ppt version - Walter Kriha

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Transcript ppt version - Walter Kriha

Lecture on
Processes and Concurrency
Preserving speed and consistency
Walter Kriha
• Understand how the resource CPU is shared and managed
•Understand the importance of concurrent programming as
THE means to achieve throughput and good response times.
• Understand the problems of concurrent access: data
inconsistency and deadlocks
• Understand how Java handles concurrency and how threads
can be supported by the operating system
• Learn to use an advanced threadpool design
It used to be system programmers which had to deal with complicated concurrency
problems. Now it is application programmers running multiple threads for
performance. We will look at the advantages and pitfalls of concurrent programming
• The basics of sharing CPUs (time sharing, context switches
• The process abstraction: sequentially progressing tasks
• process states and scheduling
• The thread abstraction: kernel and user threads
• synchronization primitives (mutex, semaphores, monitors)
• Inter-process communication
Getting the maximum out of threads requires a good understanding of how the
specific OS implements them.
Why Processes?
Read data (wait)
process data
to kernel
Read more data (wait)
process data
to kernel
write data (wait)
to kernel
A process is a representation of a sequential task. Asynchronous events like hardware
interrupts from drives or networks are hidden behind a synchronous interface which
blocks a process if it has to wait for data. The idea of sequential progress towards some
goal is inherent to processes and at the same time something that programmers can
understand (and program). Other forms of task organization are e.g. table driven state
machines (finite-state machines) which are extremely hard to understand for humans.
That is why e.g. chip design requires case and simulation tools.
What is a process?
a border around a
set of resources
an execution flow
• CPU register (instruction
pointer etc.)
• page table entries
• cached instructions
• file descriptors
• network connections
• shared memory regions
• rights
• user
• identity
It is useful to separate the execution part from the resources. This allows us later to
define a thread as an execution path over an existing set of resources. All in all is a
process a very heavy-weight thing consisting of many data structures which must exist to
make a process runnable. This in turn makes changing processes (context switching) an
expensive operation.
Process Identity and Process Table
Process ID
Process state
Registers, stack and instruction pointer
Runtime statistics (CPU time, wait time etc.)
Waiting for which events
Parent/child relations (if applicable)
Memory segment (text, data, stack) pointers
File descriptors, working directory, User and group ID
Just like files (inode table) or pages (page table entry) every process has a unique
identity (PID). It is used to associate resources with it, kill the process or gather statistics
for it.
From Program to Process
description of task
stack segment,
adjusted by kernel
heap, adjusted by
dynamic stack, grows down
dynamically allocated
(HEAP), grows upward
data (uninitialized), BSS
only text and init. data are
contained in a program
file on disk.
execution of task
created at program load time
and set to zero
data (initialized)
Text (code)
registers (instruction pointer, address and
data registers, ALU)
When a program is loaded into memory, three segments (text, data, stack) are created in
memory and the address of the startup location is put into the instruction register of the CPU.
The 3 segments together with the contents of the CPU registers form part of the state of the
process. Without an operating system one program/process would be allocating the CPU
resource completely.
How Process Creation Works: fork()
parent pid
child pid
stack pages
stack pages
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
data and heap
text (code
// child
else {
// parent
data and heap
text (code
kernel process state
kernel process state
Usually a new process (child) is created by an existing process (parent) which uses the fork()
system call to create an exact copy of the parent with a new process ID (pid). The new child
process shares all memory segments with the parent and all resource handles (file descriptors
to disks or network connections etc.). The return value of fork() differs for child and parent
and allows the child to do different computations, e.g. to load a new program and execute it.
How Process Creation Works: exec()
child pid
child pid
stack pages
stack pages
execv(char* program,
char** argv)
data and heap
text (code
kernel process state
data and heap
text (code
kernel process state
When a child calls exec(..) with a new program name the program is loaded and
REPLACES the existing code. Data is re-initialized and some of the process state in the
kernel. Open filedescriptors are still open to the new program. Command line
arguments are copied onto the newly initialized stack where main(...) will find them.
