CS 1104 Help Session III Number Systems

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Transcript CS 1104 Help Session III Number Systems

CS 1104 Help Session III
Number Systems
Colin Tan
[email protected]
Representing Numbers
• Computers are built to manipulate numbers.
• Question is: How do we represent these numbers in a way
that an automated machine can manipulate?
– Could represent data by range of voltage levels.
• E.g. Min voltage of 0 volts can be used to represent 0, maximum
voltage of 10 volts can be used to represent some maximum number
• A number n can be represented by 10n/10000 volts.
– This presents some problems:
• Small dynamic range
– Not practical to represent numbers like 9.99 x 10^999
– Sensitive to noise. A slight voltage shift will give you a completely
different number.
Representing Numbers
• Clearly this is an unsatisfactory system. Alternatively,
instead of using a range of voltages, we make use of two
– 0 volts, representing a ‘low’ or ‘0’
– 5 volts, representing a ‘high’ or ‘1’.
• We can then form numbers by stringing ‘0’s and ‘1’s
Counting in Binary
• From this was born the binary number system.
– It is a base-2 system: i.e. its digits are in the set [0, 1].
• Counting in binary is exactly the same as counting in
decimal, except that we increment the next digital after ‘1’
instead of ‘9’.
– Decimal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21...
– Binary: 0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 100....
Alternative Computer Bases
• Binary numbers are easy to manipulate in computers, but
are hard for ordinary humans to understand and to use:
– Imagine keying hundreds of numbers like 00101011101001010111
• To make it easier for people, computer scientists have regrouped bits together, and gave groups of bits new
• Each binary digit is called a “bit” for short.
The Octal Number System
• As an example, let’s regroup bits into groups of 3, and
assign them symbols according to this table:
000 - 0
001 - 1
010 - 2
011 - 3
100 - 4
101 - 5
110 - 6
111 - 7
So for the previous examples, after re-grouping (from right
to left) we get:
101 011 101 001 010 111 111 110 101 011
Assigning the symbols, we get:
The Octal Number System
• By grouping bits together and assigning groups of 3 bits
symbols from ‘0’ to ‘7’, we have created a new number
system called ‘octal’.
• Octal is a base-8 number systems, meaning that the digits
belong to the set [0, 7].
• Counting in octal is similar to counting in decimal, except
that the largest digit is 7:
– 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
The Hexadecimal Number
• Instead of grouping into groups of 3 bits, we can also
group into 4 bits. Each pattern of 4 bits will be assigned 1
of 16 symbols according to this table:
0000 - 0
0100 - 4
1000 - 8
1100 - C
0001 - 1
0101 - 5
1001 - 9
1101 - D
0010 - 2
0110 - 6
1010 - A
1110 - E
0011 - 3
0111 - 7
1011 - B
1111 - F
• If we re-grouped the previous example into 4 bits (from
right to left), we get:
0010 1011 1010 0101 0111 1111 1010 1011
The Hexadecimal Number
• Using the table and assigning symbols, we get:
0010 1011 1010 0101 0111 1111 1010 1011
• This is the hexadecimal number system, or base-16
number system.
• Counting in hexadecimal:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B
1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 ...
Dealing with Insufficient Bits
• If there are insufficient left-most bits to complete the
groupings, pad zeroes to the left:
– E.g. (10101)2 to octal:
• This regroups 10 101
• Pad a ‘0’ to the leftmost bit, giving us 010 101, which is (25)8
• For clarity, we normally place numbers within brackets and
indicate their base (2 for binary, 8 for octal, 16 for
(00101011101001010111 111110101011)2
Conversion Between Bases
• Since base-8 and base-16 are all basically different ways of
grouping bits, it is possible to convert between base-8 and
base-16 (vice versa) simply by using the tables to convert
each digit into base-2, and then re-grouping the bits as
appropriate. E.g.
We convert each digit to base-2 using the hexadecimal table:
(0010 1011 1010 0101 0111 1111 1010 1011)2
We then regroup to groups of 3, from right to left:
(101 011 101 001 010 111 111 110 101 011)2
We now use the octal table to convert these back to digits:
Decimal Numbers
• Binary, octal and hexadecimal are well and good, but
people count in decimals! We have two options:
– Re-educate everyone to count in base-2
– Find some way to represent decimal numbers using binary digits.
