately, the size of data types like int and float are not standard
across all systems. The size of an int depends on your operating system
and your hardware. Here are some typical values for ints and floats, along
with some other important data types.
short 2
2 bytes
stores a short (i.e., small) integer
4 bytes
stores an integer
4 bytes
stores a long (i.e., large) integer
4 bytes
stores a floating-point number
8 bytes
stores a "double-precision" floatingpoint number
When to Cast
• Casting a variable is a complicated name for a simple
concept. When you cast a variable from one type to
another, all you are doing is telling the computer to use a
different type to store the variable. Why would you need
(or want) to do this? Let's say you declared a variable of
type short. In most cases, that would mean that the largest
positive value you could store would be 32,767. But
somewhere in your program, you realize that you're going
to have to do a calculation which could increase the value
over this maximum. Perhaps you are computing very large
Pythagorean triplets.
• To calculate the value of c (the hypotenuse), you
need to take the square root of the quantity a2 + b2.
But what if a or b is very large? Then squaring
that number will make it much, much larger -- and
if the value becomes bigger than 32,767 your
values will not be what you expected (if you had
used a short to store a or b. Remember, a short can
only store the values between -32,768 and
+32,767, so if you try to store a number out of this
range, your data will be incorrect!
• So, the solution is to cast. We can cast the
numbers to a larger data type, such as an int
or a long, for the purposes of the calculation
-- and then we can cast them back to a short
when we are done, since the final value for
c will probably be small enough to be stored
in a short.
• This is a somewhat trivial example, since in this case you
could store the numbers in ints or longs from the beginning
and not worry about it! A more useful example might be if
you have a number which represents an average. You'll
probably want to represent the number with a floatingpoint type like a float or a double so that it is accurate
while you are computing it (otherwise you'd only be able
to store a value like "26" instead of "26.3141885"). Let's
say that you want to display the value in a table, yet the
table would look cluttered if you displayed "26.3141885",
so you decide to simply display the integer portion, 26.
You can cast the float to an int and then display the int in
the table -- since ints can't store floating-point numbers, the
decimal portion of "26.3141885" will be truncated and you
will be left with "26".
How to Cast
• Casting in C++ is easy. Let's say that you
have a float storing a number like
"26.3141885", and you want to have an int
storing the integer portion instead. Here's
how to do it:
int GetAverage()
// assume that regularAverage and specialAverage store two floats
Float_total_Average = regularAverage + specialAverage;
// cast totalAverage to an int
Int_truncated_Average = (int) totalAverage;
// return the truncated value
return truncatedAverage;
• There's a little bit of syntax that you haven't seen before,
but the key part to notice is the line of code that reads int
truncatedAverage = (int) totalAverage. What we're doing
here is taking a float, totalAverage, which stores some kind
of decimal number (like 82.41832), and getting rid of the
".41832" part by casting it to an int. That works because
the int is only capable of storing integers, so it simply
stores the integer portion of totalAverage.
•Booleans: True and False
•Boolean operators in C++
•Arithmetic operators in C++
•Equality operators in C++
•Assignment operators in C++
Booleans: True and False
• Before talking about operators, we'll take a quick
aside into booleans, since we'll need to know what a
boolean is before discussing operators. A boolean
value is one that can be either true or false. No other
values are allowed. Booleans and boolean operations
are at the heart of programming. Many times in a
program, you'll want to do one thing if a certain
condition is true, and a different thing if the
condition is false. For example, when processing a
series of checkboxes, you may want to take an
action only if a box is checked, and do nothing
otherwise. That's when you'll want to use a boolean.
• Most programming languages have a type for booleans,
usually called "boolean" or "bool". Some C++ compilers
recognize the type bool, others do not. For now, assume
that your compiler supports the bool type. We'll discuss
what to do if your compiler doesn't, in a moment.
• In order to use boolean logic to your advantage, you need
to learn about the three basic boolean operations. They are
called and, or, and not. Each operation takes either one or
two boolean inputs, and returns a boolean output. They are
often represented by symbols known as "gates", shown
The "and" operation takes two inputs
and produces one output. If both
inputs are true, the output is true;
in all other cases, the output is
false. It can be interpreted as
follows: "I will return true if
input 1 and input 2 are true."
The "or" operation takes two inputs
and produces one output. If either
of the inputs are true, the output
is true; otherwise (i.e., if neither
input is true), the output is false.
It can be interpreted as follows: "I
will return true if either input 1 or
input 2 is true."
The "not" operation takes one input
and produces one output. If the
input is true, the output is false. If
the input is false, the output is
true. In other words, the "not"
operation takes the input and
returns its opposite.
Boolean operators in C++
• There are operators in C++ which behave
just as the boolean gates shown above!
We'll show you an example of how to use
each one.
and: &&
The "and" operator is used by placing the "and"
symbol, &&, in between two boolean values.
