PPT - Mr. Bulgrien`s Class

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Transcript PPT - Mr. Bulgrien`s Class

The Parts of a
Sentence or Fragment?
 A sentence is a word group that contains
a subject and a verb and that expresses
 A thought is complete when it MAKES
SENSE on its own.
Examples of Sentences
 That DORK left his Jersey Shore DVDs at his
 For how many years was CLARENCE in jail?
 What extraordinary COURAGE it takes for a
man to get married!
 Wait!
 [The subject of this last one is understood to be
Sentence Fragments
 A sentence fragment is a word or group
of words that MAY BE capitalized and
punctuated as a sentence…
 but does not contain BOTH a subject
AND a verb OR does not express a
complete thought.
Sentence Fragment
 Fragment: Athletes representing 8
 Sentence: Athletes representing 8
schools competed in the event.
 Fragment or Sentence? Between the
towering mountain ridge and the wide
ocean only a few miles away.
Exercise 1 (514)
01. I would like …
02. The town is…
03. They have been…
04. He is…
05. C
06. C
07. The movie was better…
08. C
09. …children were…
10. C
The Subject and Predicate
 Sentences consist of two basic parts: subjects
and predicates.
 The subject tells WHOM or WHAT the
sentence is about.
 The predicate tells SOMETHING ABOUT the
 Note: 1) the sub. or pred. may be ONE WORD
or more, and 2) the sub. may appear before,
after or BETWEEN PARTS of the pred.
 Everyone || watched The 13th Warrior.
 S.
 Throughout the day, || Joe || robbed six
 P.
Simple/Complex Subject
 Simple Subject = main word (or word group)
that tells WHOM or WHAT the sentence is
 The coach of our curling team was arrested for
robbing a bank.
 Complete Subject = the simple subject + any
words (or word groups) used to modify the
simple subject.
 The coach of our curling team was arrested for
robbing a bank.
More simple/complex
subject examples
 Simple: Many scenes in the movie were
 Complex: Many scenes in the movie were
 Simple: The Burger King in Hanover burned
 Complex: The Burger King in Hanover burned
 Note: Burger King is a simple subject – 2 words, but
one thing.
Simple/Complex Predicate
 Simple Predicate (VERB) = main word (or word
group) that tells something about the subject.
 The coach of our curling team was arrested for
robbing a bank.
 Complete Predicate = verb and all the words
used to modify the verb and COMPLETE its
 The coach of our curling team was arrested for
robbing a bank.
More simple/complex
predicate examples
 Simple: Have you tried platypus meat?
 Complex: Have you tried platypus meat?
 Simple: They chased me after the
 Complex: They chased me after the
Compound Subject
 Compound Subject = 2+ subjects that are
joined by a conjunction and that have the
 Hanover and Horton are two small towns.
 New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, or
Arizona will win the World Series.
 Note: these are not separate sentences.
Compound Verb
 Compound Verb = 2+ verbs that are
joined by a conjunction and that have the
 We robbed a bank and stashed the
money in our backyard.
 They stole my identity, took my car and
skipped the country.
 Note: these are not separate sentences.
Difference between
compound sub/verb and
compound sentence.
 Compound Sentence = 2+ independent
clauses (these ARE separate sentences)
 CMPD VRB: Joe and I like baseball but
hate hockey.
 CMPD SNT: Joe and I like baseball, but
we hate hockey.
 Note: cmpd snts need a COMMA and a
CONJUNCTION to join them.
How to find the subject of
a sentence
 Easiest way: find the verb, then ask
WHO? or WHAT? in front of it.
 The cat in the hat stole my car.
 What stole my car? The cat.
 In their eyes shone happiness.
 What shone? Happiness shone.
Subjects in
 The subject of a command or request is
always understood to be YOU, although
it may not appear in the sentence.
 [You] Read your book and turn your
homework in on time.
 Get up off my grill!
Subjects are never in
prepositional phrases
 Never.
 Never.
 A group of students from the high school were
in the parade.
 A group [of students] [from the high school]
were in the parade.
 Out of the stillness came the loud sound of
 [Out of the stillness] came the loud sound [of
Subjects in questions
 The subject in a question usually
FOLLOWS the verb or part of the verb.
 Did you cut my car in half again?
 When were you inside the Bermuda
Here/There/Where – never
 They are adverbs. (They tell or ask
 Here is the money I stole.
 What is here? The money is here.
 There they are!
 What are there? They are there.
 Where’s my money, Brian!?
 What’s where? My money is where?
Exercise 2 (519)
01. men, women, children LIVED
02. position GAVE
03. anyone DID REFUSE
04. group WAS
05. people FLED
06. they COULD TRAIN
07. lessons WERE TAUGHT
09. warriors GAINED, WERE FEARED
10. [you] HAND
The Parts of a
Sentence Pt. 2
 Quite often we need more than just a
subject and a verb for a COMPLETE
 They sent.
