COMP 2007: UNIX Operating System

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Transcript COMP 2007: UNIX Operating System

Lecture 4:
• Every file on a UNIX system has a unique
inode (contains information necessary for a
process to access a file)
• Inodes exist in a static form on disk and the
kernel reads them into an in-core inode to
manipulate them
Lower Level File System
• The algorithm iget returns a previously identified
inode, possible reading it from disk via the buffer
cache and the algorithm iput releases this inode.
The algorithm bmap sets kernel parameter for
accessing a file. The algorithm namei converts a
user-level path name to an inode, using the
algorithms iget, iput, and bmap. Algorithms alloc
and free allocate and free disk blocks for files and
algorithms ialloc and ifree assign and free inodes
for files.
Consist of:
• File owner identifier (individual owner & group owner)
• File type (regular, directory, character or block
special, or FIFO – pipes)
• File access permissions (owner, group, other: read,
write, execute)
• File access time
• Number of links to the file
• Table of contents for the disk addresses of data in a
• File size
Sample Disk Inode
Owner mjb
Group os
Type regular file
Perms rwxr-xr-x
Accessed Oct 23 1984 1:45 P.M.
Modified Oct 22 1984 10:30 A.M.
Inode Oct 23 1984 1:30 P.M.
Size 6030 bytes
Disk addresses
Algorithm for allocation of in-core inodes
algorithm iget
input: file system inode number
output: locked inode
while (not done)
if (inode in inode cache)
if (inode locked)
sleep (event inode becomes unlocked);
/*loop back to while */
/*special processing for mount points */
if (inode on inode free list)
remove from free list;
increment inode reference count;
return (inode);
/*inode not in inode cache */
if (no inodes on free list)
return (error);
remove new inode from free list;
reset inode number and fiel system;
remove inode from old hash queue, place on new one;
read inode from disk (algorithm bread);
initialise inode (e.g. reference count to 1);
return (inode);
Accessing inodes
The kernel identifies particular inodes by their file system and inode number and
allocates in-core inodes at the request of higher level algorithms. The algorithm iget
allocates an in-core copy of an inode. The kernel maps the device number and inode
number into a hash queue and searches the queue for the inode. If it cannot find the
inode, it allocates one from the free list and locks it. The kernel then prepares to read the
disk copy of the newly accessed inode into the in-core copy. It already knows the inode
number and the logical device and computes the logical disk block that contains the
inode according to how many disk inodes fit into a disk block. The computation follows
the formula:
Block number = ((inode number –1)/ number of inodes per block) + start block of inode list
Assuming that block 2 is the beginning of theinode list and thatthere are 8 inodes per
block, then inode number 8 is in disk block 2 and inode number 9 is in disk block 3!
• To compute the byte offset of the inode in the block:
((inode number –1) modulo (number of inodes per block))*size of disk inode
If each disk inode occupies 64 bytes and there are 8 inodes per disk block, then inode
number 8 starts at byte offset 448 in the disk block!
Releasing Inodes
• When the kernel releases an inode (algorithm
iput), it decrements its in-core reference count. If
the count drops to 0, the kernel writes the inode to
disk if the in-core copy differs from the disk copy.
They differ if the file data has changed, if the file
access time has changed or if the file owner or
access permissions have changed. The kernel
places the inode on the free list of inodes,
effectively caching the inode in case it is needed
again soon. The kernel may release all data blocks
associated with the file and free the inode if the
number of links to the file is 0.
Structure of a regular file
The inode contains the table of contents to locate a file’s
data on disk. Since each block on a disk is addressable by
number, the table of contents consists of a set of disk
block numbers. If the data in a file were stored in a
contiguous section of the disk (that is, the file occupued a
linear sequence of disk blocks), then storing the start
block address and the file size in the inode would suffice
to access all the data in the file. However, such an
allocation strategy would not allow for simple expansion
and contraction of files in the file system without running
the risk of fragmenting free storage area on the disk.