Same for environment variables.
Death of a process
Parent process waits for child:
pid = wait(&status);
A parent process should always wait for children to terminate. If parents do not wait
the dead child program becomes a ZOMBIE, waiting to be collected by the parent.
If the parent terminates without waiting for a child the child becomes an orphan and
the init process (a system process) becomes the new parent.
Literature: Alan Dix, Unix System Programming I and II, short course notes.
Process Creation and IPC
The typical shell uses the following system calls to create processes and tie them into
processing pipelines:
-fork : create an exacte duplicate of the memory segments of a process and associated
kernel status like open filedescriptors
-exec : load a program image from disk and start it with the arguments from the command
-pipe : creates two filedescriptors, one for reading and one for writing
-dup : Often, the descriptors in the child are duplicated onto standard input or output. The
child can then exec() another program, which inherits the standard streams. The
mechanism is used by the shell to connect processes through pipes instead of letting the
processes use the standard input and output files.
-wait : makes the parent block until the child is done.
Find examples here: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/linux-docproject/programmers-guide/, The Linux Programmers Guide.
A primitive shell
int main (argc, **argv) {
while (1) {
// forever
int pid; char* command; char** arguments; int status;
// display the $ or # sign as shell prompt
read_commands(command, arguments); // get what the user typed on the keyboard (at return)
pid = fork(); // create a new process. If pid == 0 we are in the new child process
if (pid == 0) { // child
execve(command, arguments);
// loads the new program into memory and hands over the arguments
only child
} else { // continue in the parent
// parent waits for child to exit
This code from Tanenbaum (pg. 695) has been adjusted a little bit. It shows how simple
shell architecture really is. A shell basically performs three steps again and again:
read users commands and arguments
create a new child process and make it load the requested command and execute it.
The child inherits environment variables and open file descriptors
make the parent wait for the child to finish processing and exit.
From Process to Process: Context Switch
suspended process:
page tables
stored in uarea
dynamic stack, grows down
dynamic stack, grows down
dynamically allocated
(HEAP), grows upward
dynamically allocated
(HEAP), grows upward
data (uninitialized), BSS
data (uninitialized), BSS
data (initialized)
data (initialized)
Text (code)
Text (code)
registers (instruction pointer,
address and data registers, ALU)
page tables
loaded from
A context switch is a costly operation which involves flushing caches and storing the current
state of execution within a process memory area. All information needed to continue the
process after a while must be saved. To perform a context switch processing must change
from user mode to kernel mode.
Reasons for context switches
1. User process gives up execution voluntarily (e.g. by using
a blocking I/O system call or by calling sleep(x)
2. User process has used its time slice completely and the
kernel PRE-EMPTS the process. This requires a timer
interrupt into the kernel.
3. The user process runs in kernel mode (system call) and is
interrupted by some high-priority device. The kernel
detects that now a high-priority process is runnable and
does a context switch. This requires the kernel to allow
preemption in kernel mode – something most unixes do
not allow.
Context switching is a technology needed for SCHEDULING processes. But it does not
define WHEN to schedule a new process or WHAT process to start. These decisions are
made by scheduling algorithms driven by scheduling policies.
Process States
In destruction
In creation
A simple state-machine diagram for possible process states. The number and kind of
states are all implementation dependent but most systems know the above states.
Notice that creation and destruction phases have their own state. The zombie state
allows a dead process to stay in the process table e.g. because a parent process did
not wait for it yet.
Process Categorizations
Processes are ordered
by priority
If a process becomes
runnable (e.g. a
resource is now
available) the kernel
will check
process has a higher
priority than the
currently running
process. If so,
scheduling will happen
immediately and the
higher priority process
will get the CPU.
Processes can have
different priority and
time-slices but this
does NOT imply
immediate reaction
on events.
Processes can have
different priority and
time-slices but this
does NOT imply
immediate reaction
on events.