• For various reasons, computer scientists have chosen the
second option: represent decimal numbers using binary
– This turns out to be easier than expected, as it turns out that there is
a direct relationship between binary, hexadecimal and octal
numbers, and decimals.
The Weighted Number System
• This relationship comes in the fact that the binary, octal
and hexadecimal numbers systems are weighted.
– This means that each digit has a weight (multiplier) attached to it,
and the value of the multiplier is dependent on the position of the
– For digits in the least-significant (rightmost) position, it has a
weight of B0, where B is the base for that number. For the digit in
the next position, it has a base of B1 etc.
– It is easy to find the decimal equivalent of a number, simply by
summing over all the products of each digit with its respective
– So a number (a4a3a2a1a0)B has decimal value:
a9b0 + a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3 + a4b4
• Convert (101001)2 to decimal:
– Starting from lsb, we have:
• 1 x 20 + 0 x 21 + 0 x 22 + 1 x 23 + 0 x 24 + 1 x 25 = (41)10
• Convert (1FEA)16 to decimal:
– Starting from least-significant, and treating A = 10, F = 15 and E =
14, we have:
• 10 x 160 + 14 x 161 + 15 x 162 + 1 x 163 = 8170.
• Convert (741)8 to decimal:
– Starting from least significant digit:
• 1 x 80 + 4 x 82 + 7 x 83 = 481
Converting from Decimal
• Converting from decimal is trickier. We take the decimal
number D and repeatedly divide by the desired base B
(i.e.the base we want to convert to) until we have a
remainder of 0. At each step, the remainder gives you the
digit that you want in the target base.
Converting from Decimal
• Why repeated divide method works:
– Suppose we have a decimal number D, which can be represented
by (b3b2b1b0)B. We now have to determine what each digit bx is.
• We then have D = b3 x B3 + b2 x B2 + b1 x B1 + b0
• Compute D1 = D/B
– We will have D1 = b3 x B2 + b2 x B1 + b1, remainder b0.
• Compute D2 = D1/B.
– We will have D2 = b3 x B1 + b2, remainder b1.
• Compute D3 = D2/B
– We will have D3 = b3, remainder b2
• Compute D4 = D3/B
– We will now have D4 = 0, remainder b3
– If we take all the remainders from bottom up and string them
together, we will get our converted number (b3b2b1b0)B
• Convert (321)10 to binary:
– 321/2 = 160 remainder 1
– 160/2 = 80 remainder 0
– 80/2 = 40 remainder 0
– 40/2 = 20 remainder 0
– 20/2 = 10 remainder 0
– 10/2 = 5 remainder 0
5/2 = 2 remainder 1
2/2 = 1 remainder 0
1/2 = 0 remainder 1
• Reading from bottom up, we have (321)10 = (101000001)2.
• Conversion to octal or hexadecimal can be achieved by
using the re-group/table-lookup method shown earlier.
• Note that the mathematics behind the repeated divide does
not stop you from converting to base-8 or base-16 directly
without first converting to binary. Just repeatedly divide by
8 or 16 instead of 2.
• Find (334)10 in hexadecimal:
– 334/16 = 20 remainder 14
– 20/16 = 1 remainder 4
1/16 = 0 remainder 1
– 14 in hexadecimal is the symbol E. So we have (334)10 = (14E)16
Dealing with Fractions
• Converting from binary to octal or hexadecimal is done
using the usual re-group/lookup-table/translate method,
except that regrouping is done from left to right instead of
right to left.
– E.g. Convert (1101100101.1101001)2 to octal and hexadecimal:
• Octal:
– Regroup integer portion: 001 101 100 101. This gives us (1545)8.
– Regroup fraction: 110 100 100. This gives us (644)8.
– Combine the two parts with an octal-point: (1545.644)8.
• Hexadecimal:
– Regroup integer portion: 0011 0110 0101. This gives us (365) 16.
– Regroup fraction: 1101 0010. This gives us (D2)16..