Structure of a regular file
…….. File A
File B
File C
…….. File A
File C
File B
Allocation of Contiguous Files and Fragmentation of Free Space
The kernel could minimise fragmentation of storage space by
periodically running garbage collection procedures to compact
available storage, but that would place an added drain on processing
For greater flexibility, the kernel allocates
file space one block at a time and allows the
data in a file to be spread throughout the file
system! But this allocation scheme
complicates the task of locating the data.
To keep the inode structure small yet still
allow large files, the table of contents of
disk blocks conforms to that shown next
Direct and Indirect Blocks in Inode
Direct 0
Direct 1
Direct 2
Direct 3
Direct 4
Direct 5
Direct 6
Direct 7
Direct 8
Direct 9
Byte Capacity of a File – 1K
Bytes Per Block
• 10 direct blocks with 1K bytes each = 10K bytes
• 1 indirect block with 256 direct blocks = 256K bytes
• 1 double indirect block with 256 indirect blocks = 64M bytes
• 1 triple indirect block with 256 double indirect blocks = 16G
• Processes access data in a file by byte offset. They
work in terms of byte counts and view a file as a
stream of bytes starting at byte address 0 and
going up to the size of file. The kernel converts the
user view of bytes into a view of blocks. The file
starts at logical block 0 and continues to a logical
block number corresponding to the file size. The
kernel access the inode and converts the logical
file block into the appropriate disk block. The
algorithm bmap converts a file byte offset into a
physical disk block
• Give the file system its hierarchical structure
• Important role in conversion of a file name to
an inode number
• Initial access: open, chdir, link system calls
• Algorithm namei uses intermediate inodes
as it parses a path name
Algorithm for conversion of path name to an inode
algorithm namei
/* convert path name to inode */
input: path name
output: locked inode
if (path name starts from root)
working inode = root inode (algorithm iget);
working inode = current directory inode (algorithm iget);
while (there is more path name)
read next path name component from input;
verify that working inode is of directory, access permissions OK;
if (working inode is of root and component is “..”)
/*loop back to while */
read directory (working inode) by repeated use of algorithms
bmap, bread and brelse;
if (component matches an entry in directory (working inode))
get inode number for matched component;
release working inode (algorithm iput);
working inode = inode of matched component (algorithm iget);
/*component not in directory */
return (no inode);
return (working node);
Suppose a process wants to open the file “/etc/passwd”. When the kernel starts
parsing the file name, it encounters “/” and gets the system root inode. Making
root its current working inode, the kernel gathers in the string “etc”. After
checking that the current inode is that of a directory (“/”) and that the process
has the necessary permissions to search it, the kernel searches root for a fiel
whose name is “etc”: It accesses the data in the root directory block by block
and searches each block one entry at a time until it locates an entry ofr “etc”.
On finding the entry, the kernel releases the inode for root (algorithm iput) and
allocates the inode for “etc” (algorithm iget) according to the inode number of
the entry just found. After ascertaining the “etc” is a directory and that it has
the requisite search permissions, the kernel searches “etc” block by block for
the file “passwd”. On finding it, releases the inode for “etc” and allocate sthe
inode for “passwd” and… returns that inode
Super block
Consists of:
• The size of the file system
• The number of free blocks in the file system
• A list of free blocks available on the file system
• The index of the next free block in the free block list
• The size of the inode list
• The number of free inodes in the file system
• A list of free inodes in the file system
• The index of the next free inode in the free inode list
• Lock fields for the free block and free inode lists
• A flag indicating that the super block has been modified
ialloc - ifree
• Algorithm ialloc assigns a disk inode to a newly
created file
• The file system contains a linear list of inodes. An
