Transcript Parallelism

What is parallelism?
o Parallelism means using similar structures to
express similar ideas.
o Parallel structures make sentences clearer and
easier to read.
o Editing for parallel structure helps you avoid
awkward sentences and keeps you from
breaking your promise to the reader.
I like to write, read, and studying.
Promise to
I like to write, to read and to study grammar.
I like writing, reading, and studying grammar.
Now you try. Which sentence is parallel?
o This semester I’m studying art, music, and
taking a math course.
o This semester I’m studying art, music, and
Tip #1: Be sure that words and phrases joined by
coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or,
yet, so) are parallel.
o You can pay me now, or it’s okay if
you pay me later.
o You can pay me now or pay me later.
o You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.
Tip #2: Watch words and phrases joined by
correlative conjunctions like both…and, either…or,
and rather…than.
o Both biology and medicine are good
o I would rather stay up late to finish this paper
than get up early in the morning.
Tip #3: Watch words and phrases in series or lists.
o In the workshop, I learned some good study
Not parallel
o How to take good notes
o Reading actively
o That it’s important to get enough sleep
o In the workshop, I learned some good study
o Take notes
o Read actively
o Get enough sleep
To review parallel structure,
see Chapter 13.