Processes may be
stalled for a long time
Processes may be
stalled for a long time
The system tries to
minimize reaction
time for users
The system tries to
maximize throughput
and turnaround time
Why CPU (time) sharing?
request data
from network,
wait till data are
User Process
idle while process is
waiting for I/O
request data
from disk, wait
till data are
Processes frequently need external data. Those operations are so called I/O operations and
take factors longer than regular instructions like add. Without an operating system the
process simply idles (busy wait) for the external data to become available. During this time
the CPU is blocked by the process but does not useful computations. Some processes spend
more than 90% of their time waiting for resources. The idea was then to take the CPU away
from a process as long as it is waiting and run some other program during this time. To
allow some programs some CPU time the „TIME SLICE“ was defined as the time a process
could use the CPU exclusively until it would be taken away from it. If the process had to
wait for a resource it would be replaced immediately. The mechanism that does this
switching of processes is called „SCHEDULING“ and can be implemented differently for
real-time systems, workstations or large timesharing hosts.
Resource Management: CPU
for disk
User Process
waiting for
User Process
Register state
User Process
Register state
CPU (register state B, running
The kernel now schedules ownership of the CPU between different processes. In this case it
is clear that only process B could run because the others are blocked waiting on resources.
The kernel saved their state to be able to continue the processes once the requested resources
are available. A process not waiting on anything can use a whole timeslice of CPU time. A
timer interrupt will tell the kernel when it is time to schedule a new process.
A design using several processes
new shell
cgi processing
#! /bin/sh
Apache Web
#! /bin/perl
CGI processing is expensive because for every request coming in a new shell or
interpreter is launched which runs the requested script. Since processes are
heavyweight resources most operating systems can tolerate only a certain number of
large processes.
What is a Thread?
an execution flow
within an existing
Process resources
• CPU register (instruction pointer
• file descriptors
• a function or method
• network connections
• some private memory
• shared memory regions
• CPU register (instruction pointer
• a function or method
• rights
• user
•page tables
• some private memory
Both threads share the resources of their process. They have full access to process
resources. Some threads have private storage associated which other threads cannot
Why Threads?
• A process contains several independent tasks which would
be better represented with their own execution flow.
• A process needs more parallel execution flows. E.g. a
servlet engine.
• Copying data across process borders is expensive. Threads
have access to all data of the process.
When live was easy: single-threaded processes
User Process
call to
to user
pre .empted
An example of pre-emptive scheduling of user processes. At any time a user process may
be scheduled if the time slice is used up, the process blocks on some resource or – with
real-time systems: a process with higher priority got ready to run. The kernel will later
resume the pre-empted process exactly where it left it. There is no real concurrency if
only one CPU is present. But even with more CPUs the process would not run faster.
Asynchronous Signals in single-threaded
critical section
User Process
end of signal
Unix signals are an asynchronous mechanism which can call a „handler“ function in the
process. They can be caused by programming errors, user behavior or sent by other
processes. While in most cases signal handling functions are called when the process is in
the kernel (blocked) there is a chance that the pre-empted process was in a critical section
and the signal handler now modifies values from this section. Lost updates etc. could be the
result. The process can protect itself from asynchronous interruption by issuing
SIGIGNORE calls. Several other race conditions can happen (see Bach, pg. 200ff)
limited chance for
programming errors
because user threads
are not pre-empted
and give up control
only when they are
not in a critical
User level threads
User Process
user level scheduler
pre .empted
With user level thread (green threads, fibres) the kernel does not schedule threads. The
process itself scheduls threads which must yield control voluntarily. If a thread would do
a blocking system call the whole process would get scheduled. Most user level thread
libraries offer therefor non-blocking system calls. Multiple CPUs could NOT be used to
speed up the process because the kernel does not know about its internal concurrency.
Lightweight processes (kernel threads)
Now threads can
enter critical
concurrently and
chances for
corruption of data
are much higher if
no synchronization
primitives are used.
kernel thread
critical section kernel thread
LWP table
Process table
Lightweight processes are scheduled by the kernel. This means that a process can now
use two CPUs REALLY concurrently by using two LWPs. This design is extremely
important for virtual machines like the java VM because it can now exploit
multiprocessor designs.
