Opening Lecture

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Lecture 6
CSCI – 1900 Mathematics for Computer Science
Fall 2014
Bill Pine
Lecture Introduction
• Reading
– Rosen Section 4.1
Remainder Theorem
Divisibility of integers
Prime numbers
Representing integers in different bases
CSCI 1900
Lecture 6 - 2
Remainder Theorem
• Given two integers, n and m with n > 0,
– Perform the integer division of m by n
• q is the quotient and r is the remainder
• q and r are unique because we require 0 <= r < n
• Therefore, we can write
m = q*n + r
• This result is known as the Remainder
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Examples of m = qn + r
• If n is 3 and m is 16
– 16 = 5*3 + 1
q = 5;
q = 0;
q = – 3;
• If n is 10 and m is 3
– 3 = 0*10 + 3
• If n is 5 and m is –11
– 11 = – 3*5 + 4
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• If one integer, n, divides into a second integer, m,
without a remainder, then we say that
– n divides m
– Denoted n | m
• If one integer, n, does not divide evenly into a
second integer, m, then we say that
– n does not divide m
– Denoted n | m
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Some Properties of Divisibility
• If n | m,
– There exists an integer k such that m = k * n
• The absolute values of both k and n are less than
the absolute value of m, i.e., |n| < |m| and |k| < |m|
• Examples:
4 | 24
24 = 4 * 6
5 | 135
135 = 5 * 27
both 4 and 6 are less than 24
both 5 and 27 are less than 135
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Lecture 6 - 6
Simple properties of divisibility
• Given three integers a, b, c with a | b and
a | c, then
– a | (b + c)
– a | (b - c)
– a | bc
• Given three integers a, b, c with a | b and
b | c, then
– a|c
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Prime Numbers
• A number p is called prime if the only positive
integers that divide p are p and 1
• Examples of prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11
• There are many computer algorithms that can
be used to determine if a number n>1 is prime,
with greater or lesser efficiency
• Who cares ?
– Anyone who buys anything online or has a wireless
network they do not want to share !
– Cryptography involves prime number in some manner
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Basic Prime Number Algorithm
Function IsPrime( n )
nIsPrime = True
for i= 2 to n-1
if( i | n)
nIsPrime = False
Exit Loop
return (nIsPrime)
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Factoring a Number into its Primes
• Repeatedly dividing a number into its multiples
until the multiples no longer can be divided, shows
us that any number can be expressed a a product
prime numbers
• Examples:
9 = 3 * 3 = 32
24 = 8 * 3 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 = 23 * 3
315 = 3*105 = 3*3*35 = 3*3*5*7 = 32 * 5 * 7
• Any number can be expressed as a product of prime
– This factorization is unique
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• The mod n operator is a direct consequence of
the Remainder Theorem
• m mod n is defined to be the remainder when m
is divided by n
– The divisor n is called the modulus
• Given m = q * n + r then we say m mod n = r
• If m mod n = 0 then m | n
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• Examples
13 mod 3 = 1
32 mod 5 = 2
a mod 7 = 1
7*k+1=a, for some integer k
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Greatest Common Divisor
• If a, b, and c are in Z+, and c | a and c | b,
we say that c is a common divisor of a and b
• If d is the largest such c, d is called the
greatest common divisor (GCD)
• d is a multiple of every c, i.e., every c
divides d
• If the GCD(a, b) = 1 then a and b are
relatively prime
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GCD Example
Find the GCD of 540 and 315:
• First find the prime factors of each
540 = 22 * 33 * 5
315 = 32 *5* 7
• 540 and 315 share the divisors 3 and 5,
540 has 33 and 5
315 has 32 and 5
• So each is equal 32 * 5 times some different primes
So the largest is the GCD  32 * 5 = 45
– 315  45 = 7 and 540  45=12
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Lecture 6 - 14
Euclid’s Algorithm
• Inputs:
two positive integers a and b, a > b
• Output:
gcd(a, b) – the greatest common divisor of a and b
• Procedure:
r = a mod b
while ( r > 0 )
r = a mod b
return b
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Euclid’s Algorithm Example
• For two integers a= 846 and b = 212
846 = 3 * 212 + 210
212 = 1 * 210 + 2
210 = 105 * 2 + 0
k1 = 3; r1 = 210
k2 = 1; r2 = 2
k3 = 105; r3 = 0
846 = 47 * 32 * 2
212 = 53 * 22
• For two integers a= 555 and b = 296
555 = 1 * 296 + 259
296 = 1 * 259 + 37
259 = 7 * 37 + 0
k1 = 1; r1 = 259
k2 = 1; r2 = 37
k3 = 7; r3 = 0
555 = 37 * 5 * 3
296 = 37 * 23
GCD = 37
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Least Common Multiple
• If a, b, and k are in Z+, and a | k, b | k,
we say that k is a common multiple of a and b
• The smallest such k, call it c, is called the least
common multiple or LCM of a and b
• We write c = LCM(a, b)
• An important result is
– GCD(a, b)*LCM(a, b) = a*b
– This provides a convenient way to calculate
LCM(a, b)
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Lecture 6 - 17
Representation of Integers
• In day-to-day life, we use decimal (base 10)
arithmetic , but it is only one of many ways to
express an integer value
• We say that a decimal value is the “base 10
expansion of n” or the “decimal expansion of n”
• If b > 1 is an integer, then every positive integer n
can be uniquely expressed in the form:
n = dkbk + dk-1bk-1 + dk-2bk-2 + … + d1b1 + d0b0
where 0 < di < b, i = 0, 1, …, k
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Algorithm: Base 10 to Base b
• Input:
two positive integers, base b and number n in
base 10
• Output:
the value of n in base b
• Procedure:
See Handout
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Example: Decimal 482 to Base 5
482 = 96*5 + 2
96 = 19*5 + 1
19 = 3*5 + 4
3 = 0*5 + 3
48210 = 34125
(remainder (2) is d0 digit)
(remainder (1) is d1 digit)
(remainder (4) is d2 digit)
(remainder (3) is d3 digit)
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Example: Decimal 704 to Base 8 (Octal)
• 704 = 88*8 + 0
• 88 = 11*8 + 0
• 11 = 1*8 + 3
• 1 = 0*8 + 1
• 70410 = 13008
(remainder (0) is d0 digit)
(remainder (0) is d1 digit)
(remainder (3) is d2 digit)
(remainder (1) is d3 digit)
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Lecture 6 - 21
Algorithm: Base b to Base 10
• Input:
two positive integers, base b and number n in
base b
• Output:
the value of n in base 10
• Procedure:
See Handout
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Example: 32125 to Base 10
34125 = 3 * 53 + 4 * 52 + 1 * 51 + 2 * 50
= 3 * 125 + 4 * 25 + 1 * 5 + 2 * 1
= 375 + 100 + 5 + 2
= 48210
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Example: 13008 to Base 10
13008= 1 * 83 + 3 * 82 + 0 * 81 + 0 * 80
= 1 * 512 + 3 * 64 + 0 * 8 + 0 * 1
= 512 + 192
= 70410
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Nota Bene
• The two conversion algorithms are pairs
• If you convert a number n from base 10 to
base b
– You can check your result by converting the
result back to base 10
• If you convert a number n from base b to
base 10
– You can check your result by converting the
result back to base b
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Key Concepts Summary
Divisibility of integers
Prime numbers
Remainder Theorem
Expansion into different base
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Lecture 6 - 26