Transcript ppt

Creating PHP Pages
Chapter 6
PHP Variables, Constants and
Basic PHP Variables
• The values stored in computer memory
are called variables
• The values, or data, contained in
variables are classified into categories
known as data types
• The name you assign to a variable is
called an identifier
PHP Variables
Prefixed with a $
Assign values with = operator
Example: $name = “John Doe”;
No need to define type
Variable names are case sensitive
$name and $Name are different
PHP Variables
• Variables are not statically typed
• Integers can become floats can become strings
• Variable types include :
 Boolean
 Integer
 Float
 String
 Array
 Object
 Resource
PHP Variables
• Assigned by value
$foo = "Bob"; $bar = $foo;
• Assigned by reference, this links vars
$bar = &$foo;
• Some are preassigned, server and env
For example, there are PHP vars, eg.
Displaying Variables
• To display a variable with the echo
statement, pass the variable name to the
echo statement without enclosing it in
quotation marks :
$VotingAge = 18;
echo $VotingAge;
• To display both text strings and variables,
send them to the echo statement as
individual arguments, separated by
commas :
echo "<p>The legal voting age is
", $VotingAge, ".</p>";
Naming Variables
• The name you assign to a variable is called
an identifier
• The following rules and conventions must
be followed when naming a variable:
Identifiers must begin with a dollar sign ($)
Identifiers may contain uppercase and
lowercase letters, numbers, or underscores
(_). The first character after the dollar sign
must be a letter.
Identifiers cannot contain spaces
Identifiers are case sensitive
Declaring and Initializing Variables
• Specifying and creating a variable name
is called declaring the variable
• Assigning a first value to a variable is
called initializing the variable
• In PHP, you must declare and initialize a
variable in the same statement:
$variable_name = value;
PHP Constants
• Constants are special variables that cannot be
• Constant names do not begin with a dollar sign
• Use them for named items that will not change
• Constant names use all uppercase letters
• Use the define() function to create a
define("CONSTANT_NAME", value);
• The value you pass to the define() function
can be a text string, number, or Boolean value
PHP Operators
• Standard Arithmetic operators
+, -, *, / and % (modulus)
• String concatenation with a period (.)
$car = “SEAT” . “ Altea”;
echo $car; would output “SEAT Altea”
• Basic Boolean comparison with “==”
Using only = will overwrite a variable
Less than < and greater than >
<= and >= as above but include equality
PHP Operators
• Assignment (=) and combined
= 3;
+= 5; // sets $a to 8;
= "Hello ";
.= "There!"; // sets $b to "Hello There!";
• Bitwise (&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>)
$a ^ $b(Xor: Bits that are set in $a or $b but
not both are set.)
~ $a (Not: Bits that are set in $a are not set,
and vice versa.)
Data Types
• A data type is the specific category of
information that a variable contains
• Data types that can be assigned only a
single value are called primitive types
Data Types
• PHP is not strictly typed
• A data type is either text or numeric
• PHP decides what type a variable is
• PHP can use variables in an appropriate way
• E.g.
• $vat_rate = 0.175; /* VAT Rate is numeric */
• echo $vat_rate * 100 . “%”; //outputs
• $vat_rate is converted to a string for the
purpose of the echo statement
• Object and Array also exist as types
Numerics Data Types
• PHP supports two numeric data types:
An integer is a positive or negative number
and 0 with no decimal places (-250, 2, 100,
A floating-point number is a number that
contains decimal places or that is written in
exponential notation (-6.16, 3.17, 2.7541)
Exponential notation, or scientific notation, is
a shortened format for writing very large
numbers or numbers with many decimal
places (2.0e11)
Boolean Values
• A Boolean value is a value of TRUE or
• It decides which part of a program should
execute and which part should compare
• In PHP programming, you can only use
TRUE or FALSE Boolean values
• In other programming languages, you can
use integers such as 1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE
References :
Anonymous.(n.d.). Apache HTTP Server Documentation
Version 2.2. Retrieved from
Achour, M., Betz, F. (n.d.), PHP Manual. Retrieved from
Anonymous. (n.d.). MySQL Reference Manual. Retrieved
Naramore, E., Gerner, J., Le Scouarnec, Y., Stolz, J., Glass, M.
K. (2005). Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL® Web
Development. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.