//suppose that Fran is tired
bool franIsTired = true;
//but Fran doesn't have to wake up early
bool franMustWakeUpEarly = false;
//will Fran go to sleep now?
bool bedTime = franIsTired && franMustWakeUpEarly;
• What does this chunk of code do? It initializes two
variables, franIsTired and franMustWakeUpEarly,
to true and false, respectively. Then, in the third
line of code (not including comments!), we
determine that Fran will go to sleep if and only if
the "and" operation is true -- that is, if both inputs
to the "and" operation are true. In this case, the
first input is true and the second input is false.
Since "and" requires both inputs to be true in order
for the output to be true, but one of the inputs is
false, the output will be false. So, the variable
bedTime will store the value false.
or: ||
• The "or" operator is used by placing the "or"
symbol, ||, in between two boolean values.
//suppose that Graham is tired
bool grahamIsTired = true;
//but Graham doesn't have to wake up early
bool grahamMustWakeUpEarly = false;
//will Graham go to sleep now?
bool bedTime = grahamIsTired || grahamMustWakeUpEarly;
• This example is very similar to the example
involving Fran, except notice the key difference:
whether or not Graham goes to sleep is determined
differently. Graham will go to sleep if he is tired
or if he needs to wake up early. Whereas Fran
would go to sleep only if both conditions were
true, Graham will go to sleep if either condition
(or both) is true. Therefore, the value of bedTime
is true.
not: !
• The "not" operator is used by placing the
"not" symbol, !, before a boolean value.
//suppose that Julian stayed up late
bool julianStayedUpLate = true;
//will Julian be peppy tomorrow?
bool julianIsPeppy = !julianStayedUpLate;
• This example illustrates the "not" operator.
At the end of this block of code, the
variable julianIsPeppy will take on the
opposite value of julianStayedUpLate. If
julianStayedUpLate were false, then
julianIsPeppy would be true. In this case,
the opposite is true, so julianIsPeppy gets a
value of false.
• It is perfectly legal in C++ to use boolean
operators on variables which are not
booleans. In C++, "0" is false and any nonzero value is true. Let's look at a contrived
int hours = 4;
int minutes = 21;
int seconds = 0;
bool timeIsTrue = hours && minutes && seconds;
• Since hours evaluates to true, and since
minutes evaluates to true, and since seconds
evaluates to false, the entire expression
hours && minutes && seconds evaluates to
Arithmetic operators in C++
Arithmetic operators
sample usage
int sum = 4 + 7
float difference = 18.55 - 14.21
float product = 5 * 3.5
int quotient = 14 / 3
modulo ("mod")
int remainder = 10 % 6
• They all probably look familiar with the
exception of mod (%). The mod is simply
the remainder produced by dividing two
integers. In the example shown in the table
above, if we treat 10 / 6 as an integer
divison, the quotient is 1 (rather than 1.666)
and the remainder is 4. Hence, the variable
remainder will get the value 4.
Equality operators in C++
• You are undoubtedly familiar with equality operators, even if
you don't know it. An equality operator is one that tests a
condition such as "is less than", "is greater than", and "is equal
to". You will find it useful to be able to compare two numbers
using expressions like "x is less than y".
• Let's say you are writing software for a bank ATM (automated
teller machine). A customer makes a request for a certain
amount of cash, and your responsibility is to determine if they
should be allowed to withdraw that amount. You could decide
to use the following algorithm: "if the amount requested is less
than the account balance, that amount should be withdrawn;
otherwise, the customer should be notified and no money
should be withdrawn." Makes sense, right? So, the next step is
coming up with some pseudo-code. Once you have pseudocode, writing the C++ code will be easy.
Pseudo-code for the ATM problem might
look like this:
if the amount requested < account balance then
withdraw the amount requested
withdraw nothing and notify the customer
Now that we have pseudo-code, writing
the C++ code is as simple as "translating"
your pseudo-code into C++. In this case,
it's easy:
if (amountRequested < accountBalance)
else {
• You'll notice some new syntax in this example, but
don't worry about it too much. Pay close attention
to the very first line, which checks to make sure
that the amount requested is less than the account
balance. The way it works is, if the expression
between parentheses (()) evaluates to true, then the
first block of code will be read. That is, the code
inside the first set of curly braces ({}) will be
executed. If the expression in parentheses
evaluates to false, on the other hand, then the
second block of code (the code following the word
else) will be read. In this case, the first block of
code withdraws the amount requested by the
customer, while the second block of code
withdraws nothing, and notifies the customer.
• That wasn't so hard! All we did was take the
original English description of how we
would solve the problem, write some
pseudo-code for the English description,
and translate the pseudo-code into C++.
• Once you know how to use one equality
operator, you know how to use all of them.
They all work the same way: they take the
expressions on either side of them, and
either return true or false. Here they are:
Equality operators
sample usage
is less than
bool result = (4 < 7)
is greater than
bool result = (3.1 > 3.1)
is equal to
bool result = (11 == 8)
is less than or equal to
bool result = (41.1 <= 42)
is greater than or equal to
bool result = (41.1 >= 42)
is not equal to
bool result = (12 != 12)
Assignment operators in C++
• Believe it or not, you've already been using assignment
operators! Probably the most common assignment operator is
the equals sign (=). It is called "assignment" because you are
"assigning" a variable to a value. This operator takes the
expression on its right-hand-side and places it into the variable
on its left-hand-side. So, when you write x = 5, the operator
takes the expression on the right, 5, and stores it in the variable
on the left, x.
