Transcript Insert(S,x)
Algorithms and Data Structures 1
Asymptotical notation
(Binary trees,) AVL trees, Red-Black trees
Graph alg: searching, topological sorting,
strongly connected components
Minimal spaning tree (d.s. Union-Find)
Divide et Impera method
Sorting: low approximation of sorting problem,
average case of Quicksort, randomization of
Quicksort, linear sorting alg.
Algebraic alg. (LUP decomposition)
T.H. Cormen, Ch.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest,
Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 1991
Comparing of algorithms
Time complexity, in (elementary) steps
Space complexity, in words/cells
Communication complexity, in packets/bytes
How it is measured:
Worst case, average case (wrt probability distribution)
Usually approximation: upper bound
Using functions depending on size of input data
We abstract from particular data to data size
We compare functions
Size of data
Q: How to measure the size of (input) data?
Formally: number of bits of data
Ex: Input are (natural) numbers
size D of input data is
Time complexity: a function f: N->N, such that
f(|D|) gives number of algorithm steps
depending on data of the size |D|
Intuitively: Asymptotical behaviour: exact graph
of function f does not matter (ignoring additive
and multiplicative constants), a class of f
matters (linear, quadratic, exponential)
Step of algorithm
In theory: Based on a abstract machine:
Random Access Machine (RAM), Turing m.
Informally: algorithm step = operation executable in
constant time (independent of data size)
RAM, operations:
Arithmetical: +, -, *, mod, <<, && …
Comparision of two numbers
Assignment of basic data types (not for arrays)
Numbers have fixed maximal size
Ex: sorting of n numbers: |D| = n
(Contra)Ex: test for zero vector
Why to measure time comlexity
Why sometimes more quickly machine doesn't help
Difference between polynomial and worse algs.
Asymptotical complexity
Measures a behaviour of the algorithm on „big“
It supress additive and multiplicative constants
It ignores a finite number of exceptions
Abstracts from processor, language, (Moore law)
Classifies algs to categories: linear, quadratic,
logarithmic, exponential, constant ...
Compares functions
(Big) O notation, definitions
f(n) is asymptotically less or equal g(n),
f(n) is asymptotically greater or equal g(n),
, „big Omega“
f(n) is asymptotically equal g(n),
, „big Theta“
O-notation, def. II
f(n) is asymptotically strictly less than g(n),
, „small o“
f(n) is asymptotically strictly greater than g(n),
, „small omega“
Examples of classes: O(1), log log n, log n, n,
n log n, n^2, n^3, 2^n, 2^2n, n!, n^n, 2^(2^n),...
Some functions are incomparable
Notation: sometimes is used f=O(g)
Prove: max(f,g) ɛ Θ(f+g)
Prove: if c,d>0, g(n)=c.f(n)+d then g ɛ O(f)
Ex.: if f ɛ O(h), g ɛ O(h) then f+g ɛ O(h)
Appl: A bound to sequence of commands
Compare n+100 to n^2, 2^10 n to n^2
Simple algorithms (with low overhead) are
sometimes better for small data
Dynamic sets
Data structures for remembering some data
Dynamic structure: changes in time
An element of a dynamic d.s. is accesible
through a pointer and has
1. A key, usually from some (lineary) ordered set
2. Pointer(s) to other elements, or parts of d.s.
3. Other (user) data (!)
S is a dynamic set, k is a key, x is a pointer to a
Find(S,k) – returns a pointer to a element with the
key k or NIL
Insert(S,x) – Inserts to S an element x
Delete(S, x) – Deletes from S an element x
Min(S) – returns a pointer to an element with
minimal key in S
Succ(S,x) – returms a pointer to an element next to
x (wrt. linear ordering)
Max(S), Predec(S,x) – analogy to Min, Succ
Binary search trees
Dynamic d.s. which supports all operations