integers -

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Transcript integers -

How to solve Integer problems
The different ways there is to make
integer problems.
How to solve Integers when adding
How to solve Integers when Subtracting
How to solve Integers when dividing
How to solve Integers when multiplying
How do you solve when you are
adding a positive and a positive
When you add two
positive numbers you
get a bigger positive
+1 + +5= +6
How do you solve a positive Integer
plus a negative Integer
If its negative number  And if its the other
way such as positive
3 and positive number
8 positive negative 3
8 they subtract and it
it is still the same
equals positive 5
because the positive
number is bigger than +8 + -3= negative
the negative.
 And when you add
+8+ -3= positive
two negative numbers
you get a bigger
-1 + -7 = bigger
What do you do when you are
subtracting Integers
If you are subtracting
a positive and a
positive the second
positive number is
going to turn to a
negative and subtract
the other positive.
+1 - +1
+1 - -1
If you have two
negative numbers the
second will turn to a
positive and subtract
the other negative.
-8 - -9
-8 - +9
Multiplying Integers
Two positives
multiplied is going to
equal a bigger
+2 x +2 =bigger
And two negatives
multiplied is going to
equal a positive
-2 x 2- = positive
A positive and a
negative multiplied is
going to equal a
+2 x -2 = negative
And a negative
multiplied by a
positive is going to
equal a negative
-3 x +2 = negative
Dividing Integers
Two positives divided
is going to equal a
smaller positive.
+10 divided by +5 =
Smaller positive
And two negatives
divided is going to
equal a positive
-10 divided by -5 =
positive number
A positive divided by a
negative is going to
equal a negative
+20 divided by -10 =
negative number
And a negative divided
by a positive equals a
-20 divided by +10 =
negative number