– Recombine using a hexadecimal-point: (365.D2)16
Dealing with Fractions
• Converting from octal or hexadecimal to binary is simple:
simply replace each symbol with their binary pattern. E.g.:
– Convert (1545.644)8 to binary:
• Replace each digit with its binary pattern: (001 101 100 101.110 100
– Convert to hexadecimal:
• Start with binary pattern: (001101100101.110100100)2
• Regroup into groups of 4 bits: (0011 0110 0101.1101 0010)2
• This gives us (365.D2)16
Dealing with Fractions
• Converting from binary, hexadecimal and octal to decimal
uses the same weighted scheme method, but with negative
– (b3b2b1b0.b-1b-2b-3)B
= b3 x B3 + b2 x B2 + b1 x B1 + b0 x B0 + b-1 x B-1 + b-2 + b-3 x B-3
• Example:
– Convert (135.2F)16 to decimal:
• 1 x 162 + 3 x 161 + 5 x 160 + 2 x 16-1 + 15 x 16-2 = (309.1836)10
Dealing with Fractions
• Converting a fractional decimal number is achieved by
repeated multiplication:
– Keep multiplying the fraction by the target-base (the base you want
to convert TO), until you obtain zero or the correct number of
significant figures.
• Take the integer portion of the result as your answer.
• Remove the integer portion and continue multiplying.
• If you need to truncate the number to n significant figures, always
compute till n+1 significant figures, then use the (n+1)th digit for
– In binary, if n+1 digit is 1, round up. In hexadecimal, round up with n+1
digit is > 7. In octal, round up if n+1 digit is >3
– E.g. convert 235.21 to binary, to 4 significant figures.
– 235 using repeated divide converts to: (11101011)2.
Dealing with Fractions
– Use repeated-multiply for fraction part:
0.21 x 2 = 0.42
0.42 x 2 = 0.84
0.84 x 2 = 1.68
0.68 x 2 = 1.36
0.36 x 2 = 0.72
Integer portion: 0
Integer portion: 0
Integer portion: 1
Integer portion: 1
Integer portion: 0
– We can stop here, since we have converted to 5 SF.
– The 5th digit is 0, so no rounding. We simply truncate to 4 SF:
– Combine both parts using a binary point: (11101011.0011)2
– From here, can convert to octal or hexadecimal. Can also convert
directly by repeated multiply by 8 or 16.
Why Repeated Multiply Works
• Suppose we had a fractional decimal number D. Since we are working
with weighted number systems, D can be expressed in the target base
B as:
– D = 0.b-1b-2b-3, or D = b-1 x B-1 + b-2 x B-2 + b-3 x B-3
– Take D1 = D x B. We have D1 = b-1 x B0 + b-2 x B-1 + b-3 x B-2
• We take the integer portion b-1 x B0 (this is integer as the power of the weight
is >=0). So we have b-1. Subtract away the integer, and now D1 = b-2 x B-1 + b-2
– Take D2 = D1 x B. We have D2 = b-2 x B0 + b-3 x B-1.
• Again we take the integer portion b-2 x B0 = b-2. Subtract it away from D2 to
get D2 = b-3 x B-1
– Take D3 = D2 x B. We have D3 = b-3 x B0
• Take integer portion b-3 x B0 = b-3. Subtract it away from D3 and we get D3 =
0. Operation terminates here.
– Now we string together all the integer parts we gathered to get our fraction
in the new base: (0.b-1b-2b-3)B
Signed Numbers
• The number systems shown in the previous slides allow us
to perform lots of useful stuff on computers, but they have
a fundamental problem:
– There is no way to represent negative numbers!!
• We can solve this by augmenting an extra digit to the front
of the number to represent the sign. The processor can then
look at this extra digit and decide on the sign-ness of the
number. We call this “sign and magnitude”:
– E.g. if we used ‘0’ to represent +ve, and 9 to represent –ve, then
123 can be written as 0123, while –123 can be written as 9123
– If we used ‘0’ to represent +ve, and ‘1’ to represent –ve, then the
binary number 01001 will be written as 001001, while –(01001)
will be written as 11001.
