An Introduction to Perl – Part I
Transcript An Introduction to Perl – Part I
An Introduction to Perl
Part I
Jonathan Stanley
An Introduction to Perl
Part I
Scalar Data
If-Else Control Structures
While Control Structures
Standard Input
Lists and Arrays
What is Perl?
Scalar Data
Perl has two types of numbers:
A string is a sequence of characters
Integers => 4 or 20
Floating point numbers => 2.3 or 4.5
In Perl, strings can have single or
double quotes.
Implementation => $var=4; or
Implementation => $var=3.5;
Implementation => $var=‘a’;
Implementation => $var=“new/nLine”;
In Perl, variables are declared with the $ symbol.
They may contain a combination of letters, numbers,
and underscores but cannot begin with a number.
Comments are also denoted as #.
$Num2=5; #Num2 has the value of 5
$my_name=‘Jon’; #my_name has the value “Jon”
Numerical Operators
Assignment Operators
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **=
Comparison Operators
==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
Arithmetic Operators
+, -, *, /, %, **
String Operators
Assignment Operators
=, .=
$var.=“ or no”
Comparison Operators
eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge
$var eq “yes”;
$var gt “apple”;
Logical Operators
&&, ||, !
($var==“yes”) && ($var2==2)
($var==“yes”) || ($var2==2)
($var==“yes”) != ($var2==2)
Contamination Operator
. (dot symbol)
Multiplier Operator
If-Else Control Structures
if ($class eq “CS265”)
print “What a good day :)” ;
print “What a bad day :(”;
While Control Structures
while($counter <= 3)
print $counter;
Standard Input
$var=<STDIN> ;
print “What is you name?";
chomp ($name = <>);
print “What is your major?";
chomp ($major= <>);
print “$name is currently studying $major at
Drexel University.";
Lists and Arrays
A list is an ordered collection of scalars while an array is a variable
that holds lists.
@list1=(“jon”, “jacob”, “jingleheimer”, “schmidt”);
print @list1[1]; #prints jacob
print @list2; #prints 0 1 2 … 8
push() - adds an element to the end of an array.
unshift() - adds an element to the beginning of an array.
pop() - removes the last element of an array.
shift() - removes the first element of an array.
@list1.unshift(); #After both, list1 contains 2 entries.
@list2.push(9); #adds 9 to the end