 They sent us a fruitcake.
 The students seem.
 The students seem well educated.
The Direct Object
 Direct Object (DO) = Noun or Pronoun that
receives the action of an action verb.
 To find the DO, ask “WHOM?” or “WHAT?”
after a transitive verb.
 If there’s an answer, it’s the direct object.
(There isn’t always a DO.)
 I forgot my homework.
 “I forgot what?” I forgot my homework.
 The dog bit Joe and me, and we got rabies.
 “The dog bit whom?” The dog bit Joe and me.
 “We got what?” We got rabies.
The Indirect Object
 The Indirect Object (IO) appears BEFORE the
DO and receives the DO.
 To whom / to what (for whom / for what)
 Mr. Bulgrien showed our class the movie.
 He showed what? The movie (DO)
 He showed it to whom? Our class (IO)
 Give me my money!
 Give what? The money (DO)
 Give it to whom? Me (IO)
 Tell Joe and me the truth. IO: ____________
Indirect Object –
important note
 Don’t confuse an indirect object (IO) with
an object of a preposition (OP)
 If it says “to ___” or “for ___” then it’s an
 Give me all of your money.
 IO
 Give all of your money to me.
 OP
The Objective
 Objective Complement (OC) = word or
word group that IDENTIFIES or modifies
the DO.
 The seniors elected Irving president.
 They elected whom? Irving (DO)
 See how “president” identifies the DO?
“President” is an OC.
More Objective
 Only a few verbs can have OCs. Just
“consider” and “make” and other verbs that can
be REPLACED by “consider” and “make.”
 They call him their boss.
 They [consider] him their boss.
 They consider whom? Him (DO) = identified: their
boss (OC)
 Paint my room red.
 [Make] my room red.
 Make what? My room (DO) = modified: red (OC)
Exercise 3 (524)
01. appeal DO
02. tons DO
03. homes DO
04. meal DO; special OC
05. candles DO
06. hobbyists IO; pastime DO
07. you IO; steps DO
08. candles IO; scent DO
09. wax DO; colors OC
10. mine DO; blue & white OC
The Subject Complement
 Subject Complement (SC) = word or
word group in the predicate that identifies
or describes the subject. It is linked to
the subject by a LINKING VERB.
 Two types of SCs:
 Predicate Nominative (PN)
 Predicate Adjective (PA)
Predicate Nominative (PN)
 A predicate nominative is a word or word group
in the predicate that identifies the SUBJECT or
refers to it. They can be NOUNS, pronouns or
a group of words that function as a NOUN.
 PNs are linked to the subject by a LINKING
 remember the linking verbs:
 am, is, ARE, was, WERE, BE, being, been
 and any verbs that make sense when replaced by
the ABOVE verbs.
PN examples
 Subjects in bold || PNs underlined
 You are students.
 “students” is linked to subject, identifies it
 Of all the dancers, Marcelo was the most
experienced one.
 Pronoun “one” linked to/identifies subject
 Some day Joe will be a criminal.
 The two candidates for class treasurer are
Iriving and I.
Predicate Adjective (PA)
 A predicate Adjective is an adjective in
the predicate that modifies the SUBJECT
or refers to it.
 PAs are linked to the subject by a
 Not sure if it’s a PA? Try putting it right in
front of the subject. Does it modify it?
PA examples
 Subjects in bold || PAs underlined
 The ocean is calm.
 calm ocean – so it’s an ADJ.
 Does that year-old milk taste good?
 That car didn’t look phat.
 Most freshmen are noisy, creepy and
One more note about
 For emphasis, sometimes we place these
before the subject and verb.
 PN: What an outstanding teacher Mr.
Flint was!
 PA: I was shocked at how talented she
 Mnemonic devices worksheet
Exercise 4 (526)
01. IS species (PN)
02. FEEL concerned (PA)
03. WAS discoverer (PN)
04. IS author (PN)
05. SOUNDED beautiful (PA)
06. GREW restless (PA)
07. WAS active (PA)
08. IS icy (PA)
09. DOES TASTE spicy (PA)
10. IS work (PN)
Review A (526)
01. Both … cooking
02. have … preparation
03. me
04. developed
05. favorites
06. traces
07. is, was born
08. thick, spicy
09. lobsters
10. morsels
The Pts of Sentences
Pt. 3(Classification of
We classify sentences
according to purpose
 There are four types of sentences:
 Ends in a PERIOD
 “I’m planning to cut his car in half again.”
 “My dog would make a good platypus
 Ends with a QUESTION mark
 “Pardon me, but do you have any Grey
 “What is your favorite color?”
 Makes a request or gives a COMMAND
 Most imperative sentences end with a
PERIOD, but strong commands end with
 The subject of an imperative sentence is
always “YOU.”
 “Hand me my platypus rifle.”
 “Shut your noise hole!”
 Shows excitement or expresses
 “Oh, snap! You got burned, Dawg!”
 “Wow! What a hottie!”