Signed Numbers
• The signed-magnitude system is simple, but has some
fundamental problems:
– Cannot directly add numbers together:
• E.g. (1011)sm + (0001)sm = (1100)sm
– In S+Mag, this means (-3) + 1 = (-4)!!
– It is not complementary:
• E.g. –3 + 3 = (1011 + 0011)sm = 1110 = -6??
• Need to introduce other negative-number systems
– Radix Complement
– Diminished Radix Complement
Radix Complements
• The radix complement C of a number N with M digits in a
base B is defined to be:
– C = (BM – N)Bcns
– We can prove that C is the complement of N by finding
C + N:
• C + N = (BM – N) + N = BM
• This BM is what we call an end-round-carry, and is discarded,
giving us a final answer of 0.
Radix Complements
• E.g. Find the radix-complement of (235)10:
– -(235)10 = 103 – 235 = (765)10cns
• Find the radix-complement of (101101)2:
– 26 – 101101 = 1000000 – 101101 = (010011)2cns
– The radix-complement of a binary number is particularly useful in
computers, and is called the Two’s Complement Number System.
• Find the radix-complement of (327)8:
– 83 – 327 = 1000 – 327 = (455)8
Diminished Radix Complement
• There is another complementary number system called the
Diminished Radix Complement or (B-1) complement. The
diminished radix complement C of an M digit number N in
base B is defined to be:
– C = (BM –1 – N)B-1cns
• Find the 9s Complement of (3212)10:
– 104 - 1 = 9999
– 9999 - 3212 = (6787)9cns
• Find the 1s complement of (101101)2
– 26 - 1 = 111111
– 111111 - 101101 = (010010)1cns
2’s Complement
• The 2’s complement number system is the radixcomplement number system for binary numbers:
– 101011 in 2’s complement is written as (101011)2cns or (101011)2s
for short.
• Range of n-bit 2’s complement:
– Smallest possible number represented: -2n-1
– Largest possible number represented: 2n-1 - 1
– So for 8-bit 2’s complement, the range is [-128, 127].
• It is an asymmetric number system: there are more negative numbers
than positive
• 2’s Complement has 1 representation for 0: (00000000)2s
1’s Complement
• The 1’s complement number system is the diminishedradix complement of the binary system.
– 101011 in 1’s complement is written as (101011)1cns or (101011)1s
for short.
• Range of an n bit 1’s complement number
– Smallest possible number represented: -2n-1 -1
– Largest possible number represented: 2n-1 -1
– So for an 8-bit 1’s complement number, the range is [-127, 127].
• 1’s complement has two representations for ‘0’: 00000000
and 11111111.
– Useful for computing functions that tend towards 0.
Representation vs. Operation
• When we say that a number is in 2’s complement, we are
speaking of its representation:
– i.e. We are saying that the number is a signed number.
– We do not attempt to find the complement of the number.
– E.g. 01001100 in 2s is simply (01001100)2s
• When we are asked to find the 2’s complement of a
number, or are required to negate the number, then we
actually find the complement of the number:
– Fastest way is to invert all bits and add 1.
– E.g. Find the 2’s complement of 01001100:
• Invert every bit: 10110011
• Add 1: (10110100)2s
Representation vs. Operation
• The same may be said for the 1’s complement number
– E.g. the 1’s complement representation of 01100111 is simply
• 1’s complement operation is achieved by inverting all the
– E.g. Find the 1’s complement of 01100111:
• Invert all bits: (10011000)1s
Complements Arithmetic
• Will not be covering this topic for this set of notes, as it is
relatively mechanical. Please see the AMIGOS notes set on
this, available at http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~ctank.
Floating Point Numbers
• Assuming a 32-bit data word size, a fixed point number
system assumes that x bits are reserved for the integer
portion of a number, while 32-x bits are reserved for the
• This limits the range of number representation.
– Limited number of bits in integer => limits size of integer (e.g. 16bit integer portion allows us to represent integers between -32768
and 32767.
– Likewise with fraction portion.
• Floating Point number systems remove this limitation.
Floating Point Numbers
• In the floating point number system, the binary
point separating the integer and fraction portions
is allowed to “float” along the number, by
adjusting the exponent value:
– e.g. 1 x 10^0 = 0.1 x 10^1 = 0.01 x 10^2 = 0.001 x
10^3 ad infinitum.
