My Numbers up!

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When your number’s up!
The gameshow with difference…
and sum,
and product,
and quotient
and proportion.
Question Zero
The hall has 357 people in it.
They are at a disco. Another 646 people
arrive by bus.
How many people will be at the disco
Question One
Write the numeral
“eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven”.
Question Two
Kendra had $1007
in her bank
She spent $879 on
a new CD-Player.
How much was
left in her
Question 3
Toby has worked out that,
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36.
He now has a quick way to add these
11 + 22 + 33 + 44 + 55 + 66 + 77 + 88
What is the quick way?
What is the answer?
Question Four
Sonia has a 11.05 metre length of fabric.
She uses 6.7 metres of it to make an
How much fabric has she got left?
Question Five
At Massey School 40% of the children are
girls. At Karori School 60% of the children
are girls.
Massey School has three times as many
children as Karori School.
If the schools meet for sports day, what
percentage of all the children are girls?
Question Six
Each barrel weighs 27 kilograms.
There are 7 barrels.
How much mass is that altogether?
Question Seven
Bas needs to buy
408 cans of
softdrink for the
volley ball club
How many
6-packs should he
Question Eight
Which is smallest?
46 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4
211 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
84 = 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
Question Nine
Luke has 6.5 kilograms of mince.
Each pattie
takes 330 grams
of mince.
How many patties can Luke make?
Question Ten
Each day on the
life raft 22 litres of
water is shared
equally among the
6 survivors.
How much water
does each person
get (to the nearest
Question Eleven
You can buy 8
avocadoes for $6.00
How many
avocadoes will you
get for $37.50?
Question Twelve
Matiu started with
a whole box and
ate five-sevenths of
the chocolates.
That left 14
chocolates for Yves.
How many
chocolates were in
the box at the
Question Thirteen
On 5/8 of a tank of petrol the car can
make one full trip.
How much of the trip can it make on
1/ of a tank?
Question Fourteen
At the sale there is
45% taken off
every item.
What would you
pay for a pair of
jeans that usually
cost $79.95?
45% off
Question Fifteen
With her ride-on Jessie can mow the
lawn in three hours.
With his ride-on Liam can mow the
same lawn in six hours.
If they mow the lawn together how
long will they take?
Question 16
The formula for adding up N
whole numbers is
1/ N(N+1).
What is the formula for
adding the first N even
What is the formula for
adding the first N odd
Question 17
A brick weights 1kg and
half a brick.
What is the weight of
the brick?
Question 18
You have a 3L, 5L and
8L container. The 8L
is full of water. How
can you put exactly
4L in one container?
Question 19
One of 8 coins is
counterfeit. It weighs
less. What is the
smallest number of
weighings you need
to identify the
counterfeit coin?
Question 20
Using 3 matches you
can create 14 letters
of the alphabet.
Make four of them.
Name four you can’t
Question 21
Draw a square and
sketch how it can be
broken into 11 smaller
Now find another
Question 21
Approximately how
many people do you
need to have before
the probability of any
two having their
birthday on the same
day is .507?
Question 22
What is the probability
of breaking a ruler
into three bits and
being able to form a
triangle from them?
Question 26
How many socks do
you need to pull out of
a box (without
looking) of red and
white socks before
you can be absolutely
certain of having a
Question 27
I am a number that is a
square and a cube.
Name me.
Question 28
6 and 28 are two perfect
numbers. What is the
next one?
Question 29
If I travel to town at
30km/hr I arrive 1
hour early. If I travel
at 20km/hr I arrive an
hour late.
How fast should I travel
to arrive on time?
Question 30
What is the ratio that is
exactly half way
between 1:2 and 2:3?
Question 31
My car odometer showed the
palandromic number 31813.
How far do I travel before I get
another palandromic number?
Question 32
How many dominoes in
a set?
Question 33
How many dots on all
the tiles in a set of
Question 34
What do the numbers
on the facing pages of
a book with 21 leaves
add up to?
Question 35
If you roll a wheel
without slipping
around another
identical wheel once
how far does the axle
Question 36
The hot tap fills a bath
in 60 minutes. The
cold tap fills bath in
30 minutes. How long
to fill the bath with
both taps turned on?
Question 37
You toss a coin and get
7 heads one after the
other. What is the
chance of getting
another head on the
next toss?
Question 38
Which is bigger?
4 meters squared or 4
square meters?
Question 39
I travel to town at
80km/hr and the
journey home at
100km/hr. What is my
average speed for the
entire journey?
Question 40
The front tyres on my
car last 60,000km
before they have to
be replaced. The rear
tyres last 40,000km. If
I swap them around
how far can I get out
of a set of 4 tyres?
Question 41
• I can paint a house
in 3 days
• How long to paint a
house if we work
• You can paint a
house in 5 days