Kernel and User level threads
thread1 thread2
thread1 thread2
critical section
user level scheduler
user level scheduler
LWP table
Process table
Each LWP can have regular user level threads which are scheduled under user level
control. This design tries to combine the performance advantages of user level threads
(extremely cheap thread context switches) with the maintenance advantages of kernel
level threads which are controlled by the kernel)
A design using threads: GUI-Application
Business logic
search string:
window system
event queue
start search
send update
notification to
Most GUI systems use one thread to paint the GUI and process input events from keyboard
or mouse. If a certain request takes a long time to process (e.g. a large database search) the
GUI becomes unresponsive if the GUI thread is „abused“ to query the DB. In those cases it
is better to use an extra thread for backend processing and let the GUI thread return quickly.
The business logic (model) will send an update request to the GUI once the data are
available. Please notice that the update request runs in a non-GUI thread and usually cannot
redraw the GUI directly. Instead, it leaves a marker which causes a GUI redraw driven e.g.
by timer events. Most GUI systems have asynchronous notification functions that let nonGUI threads register redraws. The reason is usually that GUI threads keep special data in
threadlocal space which are not available in other threads.
Scheduling Processes or Threads
• Throughput vs. response times
• Scheduling algorithms
Throughput vs. Responsiveness
Context switching frequency is a typical example of the trade-offs
made in operating system design. Each switch has an associated high
overhead so avoiding too many switches is necessary to achieve high
But letting compute bound processes run for long time slices
punishes I/O bound processes and makes the system feel very
sluggish for the users. Good time slices are between 20 and 50 msecs
with an average context switch overhead of 1msec (Tanenbaum pg.
Scheduling Algorithms: Interactive Systems
Round robin: take one process after the other
Dynamic recalculation of priorities after CPU time used
Based on estimates of processing time left etc.
Lotterie (ticket based)
Faire share
Different Queues
Tanenbaum (pg. 147ff.) lists a large number of scheduling algorithms for
interactive systems. Today most operating systems use different queues for
different process types and recalculate the priority (or the number of tickets in a
lottery based system) dynamically depending on how much CPU time the process
already used. The more CPU time used the lower the new priority. Should two
users experience the same CPU time given to their processes even if one user uses
10 processes and the other only one?
Scheduling Algorithms: realtime
• non-preemptive
• priority based
• earliest deadline first
Non-preemptive means that the processes will voluntarily yield the CPU if they
cannot progress. This works because in a realtime system all processes are
expected to cooperate – something not at all guaranteed for a regular multi-user
system. Priority based scheduling sounds easy but can lead to strange runtime
effects due to priority inversion e.g. in waiting on queued packages. Earliest
deadline first is an algorithm that achieves maximum CPU use without missing
deadlines as long the the overall process load is schedulable at all.
Using Priorities
Giving processes different fixed priorities sound easy. In practice it is
extremely hard to calculate the effects of different priorities in a
realtime system. Two sound strategies come to mind:
if you absolutely want to use priorities, use a simulation software like
statemate/rhapsody from www.ilogics.com to completely simulate
your system.
if you can afford a bit more hardware, go for a bigger system that will
allow you to use regular timesharing or interactive algorithms for your
soft-realtime system. It will make software development much easier
to treat all processes with the same priority.
And last but not least: Computer science students like to play around with new
scheduling algorithms. The wins are usually in microseconds with spectacular
breakdowns at certain unexpected system loads. Real professionals use a reliable
and unspectacular scheduling algorithm and put all their time behind optimizing
the systems I/O subsystem – this is where time is lost or won.
Process Behaviors (1): I/O bound
waiting for I/O
process data
waiting for I/O
process data
waiting for I/O
CPU slice reserved for this process
An I/O bound process spends most of its time waiting for data to come or go. To keep
overall runtime short it is important to start I/O requests as soon as possible to
minimize wait time. Such a process can use only minimal CPU time and still run for
hours. The process metaphor can use task inherent parallelism by starting several
processes doing one task. Internally it enforces strict serialized processing. This is one
of the reasons why threads where invented.
