Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3

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Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
1) Word: amazon (n.)
Synonym(s): powerful woman, large woman, virago
Etymology: On an island in ancient Greece, female
archers would cut or burn off their right breasts -Greek a ("without") + mazos ("breast"). Once a year
they would mate with men from a neighboring tribe,
but they would kill or send away any male offspring.
2) Word: iconoclast (n.)
Synonym(s): revolutionary, rebel, radical, dissenter
Etymology: In the 8th century Byzantine Empire, those
who opposed idol worship were called "iconoclasts."
Greek - eikon ("idol") + klastes ("breaker").
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
3) Word: sardonic (adj.)
Synonym(s): sneering, mocking, contemptuous
Etymology: A poisonous plant in Sardonia caused
the people who ate it to die with a twisted grin on
their faces - so that they appeared to have died
4) Word: supercilious (adj.)
Synonym(s): scornful, contemptuous, arrogant
Etymology: From the Latin words super ("over" or
"above") + cilium ("eyebrow" and "arrogance").
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
5) Word: nemesis (n.)
Synonym(s): downfall, retribution, destruction,
Etymology: The Greek goddess Nemesis (the
goddess of revenge) would pursue and punish
those who had offended the gods.
6) Word: procrastinate (v.)
Synonym(s): delay, postpone, defer
Etymology: From the Latin words pro ("for") + cras
("tomorrow"). Thus, to procrastinate is to put
something off until tomorrow.
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
7) Word: panacea (n.)
Synonym(s): universal remedy, cure-all, nostrum
Etymology: The Greek goddess of healing was Panakeia.
The Romans gave her name to a plant, the "panacea,"
which supposedly healed all diseases.
8) Word: capricious (adj.)
Synonym(s): impulsive, flighty, whimsical, mercurial
Etymology: From the Latin words capriccio ("shivering"),
capo ("head"), and riccio ("hedgehog"). When we
shiver from fear, our hair stands up unpredictably like
a hedgehog's.
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
9) Word: introvert (n.)
Synonym(s): shy person, self-observer, introspective
Etymology: From the Latin words intro ("within")
and vert ("turn"). Introverts turn inward for
10) Word: extrovert (n.)
Synonym(s): socializer, outgoing person, gregarious
Etymology: From the Latin words extra ("outside")
and vert ("turn"). Extroverts turn outward for
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
11) Word: aegis (n.)
Synonym(s): guardianship, support, patronage
Etymology: From the name of the goat-skin shield
carried by the Greek god, Zeus. He later gave this
shield to his daughter, Athena, and when she shook it,
her enemies would be overcome with panic.
12) Word: auspicious (adj.)
Synonym(s): promising, encouraging, propitious
Etymology: From the Latin words avis ("bird") and
specio ("see"). Roman priests who read the future
through bird signs were called auspices ("birdwatchers"). If all signs were good, then the occasion
would be called "auspicious,” or "of good omen.”
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
13) Word: jaded (adj.)
Synonym(s): worn-out, satiated, overindulged
Etymology: From the Norse word jalda ("mare"), a
term for a weary, worn, worthless-looking horse.
14) Word: atone (v.)
Synonym(s): make amends, expiate, make
Etymology: From the verb "atone" ("to be one with"
or "to be in agreement").
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
15) Word: lewd (adj.)
Synonym(s): vulgar, smutty, lascivious, bawdy
Etymology: From the Old English word laewede meaning
"lay" or "not of the church." Originally, it simply
referred to illiterate people (mostly non-clergy). By
the 14th century, the term had degenerated to its
present meaning of "obscene" or "sexually indecent."
16) Word: succinct (adj.)
Synonym(s): brief, concise, terse, curt
Etymology: From the Latin words suc ("under") and
cinctura ("sash"). If a Roman soldier wanted to move
about freely, he would tuck the bottom of his tunic
under his sash.
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
17) Word: prevaricate (v.)
Synonym(s): lie, misinform, equivocate, misrepresent
Etymology: The Latin word varicus ("straddling"), which
came from varus ("bent"), was a term applied to a
crooked-legged person who did not walk straight.
18) Word: aloof (adj.)
Synonym(s): unresponsive, indifferent, uninvolved
Etymology: From the Dutch words a ("towards") and
loef ("windward"), a nautical term meaning to head a
ship into the wind so as to keep away from the shore.
Therefore aloof individuals steer away from others.
Words of the Day – 1st Semester Unit 3
19) Word: jovial (adj.)
Synonym(s): merry, cheerful, jocular
Etymology: From the name of the Roman god, Jove, the
king of the gods.
20) Word: saturnine (adj.)
Synonym(s): moody, sulky, morose, gloomy
Etymology: From the name of the Roman god, Saturn,
who was overthrown by Jove. The sixth planet was
named Saturn because, since it was so far from the
sun, it was believed to be dark and gloomy.