Transcript Recursion

Recursive Definitions
A recursive definition is one which uses the
word being defined in the definition
Not always useful:
for example, in dictionary definitions
In programming it can be very useful…
A Recursive Definition
How do we define a LIST of numbers?
A LIST is either:
2, 65, -34, 4
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
<number>, LIST
The concept of a LIST is used to define itself
Breaking Down the Definition
The recursive part is used several times:
number comma LIST
65, -34, 4
number comma LIST
-34, 4
number comma LIST
Form of a Recursive Definition
The base case:
The recursive case:
LIST ::= number
LIST ::= number, LIST
Without the base case, we have infinite
recursion … usually a problem in
A Recursive Function
Compute n!, pronounced “n factorial”
This is the product of all numbers up to and
including n
5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120
n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * … * 2 * 1
A Recursive Function (cont’d)
Think recursively…what is the base case?
what is ‘1!’ ?
How can we write n! in terms by using (n-1)!
The definition:
1! = 1
n! = n * (n-1)!
A Recursive Function (cont’d)
Eventually, the base case is reached:
5! =
5 * 4!
= 120
4 * 3!
= 24
3 * 2!
2 * 1!
Recursive Programming
Code in the body of a method can call other
e.g. In Quadratic, root1 calls discrim
There is no reason why a method can not call
e.g. In the body of MyFunc(), we can call
Recursive Method Declarations
A recursive method declaration must define
both the base case and the recursive case
Each method call has it’s own variables and
Flow of control is unchanged:
Method executes, then returns control to the
calling method
When Do We Want Recursion?
There are many problems that are easier to
solve with recursive functions
A problem that can be solved in pieces is a
candidate for a recursive algorithm
Chop the function into one or more smaller parts
Solve each part recursively
Combine the parts to a whole solution
e.g. reversing a string
Reversing a String (informal)
Start with “CMPT”
Return reverse(“MPT”) + ‘C’
Base case:
reverse(“”) = “”
Recursive case:
reverse(char + STRING)
= reverse(STRING) + char
Reversing a String (code)
class StringRev
public static String reverse(String s)
if ( s.length() == 0 )
return s;
return reverse(s.substring(1)) + s.charAt(0);
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println( reverse(“CMPT") );
Analyzing The Method
reverse(“CMPT”) returns reverse(“MPT”) + ‘C’
reverse(“MPT”) returns reverse (“PT”) + ‘M’
reverse(“PT”) returns reverse(“T”) + ‘P’
reverse(“T”) returns reverse(“”) + ‘T’
reverse(“CMPT”) = reverse(“MPT”) + ‘C’
= (reverse(“PT”) + ‘M’) + ‘C’
= ((reverse(“T”) + ‘P’) + ‘M’) + ‘C’
= (((reverse(“”) + ’T’) + ‘P’) + ‘M’) + ‘C’
Understanding Recursion
… but you probably don’t need to worry too
much about those details
When trying to understand a recursive
assume the recursive calls return the right thing
look at how that result is used to build the whole
Defining Recursive Functions
The idea:
Take the original problem (reverse “CMPT”)
Find a smaller subproblem (reverse “MPT”)
Define solution from subproblem (append ‘C’)
Combine for general solution
If you can do this, you are pretty much done
Key words “smaller subproblem”
You can’t keep calling reverse(“CMPT”) in the
recursive part
infinite recursion
reverse(“CMPT”)-> reverse(“CMPT”)->
reverse(“CMPT”)-> reverse(“CMPT”)->…..
The recursive step MUST reduce the problem
You must be able to split the problem to
make a recursive call
When the subproblem gets “obvious” then
you have the base case
subproblems getting smaller is good
e.g. iteratively taking characters from “CMPT”
reverse(“”) = “”
Every input MUST end with the base case
Recursive Programming
Just because we “can” find a recursive
solution, doesn’t mean that we should
Consider summing the numbers 1+…+n
What is the base case?
sum(1) = 1
What is the recursive case?
sum(n) = n + sum (n-1)
Recursive Programming
// This method returns the sum of 1 to num
public int sum (int num)
int result;
if (num == 1)
result = 1;
result = num + sum (n-1);
return result;
Recursive Programming
The iterative version is “easier to understand”
Sometimes you also want to consider
“running time”
Think about the way you usually compute a sum
Is the iterative version faster or slower than the
recursive version?
You need to decide on a case-by-case basis
if recursion provides the best solution
Indirect Recursion
So far we have looked at direct recursion –
when a method calls itself
A method could invoke another method,
which invokes another, etc., until eventually
the original method is invoked again
This is indirect recursion, and it requires the
same care
Indirect Recursion
More Examples
Maze traversal (in text)
Towers of Hanoi (in text)
Calculate xy for positive integer y
This example has several recursive solutions….
There are several ways to break it into
The choice you make can have an impact on
Powers (version 1)
xy = x * xy-1
base case, x0 =1
public static long pow(long x, long y)
return 1;
return (x * pow(x,y-1));
Powers (version 1)
xy = xy/2 * xy/2 , base case, x0 =1
public static long pow(long x, long y)
long half;
return 1;
else if(y%2==0) // y even
half = pow(x,y/2);
return half * half;
half = pow(x,(y-1)/2);
return (half * half * x);
Which one is better?
Version 1 requires less code, but…
Version 1 requires y steps to run
Version 2 requires log2(y) steps
This is much faster when y gets big
These differences can matter…
Computing 108 with Version 1 runs out of memory
on a reasonable machine
Computing 108 with Version 2 takes 0.2 sec on
same machine
Running Time
We consider this kind of argument in detail
later… when we discuss “running time”
For now, it is sufficient to remark that you
want to balance elegance and efficiency