The diagram shows that I/O bound processes rarely use their full share of CPU time
Process Behaviors (2): compute bound
process data
CPU slice reserved for this process
A CPU bound process does little I/O. It is not blocked waiting for resources and can
therefore use its CPU slice almost fully. While being very effective with respect to
throughput it causes large wait-times for I/O bound processes. Most scheduling policies
therefore punish CPU bound processes by decreasing their priority or time slice to
make sure that I/O bound processes can run frequently. This is a clear indicator that
your scheduling strategies will depend on the typical workload of your machine and
that there is no correct policy in every case.
Synchronization Issues
•Race Conditions
•Objects and threads
•thread-safe programs
•mutual exclusion
•test and set
Race Conditions
Read value from
thread A
increment and
write to counter
counter is either 1 or 2 after
one go.
Read value from
thread B
increment and
write to counter
Assume a thread gets pre-empted after reading the counter value. In the meantime the
other thread also reads the counter and increments it. Now the first thread becomes active
again and also writes the (old) incremented value into counter. The second threads
increment is lost (lost update). The effect depends on when the threads are scheduled and
is therefore unpredictable. Those bugs are called race-conditions and they are very hard to
Objects and Threads
public class Foo {
thread A
private int counter;
int getCounter() {}
thread B
Yes, object encapsulate data. But this is not relevant for multi-threading. With respect to
several concurrently operating threads the field member „counter“ from above is a
GLOBAL variable if both threads share a reference to the same object. Do not confuse
implementation hiding with multithreading.
Thread-safe programs
There are 3 ways to achieve thread-safe programs:
1. functions or methods do only access variables from the
stack. Those are per thread only. Code that works only
through stack vars is called „re-entrant“ because any
number of threads can run the same code at the same
2. Each thread has its own set of objects and is guaranteed to
be the only user of those objects. Or it uses only
„threadlocal“ storage.
3. Code that does access global variables (class members,
static fields, global vars in C etc.) uses protective
wrappers around those to ensure exclusive access. This
can be locks, semaphores or monitors.
Mutual Exclusion
thread A
acquire lock and
proceed with
thread B
try to acquire
busy lock and
One way to achieve consistency is to serialize access to resources through locks. A lock
can be taken only once. The process which gets it first automatically excludes every other
thread from passing the lock. Only when the lock owner finishes processing the resource
and returns the lock can the other threads continue (by trying to get the lock).
Busy Waiting
try to acquire
busy lock and
while (true) {
synchronized(this) {
boolean ret = getLock(„Counter“);
if (ret == true) break;
The slide shows a client doing a busy wait for resource access. This is not only a
waste of CPU time but can lead to deadlocks when a system uses different fixed
priorities for processes. If the lock is owned by a low priority process the highpriority busy waiter will not let the owner process run and therefore the lock will
never be released (priority inversion).
public class Buffer {
private int value=0;
private volatile boolean full=false;
public synchronized void put (int a) throws InterruptedException { // use synchronized like this
while(full) // ALWAYS bracket wait with a check loop
value = a; full = true;
notifyAll(); // wake up ALL threads if they are equal
public synchronized int get() throws InterruptedException {
int result;
while (!full)
result = false; full = false;
return result;
from Bacon/Harris. Notice that one could lock more granular using synchronized
(object) and distinguish putter and getter threads. Used like above all threads will
wake up, many of them just to be blocked again (e.g. all putters if the buffer is full)
Monitor Implementation
thread A
public class Foo {
synchronized methodA ();
synchronized methodB ();
thread B
An object implementation e.g. by the java virtual machine provides a lock flag
which the first thread which accesses a synchronized method or block will get. The
next thread is put into the waitset of threads waiting for the lock to become
available. Virtual machines try all kinds of optimizations to make monitors fast, e.g.
by checking whether a thread already owns a lock or by doing atomic locks in user
space instead of using kernel system calls.
