Use column addition to add pairs of whole four

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Transcript Use column addition to add pairs of whole four

• Use column addition to add pairs of whole
four-digit numbers;
• Choose a method to add whole numbers.
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 3
Week 7 Day 2
Decide which of these number sentences has
the largest total, and which has the smallest.
4782 + 3236
5320 + 1456
3053 + 4879
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 3
Week 7 Day 2
Use column addition to check one of the calculations
Step 1: Write the
numbers in columns,
one above the other.
1000s 100s 10s 1s
Step 2: Add the ones.
Write the tens in the
10s column
1000s 100s 10s 1s
8 7 9
0 5 3
8 7 9
0 5 3
Remember to leave a space before drawing the line.
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 3
Week 7 Day 2
© Hamilton Trust
Step 3: Add the tens,
including the extra one.
Write the hundreds in
the 100s column.
1000s 100s 10s 1s
Step 4: Add the
hundreds column.
8 7 9
0 5 3
1 1
3 2
1000s 100s 10s 1s
Keeping Up Term 3
7 9
5 3
3 2
Week 7 Day 2
Step 5: Complete the addition
by adding the thousands. Be
ready to write the extra ten
thousand, if necessary.
1000s 100s 10s 1s
+ 3
8 7 9
0 5 3
1 1
7 9 3 2
Check that your answer looks reasonable!
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 3
Week 7 Day 2
You’ve done one of these sums.
Now do the other two, using column addition.
5320 + 1456
4782 + 3236
3053 + 4879
© Hamilton Trust
Keeping Up Term 3
Week 7 Day 2
Solve as many of these addition challenges
as you can in 5 minutes…!
4682 + 1998
4300 + 2600
5724 + 6368
© Hamilton Trust
2917 + 3794
2100 + 4727
6003 + 4785
Watch out for any calculations you
might be able to solve mentally!
Keeping Up Term 3
Week 7 Day 2