• This gives us very large ranges for our numbers.
Floating Point Numbers Example
• Example 1: Represent 123.75 in floating point,
assuming 16 bits for significand, 8 bits for the
exponent. Assume that 2’s complements is used
for the exponent.
123.275 = 1111011.11
We will normalize this number such that all bits before the
binary point are 0, and the first bit after is 1. To do this,
we bounce the binary point 7 positions to the left:
For each bit we bounce to the left, we will add 1 to the
exponent. Since we have bounced 7 positions, our
exponent is now 7.
Floating Point Numbers Example
7 in 8-bit 2’s complement is 0000 0111. The number 123.75 is
positive, so our sign bit is 0. Our final representation is
1111 0110 0000 0000
0000 0111
Floating Point Numbers
• Because of normalization, the bit immediately to
the right of the binary point is always 1.
• We can always safely assume that this bit is 1, and
there is no need to explicitly represent it. In our
example above, using this technique we
effectively have 17 significand bits: this 1 hidden
bit, and the 16 bits that we can see. The hidden bit
is not shown (it is hidden!), so under this new
scheme our previous answer becomes:
1110 1100 0000 0000
0000 0111
Floating Point Numbers
• Example 2: What is the floating point
representation of 0.2421875? Assume that the
exponent is 8 bit 2’s complement, the significand
is 16+1 bits (i.e. 16 bits that we can see, and 1
hidden bit).
0.1875 = 0.00111112
To normalize, shift the binary point 2 places to the right.
We get 0.11111. For each position we shift the binary point
to the right, we subtract 1 from the exponent. So our
exponent is -2.
Floating Point Numbers
Our significand is thus 11111 0000 0000 0000, where the
italicised 1 is the hidden bit (note that we have 17
significand bits!).
Our exponent is -2, or 1111 1110 in 2’s complement. Our
representation is thus:
1111 0000 0000 0000
1111 1110
Note that the first 1 has disappeared from the representation.
The hardware assumes that it is there, and we don’t
represent it in memory.
Floating Point Numbers
• Example: Given a floating point value 1 1100
0111 0000 0000 0010 0111, and using the floating
point format of our previous 2 examples, find the
decimal equivalent.
1100 0111 0000 0000
0010 0111
Floating Point Numbers
With our hidden bit, the actual significand is 0.11100 0111
0000 0000
This is 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/256+1/512+1/1024 =
Exponent (assuming 2’s complement) is 0010 0111 or 39. Our
value is thus 0.9443359375 x 2^39 = 5.192 x 10^11
Since the sign bit is 1, the final value is -5.192 x 10^11
Floating Point Numbers
• Using 2’s complement (or even 1’s complement or
sign+magnitude) exponents leads to a complication:
– Assuming 4 bit significand, 8 bit 2’s complement exponent, then
0.111 x 2^3 is:
0000 0011
– 0.111 x 2^-3 is:
1111 1101
Floating Point Numbers
• If we compared the bit patterns for 0.111x2^3 and 0.111 x
2^-3, we will be comparing 0 1100 0000 0011 vs. 0 1100
1111 1101respectively
• In binary form, it looks like 0.111x2^-3 is bigger than
0.111 x 2^3!!
– This complicates matters when we want to use integer compare
operations (fast, cheap to use) to compare floating point numbers!
• We introduce the bias concept to fix this problem.
Floating Point Numbers
• Bias: For an n bit exponent, we add a bias of 2n-1 to the
exponent to make it into a positive number:
– Old range for 8-bit 2’s complement exponent is -128 to 127.
– If we add a bias of 28-1 (i.e. a bias of 128) to the exponent, we can
remap the exponent to the range of 0 to 255.
• For our example, the exponents for 0.11x2^3 will be
128+3 = 131, while 0.11x2^-3 will have an exponent of 3+128 = 125.
Floating Point Numbers
• This gives us the following representations:
• For 0.11 x 2^3:
1000 0011
• For 0.11 x 2^-3:
0111 1101
• Now it is obvious from the binary representation which
number is bigger. Can now use integer comparisons to
compare 2 floating point numbers!