Spin Lock Class Implementation
class SpinLock {
private volatile boolean busy = false;
synchronized void release() { busy = false };
void acquire( ) throws InterruptedException {
for(;;) {
if (!busy)
synchronized (this) {
if (!busy) {
busy = true;
return; }
Notice VOLATILE keyword:
it tells the compiler not to
optimized repeated access of
the busy variable away. Also:
why is synchronized used in
release but only internally in
acquire? This avoids a
deadlock and still enforces a
memory synchronization. And
last but not least:
Thread.yield() is NOT
guaranteed to cause a thread
scheduling to happen.
Example slightly modified
after Doug Lea, Concurrent
Java Processing. See his
excellent helper classes for
synchronization (resources)
Sleep/Wakeup (Guarded wait)
thread B
synchronized ...
while (counter <= 0) {
try to acquire
lock and wait
The lock owner calls:
synchronized ..
The slide shows a client being put to sleep because the lock is not available. In this case
it is essential that there is no chance for a race condition between lock owner and lock
requester. Therefore both methods are synchronized. The lock owner MUST call
wakeUpSleepers when it is done but the lock requester MUST NOT be put to sleep at
exactly this moment. Otherwise it will sleep forever because it missed the wakeup call.
Why guarded waits?
while (counter <= 0) // lock to object (re-) installed
wait(); // lock to object released
access resource...
There is always a possibility that several threads have been waiting on an object. A
notify call will wake up one thread waiting – but there is no guarantee that it is
really one of those threads that holds a resource the other threads are waiting for.
Sometimes the system can also generate SPURIOUS notifications which wakes
threads without the conditions being right. Of course, only one thread will get the
lock to the object and then access the resource. But the other threads one after the
other would access the resource later as well – without owning it.
Why notifyAll?
synchronized ..
Again, if you wake up only one thread it might be the wrong one and deadlock
results. Also, priority inversion might happen if only one thread is notified to
Some nasty thread problems:
•thread interruption
•killing threads
•nested monitor problem
• deadlocks
• atomic hardware operations
Thread Interruption
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw e; }
finally { waiting--; notifyAll();}
Sometimes several threads are working together. If one gets interrupted it needs to
release a semaphore variable (here: waiting) and send a notify message to wake up
the other threads. They would wait forever without that notification. That‘s why
Java enforces the InterruptedException as a checked exception.
Killing a Thread
synchronized ...
manipulate object
here the thread gets killed. To avoid a resource
leak the java virtual machine releases the lock
and kills the thread. But the object may be in an
inconsistent state now because the thread did not
end synchronization
Remember: killing threads leads to an inconsistent system. Therefore the method
has been deprecated.
Nested Monitor Problem
call synchronized
method on object A
Thread A
Thread B
Object A
call from A to
method of B
in B Thread A
does a wait()
and gets
suspended. Its
lock on object
B is released,
Object B
thread B would like to call object A‘s
synchronized method but the lock is
owned by thread A. Thread A is
unfortunately suspended in in Object
B and cannot release the lock in
object A. This leads to nasty deadlock
like situations.
Watch for chains of synchronized methods across objects.
call synchronized
method on object A
Thread A
Object A
Object B
Object C
unsynchronized calls between the other objects
Thread B
Access to the application is
now „serialized“ for all
threads. No performance
gains are possible through
Threads only make sense if they can run in parallel – or quasi parallel.
Too many synchronize statements will simply lead to complete
serialization of a program: It runs just like a single-threaded
application. Always grep for „synchronize“ statements when you do a
performance analysis. New programmers usually start using no
synchronization. Then – after some mean bugs – they tend to put
synchronization everywhere and slow things down until they learn how
to use it properly.
thread A locks object A
thread B locks object B
Object A
Object B
Thread B
Thread A
thread A wants to lock
object B
Thread A
Object A
thread B wants to lock
object A
Object B
Object A
Thread B
Object B
The second step will create a problem: each threads wants an object that the
other one already owns. No thread can progress and everything stalls. Think
about solutions to this problem. Will your solution be stable? I.E. work under
different conditions and after code changes as well? We will make some
exercises on this.