inode is free if its type field is zero. When a
process needs a new inode, the kernel could
theoretically search the inode list for a free inode
• Such a search would be expensive, requiring at
least one read operation for every inode! To
improve performance, the file system super block
contains an array to cache the numbers of free
inodes in the file system
• ifree: freeing an inode
Algorithm for assigning new inodes
algorithm ialloc
/* allocate inode */
input: file system
output: locked inode
while (not done)
if (super blocked locked)
sleep (event super block becomes free);
/*loop back to while */
if (inode list in super block is empty)
lock super block;
get remembered inode for free inode search;
search disk for free inodes until super block full, or no more
free inodes (algorithms bread and brelse);
unlock super block;
wake up (event super block becomes free);
if (no free inodes found on disk)
return (no inode);
set remembered inode for next free inode search;
/*there are inodes in super block inode list */
get inode number form super block inode list;
get inode (algorithm iget);
if (inode not free after all)
write inode to disk;
release inode (algorithm iput);
/*inode is free */
initialise inode;
write inode to disk;
decrement file system free inode count;
return (inode);}
Assigning Free Inode from Middle of List
Super Block Free Inode List
Free inodes
array 1
Super Block Free Inode List
Free inodes
array 2
Assigning Free Inode – Super Block List Empty
Super Block Free Inode List
array 1
Super Block Free Inode List
free inodes
array 2
Allocation of disk blocks
• When a process writes data to a file, the kernel
must allocate disk blocks from the file system
for direct data blocks and sometimes for indirect
• The file system super block contains an array
that is used to cache the numbers of free disk
blocks in the file system
Other file types: Pipes
• A pipe, sometimes called FIFO, difers from a
regular file in that its data is transient: Once data is
read from a pipe, it cannot be read again. Also the
data is read in order that it was written to the pipe
and the system allows no deviation from that
order. The kernel stores data in a pipe the same
way it stores data in an ordinary file, except that it
uses only the direct blocks, not the indirect blocks!
Other file types: special files
• Including block device special files and
character device special files. Both types
specify devices and therefore the file inodes
do not reference any data. Instead, the inode
contains two numbers known as the major
and minor device numbers: The major
number indicates a device type such as
terminal or disk, and the minor number
indicates the unit number of the device
The File System
The best way to learn about files is to play with them. Creating a small file:
$ ed
Now is the time
For all good people
w junk
$ ls –l junk
-rw-r--r– 1 you 36 Sept 27 06:11 junk
$ cat junk
Now is the time
For all good people
• Cat shows what the file looks like. The command od (octal
dump) prints a visible representation of all the bytes of a file.
$ od –c junk
-c means “interpret bytes as characters”. Turning on the –b option will show the
bytes as octal (base 8) numbers as well.
$ od -cb junk
• Try something different: type some characters and then a ctr-d,
rather than a return. This will immediately send the characters
you have typed to the program that is reading from the terminal.
(Ctr-d logs you out, as the shell sees no more input). What
happens when you type ctl-d to ed?
What is in a file?
• The file command makes an educated guess:
$ file /bin
/bin/ed /usr/src/cmd/ed.c /usr/man/man1/ed.1
/bin/ed: pure executable
/usr/src/cmd/ed.c: c program text
roff, nroff, or eqn input text
$ sort /bin/ed
• Directories and filenames:
$ ls
$ pwd
$ mkdir recipes
$ file *
$ ls recipes
• Every file has a set of permissions associated with it, which
determine who can do what with the file.
• The file /etc/passwd is the password file; it contains all the login
information about each user. You can discover you uid and
groupid, as does the system, by looking up your name in
$ grep you /etc/passwd
• The –l option of ls command prints the permissions information, among other
$ ls –l /etc/passwd
-rw-r- - r - - 1 root
5115 Aug 30 10:40 /etc/passwd
• The chmod command changes permissions on files:
$ chmod permissions filenames….
