Transcript Ch-1_3431x
Chapter 1 – Introduction (Pgs 3 – 42)
Architecture Review
SGG see a computer system as:
1. Hardware : CPU, Memory, I/O, communication
2. *Operating System* - The rest of the course
3. Applications: Programs that do stuff (and which
may be layered, connected)
-- Middleware: Connects multiple apps to users
4. Users: All users are not equal
O/S is software that sits
between the applications and the hardware.
Simplistic Layered View of Computing
The Factors
Usability – Easy and intuitive to use,
e.g., Android , iOS
Efficiency – Fair and “optimal” use of
resources (i.e., hardware), e.g., IBM z/OS
Reliability – Uptime, MTF (real-time O/S),
e.g., QNX, VxWorks (Mars landers, Phoenix, Airbus A400,
Boeing 787, Motorola modems)
Security – e.g., NSA Sectera Edge w. Win CE
Size – for embedded O/S
Varying levels of ability/experience
“User” Interface (UI)
Often view Windowing System as “The” UI
Programmers, Administrators
API, Admin tools
My Views
PC = Personal Computer, it does NOT mean a
computer that runs Microsoft Windows
KiloByte = 210 bits (1024) NOT 1000 bits
WWW is a group of protocols and
applications that USE the Internet, it is NOT
the Internet (also FTP, e-mail, Skype)
OOPL have inclusion (subtype)
polymorphism, not parametric polymorphism
or just “polymorphism”
Bootstrap Loader
When it is started, a CPU needs to start
somewhere (e.g., thread 0 in core 0 in processor 0 starts up
fetching code from address 0xfffffff0)
At that address is the Bootstrap Loader
Stored in non-volatile memory so its always there
Setup registers (stack, PC, etc.)
Find and load the O/S
Often just loads an O/S loader/init (e.g., lilo, grub)
Windows Boot
address 0xfffffff0 resides in BIOS (non-volatile ROM)
Initialise the system: CPU; RAM, Interrupt, DMA controllers;
Basic hardware
Run user interface if selected
Attempt to load boot sector (drive A, platter 1, cylinder 1,
sector 1) to ox7C00
Boot sector contains Bootmgr.exe
Bootmgr.exe: Copies Winload.exe to RAM and transfers
control to it
Winload.exe: Prepares disk for general use, loads the kernel,
sets up basic drivers (memory etc.), and the transfer control to
the kernel
Event that triggers O/S operation
E.g., incoming packet on ethernet
Requires hardware support in CPU
Actual wires for hardware interrupts
Special instruction for software interrupts
Interrupt is usually used as an offset into an array
of addresses – “Interrupt Vector”
At each address is a routine that performs the
task needed – “Interrupt Handler”
Some interrupts can be “masked” (and then
System Call
Operating systems are designed to support
Can do common tasks such buffer and report
key strokes
Applications use these O/S facilities
Accessing the O/S is done using System Calls
Do setup then perform an interrupt to call
Often hidden from programmers by
compiler/library writers
1.2.2 Storage Structure (memory)
1.2.3 I/O Structure
Will talk more about DMA later
1.3 Computer Architecture
Single vs. Multiprocessors, Multi-core
Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Multiprocessing
Non-Uniform Memory Access (and UMA)
O/S - Definitions
“Program that manages the computer
hardware.” (pg 3)
“Environment in which programs are
executed.” (pg 18)
“An OS is software, consisting of programs
and data, that runs on computers, manages
computer hardware resources, and provides
common services for execution of various
application software.” (wikipedia)
Most O/S are interrupt driven – they are reactive
to interrupts
A trap is an interrupt caused by an identifiable
error, e.g., writing to non-existent memory
Not to be confused with untrappable CPU errors
0x00000000 Divide by Zero Error
0x00000004 Overflow
0x00000005 Bounds Check Fault
0x00000006 Invalid Opcode (Instruction)
0x00000008 Double Fault
Operation Modes
CPU support for an O/S – “mode bit”
User (protected) Mode: CPU is executing
user-level application
Kernel (supervisor, system, privileged) Mode:
CPU is executing O/S code
Also, instructions exist to DISABLE interrupts
(which is useful when processing an interrupt)
O/S Structure
Jobs (or Tasks): Code + Data that needs
Job Pool: All jobs awaiting execution
Multitasking – executing more than one job
at a time
Pre-emptive multitasking (1 CPU) – do part of
each job in sequence (same as time sharing)
Time slice = amount of time given to a task
before a context switch occurs
Computer Operation
Interrupt Storm: When a CPU can’t execute
user tasks because its busy executing
interrupt handlers
Context Switch: Changing the executing task
Job Scheduling: Selecting the executing task
(done by the O/S which is itself a task)
PROCESS: A program (and its data) loaded
into memory and executing (pg 20).
O/S Responsibilities
Process Management
Scheduling – start, suspend, resume
Creating, deleting
IPC – inter-process communication
Memory Management
Virtual memory, pages, swapping
Fragmentation control
Caches (level 3)
Storage Management
Files & Directories
Free space, storage allocation, disk scheduling, search
I/O Control - Printers, Scanners, Network connections
User Administration and Security/Access Control
Operating Systems
Distributed: Permit a user to use resources on
multiple machines (e.g., access files or run tasks
on other computers)
Embedded: Inside a device such as a cell phone,
microwave, airplane
Real-time: Performance subject to rigid time
constraints (almost all embedded systems)
Compact: Power, UI, & memory restrictions exist
(e.g., iOS, PalmOS, Android)
Special Purpose: e.g., Google O/S on search
To Do:
Read Chapter 1 (pgs 3-42; this lecture): All
material is very introductory and testable
Read Chapter 2 (pgs 49-91; next lecture): All
material is testable