Transcript Talk - NRAO

A study of a ULIRG-to-QSO transition
object: possibly another gas-rich/gas-poor
merger and a serendipitous line detection
Manuel Aravena, Jeff Wagg, Padelis Papadopoulos, Ilana Feain
Introduction: the ULIRG to QSO evolutionary
A high-resolution search for molecular gas in
optically bright QSOs with elliptical hosts.
HE 0450-2958, the “naked” QSO
First results: High-resolution CO imaging of
H1821+643 at z=0.3
An evolutionary scenario for galaxy evolution
Starbursting Ultra Luminous Infrared
Galaxies (ULIRGs):
• LIR > 0.9 LBOL
• LBOL > 1012 LSUN
• Powered mostly by star-formation
• Interacting systems
QSOs (Quasi-Stellar Objects)
• Lbol >1012 Lsun
• Point-like sources
• Emission is powered by an AGN
An evolutionary scenario for galaxy evolution
Observations (Sanders et al. 1988a) and simulations (Mihos & Hernquist 1996)
Molecular gas in starbursts/QSOs
Evans et al. (2002)
Early evidence for vast amounts of gas in
merger-like systems and starburst-toQSO transition objects.
Detections consistent with the
evolutionary scenario.
Solomon et al. (1997)
Molecular gas in late systems
Scoville et al. (2003): large amounts of
gas in post-merger systems; optically
luminous QSOs with MB<-23
Taken as evidence for late type spirals
host galaxies.
Most optically luminous QSOs have
elliptical-like light profiles (Dunlop
2001; McLeod & McLeod 2000; Floyd et
al. 2004)
Possible that some of these sources are
not optically luminous QSOs with gas
rich host galaxy?
HE 0450-2958: the naked QSO
-Host galaxy undetected
- Based on Mbh vs Mbulge
relation, the host galaxy should be
>10x brighter
Magain et al. (2006): “We report … a quasar lying at the edge of a gas
cloud, whose size is comparable to that of a small galaxy, but whose spectrum
shows no evidence for stars. The gas cloud is excited by the quasar itself. If a
host galaxy is present, it is at least six times fainter than would normally be
expected for such a bright quasar. The quasar is interacting dynamically with
a neighbouring galaxy – which matter might be feeding the black hole.”
HE 0450-2958: the naked QSO
-CO imaging with Australia Telescope compact Array (ATCA) showed that
lots of gas are associated with the companion galaxy and not with the AGN
- Mid-IR high-resolution imaging confirmed this. The stellar mass of the
companion would bring the system to the local Mbh to Mstar relation if it
were to merge with the QSO.
(Papadopoulos et al. 2008; Elbaz et al. 2009)
HE 0450-2958: the naked QSO
A series of arguments suggest that the radio jet has an important role in the
formation of the companion galaxy (Elbaz et al. 2009)
Our little project: High-resolution CO
imaging of optically luminous QSOs
- Question: Is it possible that in some of the most optically luminous QSOs
the gas is not coming from its elliptical host (as predicted by the
Starburst/QSO scenario) but from a gas-rich companion? If so, what are the
implications in the derivation of dynamical masses and the formation of a
Mbh vs. Mstar relation?
- CO imaging with CARMA and ATCA of the most optically luminous QSOs
in the local Universe for which PSF subtracted HST images are available.
H1821+643: an interesting source
- H1821+643 is one of the most luminous objects in the local Universe
with Mv=-27.1
- Hosted by a giant elliptical galaxy 14 kpc in size.
- Right at the middle of a cool-cluster core
- Radio jet 250 kpc in size
- Radio quiet, about to become radio-loud; jet structure in the transition
between FRI and FRII
CARMA observations of H1821+643:
A hyper-luminous IR starburst/QSO system at z=0.3
- CO emission offset by more than 1 beam from the nuclei position
- Continuum 3mm does coincide with the radio-nuclei.
- CO aligned with radio-jet?
- Coincidence with optical feature: another gas-poor/gas-rich merger? Or tail
structure from past merger?
Aravena et al. (2011, submitted)
CARMA observations of H1821+643:
A hyper-luminous IR starburst/QSO system at z=0.3
Spectral energy distribution
- Two components:
- optical/mid-IR resembles AGN
- FIR resembles starburst
- radio: QSO emission
- Hot dust with Td~130 K and
Md~106 Msun
- Cold dust with Td~50 K and dust
mass of Md~1.4x108 Msun
Needed to disentangle starburst:
- Spatially resolved IR observations
CARMA observations of H1821+643:
Implications for dynamical mass measurements
- Usually the line width of the CO line is used to estimate the dynamical mass of
the system.
- Can we recover the dynamical mass of this galaxy based on CO profile?
- From the optical imaging Floyd et al. (2004) find a total mass of 2x1012 Msun.
- Assuming a spherical geometry (usually assumed) we find a mass of ~9x1011
Msun (> 2x lower than the actual mass).
- Apparently due to the complex dynamical configuration, we underestimate the
dynamical mass of this system.
- Only possible to measure this underestimation in the local Universe with good
optical imaging
- Consistent with similar results found with detailed modeling of disk galaxies at
z=1.5, where the underestimation can amount up to 15-20% (Daddi et al 2010).
Any sign of cold gas flows?: A simple exercise
H1821+643 is right at the center of a massive cluster of galaxies (Abell class 2).
Has any more gas been deposited in other galaxies in the environment of this QSO?
A simple exercise: stacking analysis
Upper limit to the molecular gas
content of 1.1x109 Msun
Upper limit to the continuum
emission of 175 uJy.
Bonus point:
Another CO bright QSO or molecular line in a
carbon star?
Serendipitous detection of an emission line
- Is it another QSO at a similar redshift?
- Or a carbon star? Possible molec. Lines: C5H, HCO+, HCN, SiC4, etcs
Another CO bright QSO or molecular line in a
carbon star?
- Small uncertainties – expect perfect fit
- If it is a star, the spectral clasification (G5III) and B-V
optical color would imply and absolute magnitude of roughly +1 mag,
and thus would imply a distance in the range 50=150 pc distance from
- If a QSO, it must be at z=0.3.
- CO detection of H1821+643 at z=0.3
- CO is considerably offset from the nuclei: gas poor/rich merger or tail?
- SED presents evidence for two components: starburst and QSO
- Stacking analysis of galaxies in the field shows no detection, consistent
with ellipticals
- Serendipitous detection of “gas” line emission: star or QSO at z=0.3?