Unit 1 Engine Operating Principles and Engine Construction

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Transcript Unit 1 Engine Operating Principles and Engine Construction

Unit 4 Engine Ignition System and
Starting System
Part A Engine Ignition System
Part B Engine Starting System
Part C Ignition System Diagnosis and
Service Procedure
Part D Dialogue
New words
Phrases and Expressions
Engine Ignition System
The ignition system is part of the electric system of
the automobile. It has two basic functions: it must control
the spark and timing of the spark plug firing to match
varying engine requirements, and it must increase battery
voltage to a point where it will overcome the resistance
offered by the spark plug gap and fire the plug. (1)It
produce high- voltage surges (up to 20,000 volts) and to
deliver them to the combustion chambers in the engine.
These high-voltage surges then cause electric sparks in
the combustion chambers. The sparks ignite, or set fire to
the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chambers so that it
burns and causes the engine to operate.
Engine Ignition System
Mechanical Ignition System
Ignition Coil
Ignition Distributor
Ignition Switch
Spark Plugs
Ignition Resistor
Ignition Timing
Engine Starting System
The fuel supply pump draws fuel from
the tank, forces it through the primary filter
and delivers through the secondary filter to
the injector pump. From the injector pump
the fuel is fed through the high-pressure
lines to the nozzles; the fuel atomized by
the nozzles is injected into the cylinders
according to the engine firing order.
Excessive fuel is returned from the injector
pump and nozzles to the fuel tank.
Engine Starting System
Starting Switch
Starter Solenoid
Starter Motor
Ignition System Diagnosis and
Service Procedure
Secondary Voltage at Spark Plugs
Secondary Voltage at Coil
Coil Primary Input Voltage
Coil Test
Distributor Tests
Distributor Advance Testing
Secondary Circuit Testing
Distributor Removal and Installation
Fully Computerized Systems
High-Tension Wires and Spark Plugs
Customer: You’ve finally arrived.
Repairman: What’s the matter?
Customer: I think something must be wrong with the
computer for Diesel Smoke Meter moment because
there is no signal on the screen.
Repairman: Let me inspect it. Yes , there is some
trouble with it. We are so sorry to have caused you so
much inconvenience and we have to replace it is that.
Let me have a look at your warranty certification?
Customer: Here it is.
Repairman: Well, your warranty is expired appropriation.
We have to charge for the pars.
Customer: That’s all right, we’re dying for the normal work
conditions at any expenses.
Repairman: It’s Ok, you can turn on the power now.
Customer: I appreciate your coming here in time.
Repairman: If anything is wrong with your computer, don’t
hesitate to call us at moment and we’re at your service.
Customer: Thank you.
Repairman: My pleasure.
New words
resistance [rizistəns] n. 抵抗, 反抗, 电阻, 热阻
gap [ɡæp] n. 缺口, 裂口间隔, 间隙
distinct [distiŋkt] adj. 清晰的, 明白的, 明显的
reliability [rilaiəbiliti] n. 可靠性
advent [ædvənt] n. 出现, 到来
maintenance [meintinəns] n. 维持; 维护; 保养; 维修
condenser [kəndensə] n. 冷凝器,(尤指汽车发动机内的)电容器
resistor [rizistə] n. 电阻器
winding [waindiŋ] adj. 弯曲的n. 线圈
electromagnet [ilektrəumæɡnit] n. 〈物〉电磁体; 电磁铁
transformer [trænsfɔ:mə] n. 变压器
copper [kɔpə] n. 铜
insulate [insjuleit] vt. 使绝缘, 使隔热
loop [ lu:p] n. 圈, 环状物,回路, 循环 vt. & vi. (使)成环, (使)成圈
arc[ɑ:k] n. 弧, 弧线
New words
erode [irəud] vt. & vi. 侵蚀, 腐蚀
corrosion [kərəuʒən] n. 腐蚀; 受腐蚀的部位
tower [tauə] n. 塔, 高楼, 电极
conductor [kəndʌktə] n. (乐队)指挥,售票员,〈电〉导体
ample [æmpl] adj. 足够的,大量的, 丰富的
oscillation [ɔsileiʃən] n. 摆动,振动
dissipated [disipeitid] adj. 消散的,闲游浪荡的
electrode [ilektrəud] n. 电极
protrude [prətru:d] vt. & vi. (使某物)伸出; (使某物)突出
configuration [kənfiɡjureiʃən] n. 构造, 形状, 外貌, 轮廓
admit [ədmit] vt. & vi. 许可进入
activate [æktiveit] vt. 使活动, 起动, 触发
accessories n. 附件
detent [ditent] n. 棘爪; 止动器
pinion [pinjən] n. 小齿轮
Phrases and Expressions
mechanical ignition system 机械点火系统
prior to 在…之前
electronic ignition system 电子点火系统
DLI(distributorless ignition system) 无分电盘的点火系统
at intervals 不时, 相隔一定距离
ignition coil 点火线圈
ignition switch 点火开关
high tension wiring 高压电线
low tension wiring 低压电线
primary winding circuit 初级电路
secondary winding circuit 次级电路
magnetic field 磁场
soft iron core 软铁(铁)芯
distributor cap 分电器盖
firing point 自燃发火点
Phrases and Expressions
distributor rotor 分电器转子,分电器分火头
Contact point 接触点
in parallel with 与…平行,与…同时,与…并联
breaker plate 断路器板
Self-induction 自感应
drain from (使)从…流出,离开
centrifugal advance mechanism 离心点火提前机构
starter motor 起动电动机
overrunning clutch 单向离合器
bendix drive (起动机)惯性式离合器
starter solenoid 起动机电磁线圈
heavy-duty 大功率
commutator segment 整流片,换向器片
feeler gauge 测隙规,厚薄规,千分垫,塞尺
hold down device 固定装置
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