Transcript ppt

APEX S-Z observations
of the XMM-LSS field
Marguerite PIERRE (CEA Saclay)
Rüdiger KNEISSL (Berkeley)
Clusters of galaxies
Center of Abell 2218 viewed by HST
z = 0.176
Dark matter: Zwicky 1933
X-ray emission from clusters
• MASS fractions:
• Dark matter : 80%
• Hot gas : 15%
• Galaxies : 5%
• Theory’s pov
A cluster of galaxies =
an object with a MASS
of ~1014-16 Mo
Cosmology with clusters
Clusters are the most massive
entities of the universe
Trace the node of the cosmic
structure = potential wells
(much better than galaxies!)
Constraints on cosmology from clusters are complementary
to those provided from the CMB and the SN :
they do not rely on the same physical phenomena
An example
Wbh2 = 0.0214 +/- 0.002
h = 0.72 +/- 0.08
Rappeti et al 2005
Plan of the talk: close to
the first joint X-ray/S-Z survey
on large scales
Reminder on the S-Z effect and its
cosmological applications
The Apex S-Z instrument
Observations of the XMM-LSS field
What will we get?
What will we be able to say about cosmology?
The S-Z thermal effect
APEX frequencies
(from Carlstrom + Bertoldi)
S-Z versus X-ray
SZ : DTCMB ≈ ∫ neTe dl
(independent of z – integrated pressure)
Integrated SZ (over solid angle)
≈ N<T> /DA2 ≈ M<T> /DA2
X-ray emissivity : e ≈ n2T1/2 dV
Flux (over cluster volume)
≈ ∫edV /DL2 ≈ L/DL2
Cosmological applications
of the S-Z effect
Evolution of the number density of clusters +
space distribution
• Underlying cosmology
• Equation of state of the dark energy
S-Z + X-ray
• Hubble constant
• Angular diameter distance relation out to z~2
• Cluster gas mass fraction => Wm, distance indicator
Caveat !
In order to constrain cosmology, we must
understand how clusters evolve
• The detected N(M,z) is not only a result of
gravitational physics.
• M->T-> Lx (z) ,
The evolution of the physics of the ICM is a key
issue: accretion, shocks, feedback, cooling...
 for the S-Z and X-ray domains, we must have – or
determine – mass-observable relations at any z
The S-Z reciever (Berkeley)
330 elements (TES Bolometers)
Commissioning of the full array in spring 2006
Operating l : 2mm (150 GHz), 90 and 220 planned
A few numbers (1)
Apex +tertiary optics built in Berkeley:
• FWHM = 1arcmin
• FWHM = 6” (on-axis)
Cluster core radius of 250 kpc
2.3’ at z =0.1
41” at z = 0.5
31” at z= 1
28” at z= 2
A few numbers (2)
Apex S-Z sensitivity :
• 10 mk
XMM point source sensitivity in 10 ks
exposure :
• 5E-15 erg/s/cm2 in [0.5-2] keV
The XMM-LSS field
Current multi-l coverage
XMDS & VVDS deep
VVDS wide
XMM Subaru Deep Survey
SPITZER Legacy :
NOAO Deep Survey
X-ray data status:
- Received - received - received
- Planned
and covered by W1 CFHTLS, VLA and Integral
an XMM Large Programme
XMM pointings :
. Done
. To be redone
. Subaru DS (done)
. To be done in
Square =
SWIRE 10deg2 field
Scuba 2 Legacy
A piece of the XMM-LSS mosaic
~ 1x2 deg2
RASS sources
Image by A. Read
10 ks exp.
red [0.3-1] keV
green [1-2.5] keV blue [2.5-10]keV
Constructing a COMPLETE
cluster sample with XMM
 Suitable for cosmological studies
 Selection effects controlled
 a priori : NOT flux limited sample
• Clusters span a range of sizes and profiles
• Measured flux  Emitted flux
• groups at 0.3< z < 1
Detection rates
Core radius (arsec)
Pacaud et al 2006
The cluster selection function
Is monitored via extensive
In the following, we a assume a
simple flux limit.
CFHTLS Images of D1 clusters
C1 z=0.05
CFHTLS Images of D1 clusters
CFHTLS Images of D1 clusters
C1 z =1.05
Physics of the XMM
For the first time,
• the XMM-LSS detects the group (T<2
keV) population out to z=0.5
• We measure the L-T relations of these
•  light on the ICM physics!
The L-T relation
4 keV
______ L-T at z=0
-------- L-T at z=0.5 (self-similar evolution)
A few numbers (3)
Coverage of the 10 deg2
• XMM : ~ 1Ms ~ 12 days
• Apex : ~ 2 weeks
Cluster number density
• XMM: ~ 15 clusters/deg2
• Apex: 4 clusters/deg2 (> 2-3 E14 Mo)
 How do the n(z) compare ?
10 mk  y=0.5 E-4 arcmin2
Influence of the low-end of the
mass function (X-ray clusters)
Pacaud et al, in prep
Influence of the X-ray flux limit
Pacaud et al, in prep
Influence of the cosmological
parameters on n(z)
Example for X-ray clusters
Similar behaviour for S-Z clusters
Influence of the cluster evolution
Pacaud et al, in prep
Influence of the equation of state
of the Dark Energy
Pacaud et al, in prep
Combining XMM and Apex
Ho / Da comparison vs cosmology
Use the joint data sets to get insights into the
evolution of the ICM physics
• S-Z  integrated pressure along the line of sight
• X  L-T (z) relation
Add mass information from the weak lensing
survey on the CFHTLS data (Refregier et al, in prep)
Calibrate mass-observables relations
Hints on the cosmology
Apex S-Z survey to start by
Spring 2006