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Transcript statLecture9bx

Corpora and Statistical Methods
Lecture 9
Albert Gatt
Part 2
POS Tagging overview; HMM taggers, TBL tagging
The task
 Assign each word in continuous text a tag indicating its part
of speech.
 Essentially a classification problem.
 Current state of the art:
 taggers typically have 96-97% accuracy
 figure evaluated on a per-word basis
 in a corpus with sentences of average length 20 words, 96%
accuracy can mean one tagging error per sentence
Sources of difficulty in POS tagging
 Mostly due to ambiguity when words have more than one
possible tag.
 need context to make a good guess about POS
 context alone won’t suffice
 A simple approach which assigns only the most common tag
to each word performs with 90% accuracy!
The information sources
Syntagmatic information: the tags of other words in the context of w
Not sufficient on its own. E.g. Greene/Rubin 1977 describe a context-only tagger
with only 77% accuracy
Lexical information (“dictionary”): most common tag(s) for a given word
e.g. in English, many nouns can be used as verbs (flour the pan, wax the car…)
however, their most likely tag remains NN
distribution of a word’s usages across different POSs is uneven: usually, one highly
likely, other much less
Tagging in other languages (than English)
 In English, high reliance on context is a good idea, because of
fixed word order
 Free word order languages make this assumption harder
 Compensation: these languages typically have rich morphology
 Good source of clues for a tagger
Evaluation and error analysis
 Training a statistical POS tagger requires splitting corpus into training and
test data.
 Often, we need a development set as well, to tune parameters.
 Using (n-fold) cross-validation is a good idea to save data.
 randomly divide data into train + test
 train and evaluate on test
 repeat n times and take an average
 NB: cross-validation requires the whole corpus to be blind.
 To examine the training data, best to have fixed training & test sets, perform
cross-validation on training data, and final evaluation on test set.
 Typically carried out against a gold standard based on
accuracy (% correct).
 Ideal to compare accuracy of our tagger with:
 baseline (lower-bound):
 standard is to choose the unigram most likely tag
 ceiling (upper bound):
 e.g. see how well humans do at the same task
 humans apparently agree on 96-7% tags
 means it is highly suspect for a tagger to get 100% accuracy
HMM taggers
Using Markov models
 Basic idea: sequences of tags are a Markov Chain:
 Limited horizon assumption: sufficient to look at previous tag
for information about current tag
 Time invariance:The probability of a sequence remains the
same over time
 Limited horizon ignores long-distance dependences
 e.g. can’t deal with WH-constructions
 Chomsky (1957): this was one of the reasons cited against
probabilistic approaches
 Time invariance:
 e.g. P(finite verb|pronoun) is constant
 but we may be more likely to find a finite verb following a pronoun at
the start of a sentence than in the middle!
 We let ti range over tags
 Let wi range over words
 Subscripts denote position in a sequence
 Use superscripts to denote word types:
 wj = an instance of word type j in the lexicon
 tj = tag t assigned to word wj
 Limited horizon property becomes:
P(ti 1 | t1,.., i )  P(ti 1 | ti )
Basic strategy
 Training set of manually tagged text
 extract probabilities of tag sequences:
P(t | t ) 
C (t j )
 e.g. using Brown Corpus, P(NN|JJ) = 0.45, but P(VBP|JJ) = 0.0005
 Next step: estimate the word/tag probabilities:
These are basically
P( w | t ) 
C (t j )
symbol emission
Training the tagger: basic algorithm
Estimate probability of all possible sequences of 2 tags in
the tagset from training data
For each tag tj and for each word wl estimate P(wl| tj).
Apply smoothing.
Finding the best tag sequence
 Given: a sentence of n words
 Find: t1,n = the best n tags
arg max P(t1,n | w1,n )  arg max
t i ,n
P( w1,n | t1,n ) P(t1,n )
P( w1,n )
 arg max P( w1,n | t1,n ) P(t1,n )
 Application of Bayes’ rule
 denominator can be eliminated as it’s the same for all tag sequences.
Finding the best tag sequence
The expression needs to be reduced to parameters that can
be estimated from the training corpus
need to make some simplifying assumptions
1. words are independent of eachother
2. a word’s identity depends only on its tag
The independence assumption
P( w1,n
 n
| t1,n ) P(t1,n )  
P( wi | t1,n )  P(t n | t n 1 )  ...  P(t 2 | t1 )
 i 1
• Probability of a sequence of words given a sequence of tags is
computed as a function of each word independently
The identity assumption
P( w1,n
 n
| t1,n ) P(t1,n )  
P( wi | t1,n )  P(t n | t n 1 )  ...  P(t 2 | t1 )
 i 1
 n
 
P( wi | ti )  P(t n | t n 1 )  ...  P(t 2 | t1 )
 i 1
 Probability of a word given a tag sequence = probability a
word given its own tag
Applying these assumptions
arg max P(t1,n | w1,n )  arg max
t i ,n
P( w1,n | t1,n ) P(t1,n )
P( w1,n )
 arg max P( w1,n | t1,n ) P(t1,n )
 arg max
 P(w | t )P(t | t
i 1
i 1 )
Tagging with the Markov Model
 Can use the Viterbi Algorithm to find the best sequence of tags given a
sequence of words (sentence)
 Reminder:
probability of being in state
(tag) j at word i on the best path
 ( j)
 i 1
most probable state (tag) at
word i given that we’re in state j at word i+1
The algorithm: initialisation
 i ( PERIOD )  1.0
 i (t )
 0 for all other t
 Assume that P(PERIOD) = 1 at end of sentence
 Set all other tag probs to 0
Algorithm: induction step
for i = 1 to n step 1:
for all tags tj do:
 i 1 (t )  max[ i (t )  P(t | t )  P(wi 1 | t )]
1k T
Probability of tag tj at i+1 on best path through i
 i 1 (t j )  arg max [ i (t k )  P(t j | t k )  P( wi 1 | t j )]
i  k T
Most probable tag leading to tj at i+1
Algorithm: backtrace
X n 1  arg max  n 1 (t j )
State at n+1
1 j T
for j = n to 1 do:
j 1 ( X j 1 )
retrieve the most probable tags for every point in
P( X 1... X n )  max  n1 (t j )
1 j T
Calculate probability for the sequence of tags
Some observations
 The model is a Hidden Markov Model
 we only observe words when we tag
 In actuality, during training we have a visible Markov Model
 because the training corpus provides words + tags
“True” HMM taggers
 Applied to cases where we do not have a large training corpus
 We maintain the usual MM assumptions
 Initialisation: use dictionary:
 set emission probability for a word/tag to 0 if it’s not in dictionary
 Training: apply to data, use forward-backward algorithm
 Tagging: exactly as before