Transcript Measurement

Scientific Notation
In physics numbers can be very large and very small.
Scientific notation uses powers of 10 to represent
decimal places.
• Positive powers for large numbers: 456000 = 4.56 x 105
• Negative powers for small numbers: 0.00753 = 7.53 x 10-3
Write a number in scientific notation with only one
non-zero value to the left of the decimal place.
Order of Magnitude
5’9” = 1.75 m ≈ 100 m
Lecture Hall
14 m ≈ 101 m
Faraday West
80 m ≈ 102 m
2000 m ≈ 103 m
Each of these lengths is different by about one
order of magnitude
Map Lengths
Huskie Stadium
100 m ≈ 102 m
DeKalb City
4 km = 4000 m ≈ 103 m
DeKalb County
30 km = 30,000 m ≈ 104 m
400 km ≈ 105 m
mapquest uses scaling factors, about two
steps per order of magnitude
A student measures a length of 50.0 cm with a
meterstick divided with marks at each millimeter. The
uncertainty is about
A) 0.5 cm
B) 0.5 %
C) 0.2 %
D) 0.02
E) 0.1
The smallest unit on a measuring device sets the
In general, a measurement is only as accurate as the
smallest unit.
Significant figures are a guide to the accuracy of a
Significant Figures
Any value is expressed in some number of digits.
The number of digits (without left side zeroes) is the
number of significant figures.
With no decimal point, skip right side zeroes.
2 digits, 2 significant figures
3 digits, 3 significant figures
5 digits, 2 significant figures
4 digits, 4 significant figures
4 digits, 1 significant figure
Using Significant Figures
Add or Subtract
Multiply or Divide
Keep the significant figures
to decimal place of the least
accurate value, rounding as
Keep the same number of
significant figures as the
value with the fewest,
rounding as needed.
• 4.361 + 14.2 = 18.6
• 12000 + 364 = 12000
• 4.361  14.2 = 61.9
• 12000  364 = 4.4  106
Absolute Uncertainty
Measure 50.0 cm.
There are three significant figures.
The smallest figure suggests an
accuracy of 0.1 cm.
This is also equal to 1 mm.
The absolute uncertainty has the same type of units
as the measurement.
Percent Uncertainty
Measure 50.0 cm.
Compare 0.1 cm to 50.0 cm.
The ratio is 0.1/50.0 = 0.002.
Multiply by 100 % to get 0.2 %.
The percent uncertainty has no units, and is either a
pure number or a percent.