Floating Point Numbers
• Find the decimal value of 1 1100 0111 0000 0000 0010
0111 given that we have 1 sign bit, 16 significand bits, and
8 exponent bits in biased representation.
1100 0111 0000 0000
0010 0111
• The actual significand, including hidden bit, is 11100 0111 0000 0000
= 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/256+1/512+1/1024 = 0.9443359375
• The exponent here is 39. However we had added in 128 to get the
biased representation, and now we must minus 128, giving us an actual
exponent of -89.
Floating Point Numbers
• Our value is thus 0.9443359375 x 2 ^ -89 or 1.717 x 10^12.
• Since the sign bit is 1, this gives us a value of -1.717 x
Floating Point Numbers
• Some problems:
– Certain numbers cannot be represented accurately. For
example the decimal value 0.11 (not binary!).
– There is a compromise between number of significand
bits and number of exponent bits, since word size of a
computer is fixed:
• More significand bits => more accurate representations,
smaller range
• More exponent bits => less accurate representations, larger
Did I Err?
Parity Bits
• For various reasons data in the form of binary bits needs to
be transferred around:
– E.g. how to transport data from memory to place in the processor’s
– Data must be transferred from a website to your computer, or you
cannot surf the web.
• The problem is that errors can be introduced in the
– Noise can be introduced by line capacitance, electro-magnetic
interference etc.
– This noise can cause insertion or deletion of bits, or cause bits to
change from ‘0’ to ‘1’ and vice-versa.
Parity Bits
• The idea behind parity bits is very simple:
– Add an extra bit to the leftmost of the data you want to transfer.
– Odd parity:
• Set this bit in such a way as to make the number of ‘1’ bits odd.
– E.g. 010110
» Add extra bit: 0010110
» Extra bit retains value ‘0’ as the number of ‘1’ bits is already odd:
– Even parity:
• Set this bit in such a way as to make the number of ‘1’ bits even.
– E.g. 010110
» Add extra bit: 0010110
» Extract bit is set to ‘1’ to make the number of ‘1’ bits even:
Parity Bits
• Both sending and receiving side must agree on:
– i) Number of data bits to be sent and received (6 in our example)
– ii) Type of parity to use (odd or even)
• When the receiving side gets the data, it counts the number
of ‘1’ bits:
– If the agreed parity is odd, and yet the receiver finds an even
number of ‘1’ bits, then an error has occurred. Otherwise the data
is fine.
– Likewise if the agreed parity is even, but the receiver finds an odd
number of ‘1’ bits, an error has occurred. Otherwise the data is
Parity Bits
• Limitations:
– Parity can only detect an odd number of errorneous bits:
• E.g. original binary pattern: 10110. After odd-parity, we get 010110.
• Supposed the bit pattern transmitted is 011010 instead of 010110. The
receiver side will still see an odd-number of ‘1’ bits, and assume that
the data is fine.
• Suppose this same piece of data is received as 011000 (3 bits
incorrect). Here the receiver sees and even number of bits. Knowing
that odd-parity is in effect, the receiver knows that this is an error.
– Parity cannot correct errors
• For this you need specialized error-correcting codes (usually
• A binary number system is the only practical number
system for computers:
– Allows us to use 0volts as ‘0’ and 5 volts as ‘1’, giving better noise
properties and dynamic range.
• It is inconvenient, so we use larger groups of binary digits
(bits), giving us the octal and hexadecimal number
• Conversion between binary and hexadecimal is simply a
case of translating to binary, re-grouping the bits, and
translating back to octal or hexadecimal.
• Conversion from decimal to binary, octal or hexadecimal
can only be achieved using repeated divide for integers,
repeated multiply for fractions.
• Conversion from binary, octal or hexadecimal to decimal
takes advantage of the weighted number system.
• Floating points give us a large range of numbers (at the
expense of accuracy), or very accurate numbers (at the
expense of range).
• Floating point numbers cannot represent some numbers
• Parity bits are added to data to determine if data was
transmitted and received correctly.
• Parity bit can only detect odd number of errors.