Electronics - wondersofscience

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Transcript Electronics - wondersofscience

And more practical uses of electricity
• Current types:
– Alternating current (AC)
– Direct current (DC)
Electrical Functions
• 1. Power supply:
– Supplies energy to the circuit
– Examples: Battery, power supply, photovoltaic cell
• 2. Conduction:
– Ability to transfer electrons
Factors that affect conduction
• Length:
– The shorter the wire the better the conductor
• Diameter
– The wider the wire the better the conductor
• Temperature
– The colder the wire the better the conductor
• Nature of the material
– A metal is better than a metalloid (carbon) which
is better than a non-metal
• 3. Protection:
– Element whose goal is to protect the circuit in
case of a surcharge
a) Fuse
b) Breaker
1. Defines power supply
2. Determines the source of current in technical objects
with an electrical circuit
3. Defines conduction
4. Distinguishes between electrical conductors and
insulators in a technical object
5. Describes the role of a protective device in a circuit
6. Analyzes the factors that affect electrical
Electrical functions continued
• 4. Insulation:
– Element whose function is to slow down the
electrical current
a) Resistors
5. Uses the colour code to determine the
electrical resistance of a resistor
Printed circuits
6. Describes the operation of a
printed circuit
Electrical Functions
• 5. Control
– Component that has the ability to control the flow
of electricity in a circuit
– Flip flop switch, lever switch, push button,
magnetic switch
Defining switches
• UniPolar vs. Bipolar
• Unidirectional vs
1. Defines control as the ability to control the travel of
electrical current
2. Describes different types of switches (lever,
pushbutton, flip-flop, magnetic control)
3. Distinguishes between unipolar and bipolar switches
4. Distinguishes between unidirectional and
bidirectional switches
Electrical Functions
• 6. Transformation of energy
– Any component that has the ability to transform
electrical energy into another form of energy
(heat, light, magnetism, vibration)
• 7. Relay
– Function: Element that uses a small amount of
power to switch another circuit which requires a
larger amount of power
• 8. Condenser (Capacitor)
– Function: Stores energy
• Allows to even out current fluctuations
• Allows to discharge stored energy in one shot (e.g.
camera flash)
• 9. Diode
– Allows the current to flow in only one direction
• Has low resistance one way, incredibly high resistance
the other)
• Converts Alernating current into direct current
• 10. Transistor
– Function: Amplifies an electronic signal
– Used in computers – binary code
1. Associates the transformation of energy with different
components of a circuit (e.g. bulbs transform electrical energy
into light and heat)
2. Describes the energy transformations that take place in
electrical or electronic appliances (e.g. in a cell phone,
electricity is transformed into light for the display and vibrations
for the sound)
3. Describes the function of certain electronic components
(condenser, diode, transistor, relay)