Transcript lex—1

Problem 1
The following two slides contain part of the
definition of a data base of English word
forms using the lex/4 predicate. With this
data base as part of your program, answer
questions 1.1 and 1.2.
Martin Kay
Introduction to Prolog
lex(love, love, n, sing).
lex(love, love, v, base).
lex(loves, love, v, pres(sg, 3)).
lex(loves, love, n, plur).
lex(loving, love, v, pres_part).
lex(loved, love, v, past).
lex(grind, grind, v, base).
lex(grinds, grind, v, pres(sg, 3)).
lex(grinding, grind, v, pres_part).
lex(ground, grind, v, past).
lex(ground, ground, n, sing).
lex(grounds, ground, n, plur).
lex(see, see, v, base).
lex(sees, see, v, pres(sg, 3)).
Martin Kay
Introduction to Prolog
lex(seeing, see, v, pres_part).
lex(saw, see, v, past_tense(_, _)).
lex(seen, see, v, past_part).
lex(hit, hit, v, short).
lex(hits, hit, v, pres(sg, 3)).
lex(hitting, hit, v, pres_part).
lex(sheep, sheep, n, _).
lex(X, X, v, inf) :lex(X, X, v, base).
lex(X, X, v, base) :lex(X, X, v, pres(sg, 1)) :lex(X, X, v, short).
lex(X, X, v, base).
lex(X, X, v, past) :lex(X, X, v, pres(sg, 3)) :lex(X, X, v, short).
lex(X, X, v, base).
lex(X, X, v, pres(pl, _)) :lex(X, X, v, base).
Martin Kay
Introduction to Prolog
Question 1.1
Write a predicate ambiguous(X) that is true just in case X is
a word that can be both a noun and a verb. It should allow
you to do this:
| ?- ambiguous(ground).
| ?- ambiguous(see).
| ?- ambiguous(X).
| ?Martin Kay
Introduction to Prolog
Question 1.2
Notice that the verb “see” has a past_tense and a
“past_part” form. The other verbs have only a “past”
form, because there is no difference between their pasttense and past-participle forms. Write two new clauses
which when applied to any verb with a “past” entry in the
data base, will enable the past_tense and past_part forms
to be found. They should make it possible to do at least
| ?- lex(loved, love, v, past_tense).
| ?lex(loved, love, v, past_part).
| ?Martin Kay
Introduction to Prolog
Problem 2
reverse([], []).
reverse([H|T], Rev) :reverse(T, RT),
append(RT, [H], Rev).
There is a much more efficient way of
reversing a list than the one given in class.
The trick is to use another predicate, with
three arguments, to do the work, so that
reverse itself is defined like this:
reverse(A, B) :rev (A, [], B).
Write the two-clause definition of rev/3.
Martin Kay
Introduction to Prolog
Problem 3
Write a predicate
delete(List1, Member, List2).
which is true just in case List2 is the result
of deleting Member from List1. The
predicate should fail if Member is not a
member of List1.
| ?- delete([a,b,a,c,a,d,a,e], a, X).
X = [b,a,c,a,d,a,e] ? ;
X = [a,b,c,a,d,a,e] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,c,d,a,e] ? ;
X = [a,b,a,c,a,d,e] ? ;
| ?Martin Kay
Introduction to Prolog