Transcript STARS
Review the Sun
Review the Sun
Review: Which of the following gases is found in
the core of a star like our Sun?
a. Hydrogen
b. neon
c. nitrogen
d. oxygen
a- hydrogen
Who was right?
How do you describe how bright a star is?
2 factors:
a. The star’s brightness or luminosity and
b. Its distance from Earth
Luminosity = Star brightness
• is how much light energy a star gives off per
• we assign a luminosity of 1.0 to our Sun
• if a star has a luminosity of 3.0, it gives off three
times the light energy of the Sun
• Alpha Centauri A, Sirius, Vega are stars ~ 30 000x
brighter than the Sun
Apparent magnitude
• "what you see is what you get" magnitude
• the brightness of a star as seen from earth
• Determined by how luminous the star is and how far
away it is
The more negative the number the brighter the star
seen from Earth (e.g. Sun is -26)
Practice apparent magnitude
1. Which star is
the brightest?
Star 1
Star 2
The more negative
Star 3
the number the
Star 4
brighter the star
seen from Earth
Therefore Star 3
Apparent magnitude
+ 0.8
Absolute magnitude
- a star’s "true" brightness
- How bright a star is if it were 33 light year
from Earth
- the influence of distance on the star’s
brightness is factored out
- Sun = 4.7 Sun is not that bright
compared to other stars
Colour and Temperature of Stars
A star’s colour can give us an
idea of how hot that star is:
– Blue 21,000-35,000C
– Bluish-white
– Yellow our Sun is yellow
(photosphere ~ 6,000C)
– Orange
– Red 3,300C
Which color indicates the hottest stars in the
Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram
Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram (p310 txtbook)
• Used to compare properties of stars
• This diagram shows luminosity versus temperature
and star colour
• How bright a star is also linked to its surface
From the HR diagram,
1. Which star is the hottest among
Alpha Centauri B, our Sun, Rigel and Betelgeuse?
Answer: Rigel
2. Which star is the brightest among
Vega, Sirius B, our Sun and Betelgeuse?
Answer: Betelgeuse
Who was right then?
Today’s joke (to 8:40min)
Answers to text questions #1-7 on
page 311
• Other units were too short. Light Years were the
largest unit of measuring distance.
• Absolute magnitude is more effective for
measuring a star’s actual brightness.
• Sirius (-1.5) is brighter than Deneb (+1.3).
• If a star is closer to the Earth, it will appear
brighter. For example….
• Our sun is hotter than Alpha Centauri B; Vega is
both warmer and bigger than the Sun