$ chmod +x command
$ chmod –w command
• A file has several components: a name, contents and
administrative information such as permissions and modification
times. The administrative information is stored in the inode
along with essential system data such as how long it is, where
on the disc the contents of the file are stored and so on
• There are three times in the inode: the time that the contents of
the file were last modified (written); the time that the file was last
used (read or executed); and the time that the inode itself was
last changed, for example to set the permissions
Interesting directories
Root of the file system
Essential programs in executable form (“binaries”)
Device files
System miscellany
Login message of the day
Password file
Essenhtial libraries
Temporary files; cleaned when system is restarted
Executable form of the operating system
User file system
System administration: accounting info
User binaries
Dictionary and support for spell()
Game programs
Header files for C programs
Interesting directories
System header files for C programs
Libraries for C, etc
On-line manual
Manual pages for section 1 of manual
Hardware diagnostics, bootstrap programs
Community service messages
Public oddments
Source code for utilities and libraries
Source for commands
Source code for subroutine libraries
Working directories for communication programs
Line printer temporary directory
Mail in-boxes
Working directory for the uucp programs
Source for the operating system kernel
Arternate temporary directory
Your login directory
Your personal programs
Lecture 5:
Just a reminder of what we have
seen so far…
UNIX System Structure
Center: operating system 
interacts directly with the
hardware, providing common
services to programs. System
kernel: operating system;
isolated from user programs.
Programs such as shell and
editors (ed, vi) interact with
kernel with a set of system
calls commands!
SCCS: Source Code Control
Major Components of UNIX:
• Kernel: The master control program of the computer. It resides
in the computer’s main memory and it manages the computer’s
resources. It is the kernel that handles the switching necessary
to provide multitasking
• File System: UNIX organises data into collections calles files.
Files may be grouped together into collection called directory
files or directories
• Shell: The part of UNIX that interprets user commands and
passes them on to the kernel is called the shell. A typical shell
provides a command-line interface, where the user can type
• Utilities: A utility is a useful software tool that is included as a
standard part of the UNIX operating system. Utilities are often
called commands
Block Diagram of Kernel
User programs
User Level
Kernel Level
System call interface
File subsystem
Buffer cache
Device drivers
Hardware control
Kernel Level
Hardware Level
Lecture 5:
More on Inodes
(as requested)
File System Implementation
Boot Super
block block
I nodes
Data blocks
File System Implementation
• Block 0
– Used by Unix to boot the computer
• Block 1 or super-block
– Contains critical information about the layout of the file
system (number of i-nodes, of disk blocks, etc.)
• I-nodes
– Is 64 bytes and describes exactly one file
– Contains counting information (owner, protections,
• Data blocks
– All files and directories are stored here
• Remember: All types of UNIX files are
administrated by the operating system by means of
• An inode (index node) is a control structure that
contains the key information needed by the
operating system for a particular file.
• Several file names may be associated with exactly
one file, and each file is controlled by exactly one
• The attributes of the file as well as its permissions
and other control information are stored in the
inode. The next table lists its contents:
Table: Information in a UNIX DiskResident Inode
File Mode
16-bit flag that stores access and execution permissions associated with the file:
12-14 File type (regular, directory, character or block special, FIFO pipe)
9-11 Execution flags
8 Owner Read permission
7 Owner Write permission
6 Owner Execute permission
5 Group Read permission
4 Group Write permission
3 Group Execute permission
2 Other Read permission
1 Other Write permission
0 Other Execute permission
Link Count
Number of directory references to this inode
Owner ID
Individual owner of file
Group ID
Group owner associated with this file
File Size
Number of bytes in file
File Addresses
39 bytes of address information
Last Accessed
Time of last file access
Last Modified
Time of last file modification
Inode Modified
Time of last inode modification
Schematic structure of an Inode
Figure shows the inode
structure of a typical
file. In addition to
descriptive information,
the inode contains
pointers to the first few
data blocks of the file.
If the file is large, the
indirect pointer
contains a pointer to a
block of pointers to the
file fragments.
Directory Layout for /etc
Byte Offset in
Inode Number
(2 bytes)
File Names
Every directory contains the
file names dot and dot-dot
whose inode numbers are
those of the directory and its
parent directory, respectively.
The number of “.” in /etc is
allocated at offset 0, and its
value is 83. Directory entries
may be empty, indicated by an
inode number 0. For instance,
the entry at address 224 in /etc
is empty, although it once
contained an entry for a file
named “crash”.
