Transcript Lesson 20

Bell Quiz
• Learn to graph on a coordinate plane.
Coordinate Plane
• A coordinate plane is made of two
perpendicular number lines, one horizontal
and one vertical.
• The horizontal line is called the x-axis,
and the vertical line is called the y-axis.
• The number lines divide the pane into four
• The intersection of the x- and y-axis is
called the origin.
Coordinate Plane
Coordinate Plane
• Each point on the coordinate plane is
identified by an ordered pair, or two
numbers in parentheses, separated by a
• An ordered pair is written as follows: (x, y)
• The ordered pair that represents the origin
is (0,0).
Coordinate Plane
• The first number in an ordered pair is
called the x-coordinate and indicates the
distance to the right or left of the origin.
• The second number, the y-coordinate, is
the distance above or below the horizontal
Coordinate Plane
• A coordinate is a number that helps
locate a point on a graph.
• To find or graph a point, always start at the
• Then use the sign of the coordinate to
determine the location of the point.
Coordinate Plane
(–, +)
(+, +)
(–, +)
(–, –)
(+, –)
Example 1
Graphing Ordered Pairs on a Coordinate Plane
Graph the ordered pair: (4, 2)
Example 2
Graphing Ordered Pairs on a Coordinate Plane
Graph the ordered pair: (– 3, 0)
Lesson Practice
Graph each ordered pair on a coordinate
plan. Label each point.
a. (0, 5)
d. (– 3, 4)
b. (– 1, – 6)
e. (5, – 1)
c. (– 2, 0)
f. (2, – 4)
New Concepts
• When there is a relationship between two variable
quantities, one variable is the independent
variable and the other is the dependent variable.
Independent Variable: The variable whose value can be
chosen. Also called the input variable.
Dependent Variable: The variable whose value is
determined by the input value of another variable. Also
called the output value.
Example 3
Identify Independent and Dependent Variables
For each pair of variables, identify the
independent variable and the dependent
a. Number of traffic violation, cost of auto
Example 3
Identify Independent and Dependent Variables
For each pair of variables, identify the
independent variable and the dependent
b. Electric bill total, kilowatts of electricity
Lesson Practice
For each pair of variables, identify the
independent variable and the dependent
The amount paid, the number of items
Lesson Practice
For each pair of variables, identify the
independent variable and the dependent
The number of hours worked, the number of
yards mowed.
New Concept
• A solution to an equation with two
variables is an ordered pair that makes
the equation true.
• There are infinite solution to the equation
y = 4x + 2.
• Solutions can be found by substituting
values for the independent variable, x, to
find the corresponding value of the
dependent variable, y.
Example 4
Determining the Dependent Variable
Complete the table for the equation y = 4x + 2.
Lesson Practice
Complete the table for the equation y = 2x – 1
Example 5
Application: Wages
The federal minimum wage is about $5
per hour. The total on a minimum wage
worker’s paycheck is dependent on the
number of hours worked. The paycheck
total can be calculated using the equation
y = 5x.
Find the pay for 1, 3, 5, and 8 hours of.
Make a graph to represent the equation.
Lesson Practice
The prom committee raises money for the
prom by selling flowers. The money
earned for the prom is dependent on the
number of flowers sold. Money earned is
represented by the equation y = 3x – 75.
Find the amount of money raised when
25, 50, 75, and 100 flowers are sold.
Make a graph to represent the equation.