Deadlock Description with Petri Nets
thread A
thread B
A petri net takes a transition if all input phases have tokens. In this case both
resource A and B would lose their token. The next transition is not possible
because the other resource token is not available. This deadlock depends on the
order of transitions which is non-deterministic – a property well expressed by
petri nets. (see resources: Uwe Schoenig, Ideen der Informatik pg. 62 from
where this example was taken)
Atomic Test and Set Instructions
label: tset r0, memoryAddress
cmp r0, 1
jeq label
tset is a so-called atomic instruction. It takes the content of memoryAddress and puts it
in register r0. If register r0 has the value 0 it will put a ONE at the location
memoryAddress. If r0 was already one it leaves it as it is. The magic lies in the fact
that the hardware guarantees that swapping 0 and 1 ad memoryAddress IS AN
INDIVISIBLE or ATOMIC OPERATION. No other process can interfere here (e.g.
read or write to memoryAddress during this time). Multiprocessor systems rely on
those tset statements but they are usefully on any system. Please not that implemented
like this the code from above would do a busy wait on the lock. But this logic can be
coupled with a context switch and notification logic which gives us the concept of
A word of caution
Most synchronization mechanisms rely on the fact that all clients go through
those mechanisms to get ownership of a lock. In many cases it would be
possible for clients to simply try to access the resource directly,
bypassing the mutual exclusion mechanism. If this happens data
inconsistencies are certain. If you experience strange inconsistencies and
your code looks absolutely proper: search for clients which go through
no locks at all to access the resource (shoot the developer)
go through a private locking mechanisms to access the resource (shoot
the developer but torture him first)
This is based on the experience of searching 2 month for a bug in a multi-processing
system with real-time slave controllers. The communication between host and slaves
became inconsistent every once in a while. The reason was that a tty device driver used
a private lock mechanism to lock the system bus. If somebody used a terminal attached
to my test systems my dual-ported communication channel became inconsistent....
Needless to say that it takes an endless amount of debugging and testing until you start
questioning totally unrelated code...
Theory: Concurrency Models
Shared State Model (what you have seen on the previous slides. Some
people claim that this model is error prone. It works only on local
Message Passing Concurrency: basically the approach from distributed
computing ported back to local machines. It avoids sharing state
completely. Objects communicate via sending messages to ports.
Actor Model: Similiar to message passing concurrency. The symbian OS
uses the concept of active objects to avoid multithreading but it is nonpre-emptive and requires design changes.
Many modern or research languages and operating systems use different concurrency
models. Take a look at the E-language or OZ (see resources) for newer concepts
(promises etc.). And take a look at the phantastic book by Peter van Horn and Seif
Haridi and the excellent web page which accompanies it)
Resources (1)
Doug Lea, Concurrent Programming in Java, Second Edition. Uses design
patterns. A threadpool implementation is available, together with other
synchronization primitives in Java. Do not mess with threads without this
html . Please look at his excellent helper classes for all kinds of
synchronization problems and a high performance threadpool
Raphael A. Finkel, An Operating System Vademecum, find it online at:
A good class on Operating Systems:
http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~wjk/OperatingSystemsConcepts/ with simple
kernel tutorial (bochs)
Alan Dix, Unix System Programming I and II, short course notes.
Resources (2)
• Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs, Jeff Magee and Jeff Kramer,
http://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/concurrency/ with nice applets and code for
various concurrency examples
• Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi. Concepts, Techniques, and Models of
Computer Programming. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004. All sorts of
programming concepts using the OZ language. This book will make
the difference if you really want to understand computer science.
Fundamental like „Structure and Interpretation of computer programs“.
There is a draft available from wayback engine. (almost 1000 pages).
Excellent additional material (courses etc.) at:
• Active Objects in Symbian OS:
tive.htm . Gives an overview of multitasking concepts as well.
• Gerlicher/Rupp, Symbian OS. Very good introduction to Symbian OS
(with active objects, communication etc.) GERMAN.