Assigning Free Inode from Middle of List
Super Block Free Inode List
Free inodes
array 1
Super Block Free Inode List
Free inodes
array 2
If the list of free inodes in the super block is like the first one
above, when the kernel assigns an inode, it decrements the index
fro the next valid inode number to 18 and takes inode number 48.
Remembered inodes:
• If the super block list of free inodes is empty, the
kernel searches the disk and places as many free
inode numbers as possible into the super block.
The kernel reads the inode list on disk, block by
block, and fills the super block list of inode
numbers to capacity, remembering the highestnumbered inode that it finds. Call that inode the
“remembered”inode; it is the last one saved in the
super block. The next time the kernel searches the
disk for free inodes, it uses the remembered inode
as its starting point, thereby assuring that it wastes
no time reading disk blocks where no free inodes
should exist.
Assigning Free Inode – Super Block List Empty
Super Block Free Inode List
array 1
Super Block Free Inode List
free inodes
array 2
If the list of free inodes in the super block is like the first one above, it will notice that
the array is empty and search the disk for free inodes, starting from inode number 470,
the remembered inode. When the kernel fills the super block free list to capacity, it
remembers the last inode as the start point for the next search of the disk. The kernel
assigns an inode it just took from the disk and continues whatever it was doing.
File Allocation
(more details about directindirect blocks)
• Files are allocated on a block basis. Allocation is dynamic
as needed. Hence, the blocks of a file on disk are not
necessarily contiguous.
• An indexed method is used to keep track of each file, with
part of the index stored in the inode for the file.
• The inode includes 39 bytes of address information
organised as 13 3-byte addresses, or pointers. The first 10
addresses point to the first 10 data blocks of file. If the file
is longer than 10 blocks, then one or more levels of
information are used as follows:
Levels of indirection:
• The eleventh address in the inode points to a block on disk
that contains the next portion of the index. This block is
referred to as the single indirect block. This block contains
the pointers to succeeding blocks in the file.
• If the file contains more blocks, the twelfth address in the
inode points to a double indirect block. This block contains
a list of addresses of additional single indirect blocks. Each
of the single indirect blocks in turn contains pointers to file
• If the file contains still more blocks, the thirteenth address
in the inode points to a triple indirect block that is a third
level of indexing. This block points to additional double
indirect blocks.
• Have a look again at the diagram of Slide no 12 for the
UNIX block addressing scheme
An example:
Assume that a disk block contains 1024
bytes. If a process wants to access byte offset
9000, the kernel calculates that the byte is in
direct block 8 in the file. If it wants the
350000 in the file?
Data block
0 331
75 3333
Double indirect
Data block
Single indirect
Advantages of this scheme:
• The inode is of fixed size and relatively small and
hence may be kept in main memory for long
• Smaller files may be accessed with little or no
indirection, reducing processing and disk access
• The theoretical maximum size of a file is large
enough to satisfy virtually all applications!
Linux retains UNIX’s standard filesystem model. Files can be anything
capable of handling the input or
output of a stream of data. The Linux
kernel handles all these types of file
by hiding the implementation details
of any single file type behind a layer
of software, the virtual file system
• The LINUX VFS is designed around objectoriented principles:
– inode-object: inode
– file-object: represent individual files
– file-system-object: represents an entire file
• For each of these three types of object the VFS
defines a set of operations that must be
implemented by that structure. Every object
contains a pointer to a function table
• The function table lists the addresses of the actual
functions that implement those operations for that
particular object
• Thus, the VFS software layer can perform an
operation on one of these objects by calling the
appropriate function from that object’s function
• The VFS does not know, whether an inode
represents a networked file, a disk file, a network
socket or a directory file!
The file-system object
• The file-system object represents a
connected set of files that forms a selfcontained directory hierarchy
• The operating system kernel maintains a
single file-system object for each disk
device. Its main responsibility is to give
access to inodes.
• Inode-object represents a file as a whole,
while a file-object represents a point of
access to the data in the file.
