Exam Study Guide - 2012-2013CatholicSpanishExam

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Transcript Exam Study Guide - 2012-2013CatholicSpanishExam

Kayleigh Ruller and Kathryn Hintze
 Definite Articles are used to specify an object, person, or place.
 Indefinite Articles are used when there is any old object, person, or place.
 To make it easier to understand, let’s start with examples in English and move
to Spanish:
Definite: the/these/those chocolate chip cookie (s)
Indefinite: a/an chocolate chip cookie(a)
El( masculine)
la (feminine)
Los( masc.)
Las (fem.)
Una (fem.)
Unos (masc.)
Unas (fem.)
Use Indefinite:
Use Definite:
_____ gato es feo.
________ fritas son delicioso.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80O0q9e-mHQ. Start at
In Spanish, most adjectives change form, depending upon whether the word they modify
is masculine or feminine and singular or plural.
So if an object is masculine and singular the end of the adjective describing it, should end
in an “o”
If it is masculine and plural, the adjective should end in “os”
If an object is feminine and singular the end of the adjective describing it, should end in
an “a”
If it is plural, adjective will be “as”
Adjectives ending in “e” change form for plural/singular but do not change form for
masculine or feminine.
Most adjectives that end in a consonant have two forms: singular and plural by adding –
Practice: Circle the correct answer
1) La amigo es alto/alta.
2) Los libros son rojo/ roja/rojos/rajas.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNqJle2NgyM. Stop at :30
 The words "I" "you" "he" "she" "we" "you-all" and
"they" are called subject pronouns. Spanish has
corresponding subject pronouns and are conjugated
accordingly and used before verbs and when talking
about yourself, to others, with others, and about
 Yo: I
 Usted: you
 Él: he
 Ella: she
 Nosotros(as): we **** If all the people you are with are girls change to –as****
ustedes: you-all
 Ellos(as): they ****** If all the people/things you are talking about change to –as****
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGRj1SglH0Q Stop at :53
Many expressions in Spanish are formed by combining two verbs. When this happens,
the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb stays in the infinitive form. ( which is
the verb that ends in ar, er, ir)
 A common situation like the one described above is …… ir a + infinitive = to be going to
do something
 Ir means to go and is conjugated as follows:
 voy
 vamos
 van
 “A” is used in between the ir conjugation and the infinitive to express the word “to”. It is
used as a preposition.
 Practice:
Yo _____a viajar a España., Sam va a invitar a muchas muchachas.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F5WNHt0Fso Start 1:53. Stop at 2:30
 The verb estar (to be) is used to describe how you, others, etc. are feeling by
using emotions and conjugating the verb estar.
 Estar is conjugated like this:
After estar is conjugated, add the emotion you or the person(s) are experiencing. Here are some common emotions:
Triste (sad) Alegre/feliz (happy) Cansado (tired) Deprimido (depressed) Busy (ocupado) Worried (preocupado)
Enfermo (sick) Nervous (nervioso) Emocionado (angry)
Practice: Circle the correct spelling.
Yo ______ nerveeoso/ nervioso
Nosotros_____________ censaddo/ cansado
Miranda __________ alegre/ allegray
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpjeSS3FweE Stop at 1:05.
The verb “tener” is translated “to have”, tener can also be used in Spanish as an idiomatic expression.
Although their literal translations sound odd to English speakers (ex. To have cold), that is how it is
used in Spanish.
You can relate these tener expressions, to mean “to be adj.” rather than “to have adj.”
Here are some examples of tener expressions and the most common adjectives used with them:
tener _____ años ( to be _____ years old)
tener calor ( to be hot)
tener frío (to be cold)
tener hambre ( to be hungry )
tener sed (to be thirsty)
tener prisa ( to be late)
tener miedo a/de _____ (to be afraid of…)
tener razón ( to be right)
tener suerte (to be lucky)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dot2t-qGKQQ, Some mistakes.
Estar and Ser are verbs that both mean “to be” but they are used with different expressions.
We already know the conjugations of the irregular verb estar, now lets learn the conjugations of another irregular verb:
Ser: Soy , eres, es, somos, son
Here are some tricks that will help you to know when to use estar and when to use ser:
The acronym “PLACE” is used for estar.
P- position
Estoy en la casa.
Estoy en la clase.
A-action- ando, yendo
C- condition
Estan enfermos.
E- emotion
Estamos contentos.
Estamos estudiando.
The acronym “DOCTOR” is used for Ser
D- description
La chica es bonita.
O- occupation
La muchacha es una estudiante.
C- characteristic
Yo soy alta.
T- time/date
Es son las tres.
O- origin
El muchachas es de Charlotte.
R- relationship
La chica es mi hija.
Practice: Ser or Estar????
Mi mama ______ una profesora.
Yo_________ alegre.
La chico _______es my hijo.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BZalafcGNk. Stop at 1:05
Like we said earlier, two verbs together are often used to express something and the first
verb is conjugated and the second one is in an infinitive form. One expression combines
the verb acabar (conjugated) with an infinitive. The preposition "de" is always used after
It is used like this: (and you will see that acabar de means “to have just”.)
acabar de + infinitive = to have just done something.
Ex) Acabas de invitar a muchas muchachas.
You have just invited many girls.
See how that works, now lets practice…. Conjugate acabar de and then follow it with an
1) Cristina _____________hablar/habla con mi mamá.
2) Nosotros ______________leer/leemos el libro.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmoU18q-TUc. Start at :40, end at 2:20
In Spanish, the present progressive (or –ing verb) is only used to describe an action that
is in the process of taking place. It is not used for future actions like it is in English.
To form the present progressive in Spanish, combine a form of "estar" with the present
participle (-ing verb)
So it would look like this in English: I am studying, I am laughinhg, We are smiling, She
is skipping. etc……
To make the present progressive in Spanish all you have to do is drop the ending on the
infinitive (ar, er, or ir) and add –ando to replace the –ar for ar verbs. Use –iendo to replace
the ending for er and ir verbs.
If the letter before the ending (ar, ir, er) of verbs is a vowel (leer, creer, suguir, traer)
Add -yendo
Practice: Choose the correct present progressive.
Yo Estoy estudiando /estudiendo español
Sara y yo estamos leer/leyendo el libro.