Paraphrasing - AugustWilsonFences

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Transcript Paraphrasing - AugustWilsonFences

Direct Quote, Paraphrase and
 Review types of citations
 Direct quote, paraphrase and summary
 Reported speech
 Review reasons for citing
 Practice paraphrasing, quoting and reported speech
Incorporating Information from
 When you incorporate information from other
sources, it is necessary to tell where you found that
information and give credit to the author or
researcher whose work you used
 This is called citing or using citations
Why Cite?
 There are a variety of reasons for acknowledging the sources
upon which you have built your own work. At right are the key
 To distinguish your own work from that of your sources.
 To receive credit for the research you’ve done on a project.
 To establish the credibility and authority of your knowledge and
 To place your own ideas in context, locating your work in the
larger intellectual conversation about your topic.
 To permit your reader to pursue your topic further by reading
more about it.
 To permit your reader to check on your use of source material.
Why cite?
 The most important thing to know is this:
 if you fail to cite your sources, whether deliberately or
inadvertently, you will still be found responsible for the
act of plagiarism.
When to cite?
 1. Quotation.
 Any word for word (verbatim) use of a source must be
placed in quotation marks.
 Quotations must be identical to the original, using a
narrow segment of the source.
 They must match the source document word for word
(verbatim) and must be attributed to the original
 According to Jones, "Students often had difficulty
using MLA style, especially when it was their first
time" (199).
 Jones = Author’s Name; (199) = page number
 Jones found "students often had difficulty using MLA
style" (199); what implications does this have for
 Jones = Author’s Name; (199) = page number
Reported Speech
 Reported speech is used to report the speech or
writing of others.
 A reported speech sentence should include
 the source of the idea,
 a reporting verb, and
 an important idea or ideas from the text.
Reported Speech
 Follow these rules when you write reported speech
 Vary the words you use to name the source
 For example, the reading or the writer of the article.
 The first time that you identify the writer, give his or her
full name and title (job) if given.
 The most common style is to refer to the writer by his or
her last name or a pronoun the second time you refer
to him or her.
Reported Speech
 Vary the reporting verbs that you use.
 For example the reading says or the writer reports
 Consider using the following verbs for reported
The writer reported
The author showed
In the article, the writer suggests
The writer describes
The author thinks that
The essay said that
The article tells us that
…the author concludes …the reading points out
Reported Speech
 You may also use the phrase “according to” before
the name of the source or the writer in place of a
reporting verb
 According to the article, students may undergo drug
 According to the reporter, the president watched the
Olympics after lunch.
Reported Speech
 Keep the tense of reporting verbs consistent, or the
 Write ALL the reporting verbs in the PRESENT TENSE
or ALL the reporting verbs in the PAST TENSE.
 Either tense is acceptable, but do not mix the verb
tenses up.
Reported Speech
 Change the verb tense of the statement being
reported to match the verb tense of the reporting
 Original sentence “I am tired” –Mr. Bolleddu
 Reported speech sentence: Mr. Bolleddu said that he
was tired.
Reported Speech
 You may add THAT after the reported verb: Mr.
Bolleddu said THAT
 You should change pronouns as necessary.
 Try not to overuse quotation marks.
Reported Speech
 Look at the short story.
 Find 2 examples of sentences that you can use with
reported speech.
 With a partner, write down a reported speech phrase.
When to Cite?
 Paraphrasing
 involves putting a passage from source material into
your own words.
 A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original
 Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the original
passage, taking a somewhat broader segment of the
source and condensing it slightly.
Why paraphrase?
 A paraphrase is...
Your own rendition of essential information and
ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new
 One legitimate way (when accompanied by accurate
documentation) to borrow from a source.
 A more detailed restatement than a summary, which
focuses concisely on a single main idea.
 Paraphrasing is a valuable skill because...
 If you are paraphrasing an idea from another work,
you only have to
 make reference to the author in your in-text reference
 According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult
citation format for first-time learners.
 APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time
learners (Jones 199).
Why Paraphrase?
 It is better than quoting information from an
undistinguished passage.
 It helps you control the temptation to quote too
 The mental process required for successful
paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of
the original.
6 Steps for Paraphrasing
 Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning.
 Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card.
 Write down a few words below your paraphrase to remind you later
how you will use this material. At the top of the note card, write an
important word or phrase to indicate the subject of your
 Check your version with the original to make sure that your version
accurately expresses all the essential information in a new form.
 Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phrase you have
borrowed exactly from the source.
 Record the source (including the page) on your note card so that
you can credit it easily if you decide to incorporate the material into
your paper.