• Remember how the equality operators, like < and !=, returned
a value that indicated the result? In that case, the return value
was either true or false. In fact, almost every expression in
C++ returns something! You don't always have to use the
return value, though -- it's completely up to you. In the case of
the assignment operators, the return value is simply the value
that it stored in the variable on the left-hand-side.
• Sometimes your code will use the return value to
do something useful. In the ATM example, one
line of code was executed if the condition was true
(that is, if the equality operator returned true).
Two different lines were executed if the condition
was false.
• Other times, you'll completely ignore the return
value, because you're not interested in it. Take a
look at the following code:
int x;
int y;
x = 5;
y = 9;
cout << "The value of x is " << x << endl;
cout << "The value of y is " << y << endl;
int sum;
sum = x + y;
cout << "The sum of x and y is " << sum << endl;
• This chunk of code shows why you might want to throw
away the return value of an operator. Look at the third line,
x = 5. We're using the assignment operator here to place
the value 5 in the variable x. Since the expression x = 5
returns a value, and we're not using it, then you could say
we are ignoring the return value. However, note that a few
of lines down, we are very interested in the return value of
an operator. The addition operator in the expression x + y
returns the sum of its left-hand-side and right-hand-side.
That's how we are able to assign a value to sum. You can
think of it as sum = (x + y), since that's what it's really
doing. Operator precedence is covered on the next page.
• The other assignment operators are all
based on the equals sign, so make sure you
understand that before going on. Here's
another assignment operator: +=. How does
it work? You might guess that it has
something to do with addition, and
something to do with assignment. You'd be
absolutely right! The += operator takes the
variable on its left-hand-side and adds the
expression on its right-hand-side. Whenever
you see a statement that looks like the
– myVar += something;
• it is identical to saying the following:
– myVar = myVar + something;
• That's exactly what it's doing! It's simply a
• The other common assignment operators are
-=, *=, /=, and %=. They all function just
like the += operator, except instead of
adding the value on the right-hand-side,
they subtract, or multiply, or divide, or
"mod" it.
• Just as the simple assignment operator = returns
the value that it stored, all of the assignment
operators return the value stored in the variable on
the left-hand-side. Here's an example of how you
might take advantage of this return value. It's not
used terribly often, but it can sometimes be useful.
//these four variables represent the sides of a rectangle
int left; int top;
int right;
int bottom;
//make it a square whose sides are 4
left = top = right = bottom = 4;
• All this code does is store the value in each of the
four variables left, top, right, and bottom. How
does it work? It starts on the far right-hand side. It
sees bottom = 4. So it places the value 4 in the
variable bottom, and returns the value it stored in
bottom (which is 4). Since bottom = 4 evaluates to
4, the variable right will also get the value 4,
which means top will also get 4, which means left
will also get 4. Phew! Of course, this code could
have just as easily been written
//these four variables represent the sides of a rectangle
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
//make it a square whose sides are 4
left = 4;
top = 4;
right = 4;
bottom = 4;
• and it would have done the exact same thing. The
first way is more compact, and you're more likely
to see it written the first way. But both ways are
equally correct, so use whichever you prefer.
Operator Precedence
So far, we've seen a number of different operators. Here's a
summary of the operators we've covered so far:
Boolean operators
&&, ||, !
Arithmetic operators
+, -, *, /, %
Equality operators
<, >, ==, <=, >=, !=
Assignment operators
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
What is operator precedence?
• Operator precedence refers to the order in which
operators get used. An operator with high precedence
will get used before an operator with lower
precedence. Here's an example:
int result = 4 + 5 * 6 + 2;
• What will be the value of result? The answer depends
on the precedence of the operators. In C++, the
multiplication operator (*) has higher precedence
than the addition operator (+). What that means is, the
multiplication 5 * 6 will take place before either of
the additions, so your expression will resolve to 4 +
30 + 2 , so result will store the value 36.
• Since C++ doesn't really care about
whitespace, the same thing would be true if
you had written:
int result = 4+5 * 6+2;
• The result would still be 36.
• Maybe you wanted to take the sum 4 + 5
and multiply it by the sum 6 + 2 for a result
of 72? Just as in math class, add
parentheses. You can write:
int result = (4 + 5) * (6 + 2);
Operator precedence in C++
• Operator precedence in C++ is incredibly easy!
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Here's the trick:
if you don't know the order of precedence, or you're
not sure, add parentheses! Don't even bother looking
it up. We can guarantee that it will be faster for you
to add parentheses than to look it up in this tutorial
or in a C++ book. Adding parentheses has another
obvious benefit - it makes your code much easier to
read. Chances are, if you are uncertain about the
order of precedence, anyone reading your code will
have the same uncertainty.
• That having been said, here's the order of
operator precedence. In general, the order is
what you would think it is - that is, you can
safely say
int x = 4 + 3;
• and it will correctly add 4 and 3 before
assigning to x. Our advice is to read this
table once and then never refer to it again.