Transcript Clust

Clustering & Dimensionality Reduction
273A Intro Machine Learning
What is Unsupervised Learning?
• In supervised learning we were given attributes & targets (e.g. class labels).
In unsupervised learning we are only given attributes.
• Our task is to discover structure in the data.
• Example I: the data may be structured in clusters:
• Example II: the data may live on a
lower dimensional manifold:
Why Discover Structure ?
• Data compression: If you have a good model you can encode the
data more cheaply.
• Example PCA: To encode the data I have
to encode the x and y position of each data-case.
However, I could also encode the offset and angle
of the line plus the deviations from the line.
Small numbers can be encoded more cheaply than
large numbers with the same precision.
• This idea is the basis for model selection:
The complexity of your model (e.g. the number of parameters) should be
such that you can encode the data-set with the fewest number of bits
(up to a certain precision).
• Clustering: represent every data-case by a cluster representative plus deviations.
• ML is often trying to find semantically meaningful representations (abstractions).
These are good as a basis for making new predictions.
Clustering: K-means
• We iterate two operations:
1. Update the assignment of data-cases to clusters
2. Update the location of the cluster.
• Denote zi  [1,2,3,..., K ] the assignment of data-case “i” to cluster “c”.
• Denote  c   d
the position of cluster “c” in a d-dimensional space.
• Denote xi   d the location of data-case i
• Then iterate until convergence:
1. For each data-case, compute distances to each cluster and the closest one:
zi  argmin || xi  c ||
2. For each cluster location, compute the mean location of all data-cases
assigned to it:
c 
Nr. of data-cases in cluster c
i Sc
Set of data-cases assigned to cluster c
• Cost function:
C  || xi   zi ||2
i 1
• Each step in k-means decreases this cost function.
• Often initialization is very important since there are very many local minima in C.
Relatively good initialization: place cluster locations on K randomly chosen data-cases.
• How to choose K?
Add complexity term: C  C  1  [# parameters ]  log(N )
Or X-validation
Or Bayesian methods
and minimize also over K
Vector Quantization
• K-means divides the space up in a Voronoi tesselation.
• Every point on a tile is summarized by the code-book vector “+”.
This clearly allows for data compression !
Mixtures of Gaussians
• K-means assigns each data-case to exactly 1 cluster. But what if
clusters are overlapping?
Maybe we are uncertain as to which cluster it really belongs.
• The mixtures of Gaussians algorithm assigns data-cases to cluster with
a certain probability.
MoG Clustering
N [x ; , ] 
2 
d /2
exp[  (x   )T  1 (x   )]
Covariance determines
the shape of these contours
• Idea: fit these Gaussian densities to the data, one per cluster.
EM Algorithm: E-step
• “r” is the probability that data-case “i” belongs to cluster “c”.
•  c is the a priori probability of being assigned to cluster “c”.
• Note that if the Gaussian has high probability on data-case “i”
(i.e. the bell-shape is on top of the data-case) then it claims high
responsibility for this data-case.
• The denominator is just to normalize all responsibilities to 1:
c 1
ric 
 c N [xi ; c , c ]
c '1
N [xi ; c ', c ']
EM Algorithm: M-Step
Nc   ric
total responsibility claimed by cluster “c”
c 
c 
c 
expected fraction of data-cases assigned to this cluster
r x
weighted sample mean where every data-case is weighted
according to the probability that it belongs to that cluster.
(xi  c )(xi  c )T
weighted sample covariance
• EM comes from “expectation maximization”. We won’t go through the derivation.
• If we are forced to decide, we should assign a data-case to the cluster which
claims highest responsibility.
• For a new data-case, we should compute responsibilities as in the E-step
and pick the cluster with the largest responsibility.
• E and M steps should be iterated until convergence (which is guaranteed).
• Every step increases the following objective function (which is the total
log-probability of the data under the model we are learning):
L  log    c N [xi ; c , c ] 
i 1
 c 1