Original and Paraphrase
 Students frequently overuse direct
quotation in taking notes, and as a
result they overuse quotations in the
final [research] paper. Probably only
about 10% of your final manuscript
should appear as directly quoted
matter. Therefore, you should strive
to limit the amount of exact
transcribing of source materials
while taking notes. Lester, James D.
Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed.
(1976): 46-47.
 A legitimate paraphrase:
 In research papers students
often quote excessively,
failing to keep quoted
material down to a desirable
level. Since the problem
usually originates during
note taking, it is essential to
minimize the material
recorded verbatim (Lester
 Students frequently overuse
direct quotation in taking notes,
and as a result they overuse
quotations in the final [research]
paper. Probably only about 10%
of your final manuscript should
appear as directly quoted
matter. Therefore, you should
strive to limit the amount of
exact transcribing of source
materials while taking notes.
Lester, James D. Writing
Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976):
 Students often use too
many direct quotations
when they take notes,
resulting in too many of
them in the final research
paper. In fact, probably only
about 10% of the final copy
should consist of directly
quoted material. So it is
important to limit the
amount of source material
copied while taking notes.
Original vs. paraphrase
 When the rights of
students collide with
the will of school
officials, it’s up to the
courts to decide
where to draw the
 Courts must decide
cases where student
rights conflict with
school policies.
Guidelines for paraphrasing
 Simplify vocabulary:
 Use synonyms
 Don’t change technological or scientific words, names of
places, parts of government, fields of study or other
types of specific words
Guidelines for paraphrasing
 Change the grammar or sentence structure to make
sentences easier to understand
 Change word forms such as a noun form to an adjective
 Make verbs simpler, for example is done to do
 Change transition words and sentence connectors such
as on the other hand to but
Guidelines for paraphrasing
 Use appropriate punctuation and source
 Do not overuse quotation marks (“”). Enclose exact
words of a source in quotes only if the words are special
or memorable.
 Instead, put the author’s ideas into your own words
 Add phrases that identify the source such as the author
said, each time you present a new idea from the text.
 Summarizing involves
 putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including
only the main point(s).
 It is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the
original source.
 Summaries are significantly shorter than the original
and take a broad overview of the source material.
Summary Writing
A summary is a brief report of something that was written or
spoken. A summary should do the following
 Identify the source by name and author
 Include a few supporting details, if important
 Be shorter than the original
 Identify the author of the ideas
 Include paraphrasing, or rewording of ideas in the
summary writer’s own words
 Be objective (not include your own opinion; just the facts)
Summary process
 The first step involves writing a one sentence
summary statement. This can include
 the title of the article
 the author’s name
 and the main idea of the text
Summary Process #2
 The 2nd step is to make a concept map, or graphic
organizer, that shows the main ideas of the article.
 You can write a summary just by looking at a concept
Summary Process #3
 The next step in writing a summary is to paraphrase,
or express what someone has written or said in a way
that is shorter and easier to understand.
Using your source article
 Work with your source article and complete the
concept map
Write the title and author (if available)
Write the main idea
Find the major point of the paragraphs
Find supporting details for each paragraph
Now you try
 With a partner, read through your assigned short
 Summarize the story, and paraphrase at least 2
sentences from the story.
 When you summarize, you want to explain the main
idea first. Then give some relevant details.
 If you have a book source
 Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of
Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
 Nevid, Johan Sebastian. Psychology Concepts and
applications. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.
 Journal Article
 Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of
Journal Volume. Issue (Year): pages.
 Cohen, Sam, Don Tyrell, & Anthony Smith.
“Negative life events, perceived stress,
negative affect, and susceptibility to the
common cold in healthy adults. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 64.
3(1993): 131-140.
How do I reference/cite a website?
You have information from a website
Include the author’s name (last name, first name)
The date of publication or most recent update
The title of the article or the website
The organization or company that publishes/produces the website
Date of creation or publication
Medium of publication (webpage, blog, what is it?)
Date of access
 Brown, James. The best basketball players around the
country. 2011. Webpage. 17 Feb 2014.
How do I reference/cite a website?
You have information from a website
But no author!
No real title!
No year!
 For example:
 What do you do????
Here’s your guide
Note the main name of the
website; for exampleMayo Clinic
Use the main title
of the section:
Inside essay citation:
 Use the first three words of the main title of the
sectoin and the retrieval year (the year you looked at
the website)
LASIK is a very good procedure (“LASIK eye surgery,”
2013). And so, blah blah blah….essay
Reference page:
 Use the main title of the section, n.d. (no date). Main name of
website. Retrieved date information:
LASIK eye surgery. Mayo Clinic. n.d. Retrieved 6 Feb 2014