What happens with directory files
• Directory files are dealt with slightly differently
from other files. The UNIX programming
interface defines a number of operations on
directories, such as creating, deleting and
renaming a file in a directory. Unlike reading and
writing data, for which a file must be opened, the
system calls (we will discuss this the following
week) for these directory operations do not require
that the user open the files concerned. The VFS
therefore defines these directory operations in the
inode-object, rather than in the file object!
The LINUX ext2fs File System
• The standard on-disk file system is called: Second
extended file system (ext2fs)
• Locating the data blocks belonging to a specific file,
storing data-block pointers in indirect blocks throughout
the file system with up to three levels of indirection.
Directory files are stored on disk just like normal files,
although their contents are interpreted differently. Each
block in a directory file consists of a linked list of entries,
where each entry contains the length of the entry, the name
of a file and the inode number of the inode to which that
entry refers
• Ext2fs does not use fragments, but performs all its
allocations in smaller units. The default block size on
ext2fs is 1KB, although 2KB and 4KB blocks are also
Allocation policies:
• 1KB I/O request size is too small to
maintain good performance, so ext2fs uses
allocation policies designed to place
logically adjacent blocks of a file into
physically adjacent blocks on disk, so that it
can submit an I/O request for several disk
blocks as a single operation
• An ext2fs is partitioned into multiple block
Choosing data blocks
• When allocating a file, ext2fs must first select the
block group for that file. For data blocks, it
attempts to choose the same block group that in
which the file’s inode has been allocated. For
inode allocations, it selects the same block group
as the file’s parent directory, for non-directory
files. Directory files are not kept together, but
rather are dispensed throughout the available
block groups. These policies are designed to keep
related information within the same block group,
but also to spread out the disk load among the
disk’s block groups to reduce the fragmentation of
any one area of the disk
How the fragmentation is
• It maintains a bitmap of all free blocks in a block
group. When allocating the first blocks for a new file, it
starts searching for a free block from the beginning of
the block group; when extending a file, it continuous
the search from the block most recently allocated to the
file. The search is performed in two stages:
– It searches for an entire free byte in the bitmap; if it fails to
find one, it looks for any free bit. The search for free bytes
aims to allocate disk space in chunks of at least eight blocks
where possible
– Once a free block has been identified, the search is extended
backward until an allocated block is encountered (this
prevents from leaving a hole between the most recently
allocated block in the previous non zero byte and the zero
byte found. After that it pre-allocates these extra blocks.
Block-allocation policies
Allocating scattered free blocks
Allocating continuous free blocks
Tutorials are compulsory!
Just before the 3 week break in
March, there will be a marked
assignment which will count
10% of the overall mark and it
will take place at the lab
Hints for the tutorials
• Other Operations on Files
• The UNIX operating system contains a
large number of commands for
examining, manipulating, and modifying
files. As you gain more familiarity with
UNIX, you will find dozens of useful
utilities. Some of the more useful
operations are comparing, searching,
compressing, and archiving.
• Comparing - diff
• The diff command can be used to look
for differences between two files. It
takes two filenames as arguments.
When differences are found between
the two, the differing lines are printed
to the screen. The lines from the first
file are preceded with a less than
symbol < lines from the second file are
preceded with a greater than symbol >
• Searching - grep
• UNIX has a very powerful utility called
grep (for Get Regular ExPression). grep
takes two arguments: a pattern and a
file. Both of the arguments may contain
wild-card characters. grep returns a list
of occurrences of the pattern preceded
by the name of the file each occurs in
and a colon. For instance:
$ grep foobar *.{c,cc,pl}
Finds all occurrences of the string foobar
in files that end with .c, .cc, or .pl
• Compressed Files - gzip/gunzip
• Files may be compressed with the gzip
command to reduce their size.
$ gzip filename Files compressed with this
utility will have the extension .gz
appended to the filenames.
• To uncompress a file with a .gz suffix,
use the command gunzip:
$ gunzip filename There are variations of
the common UNIX file utilities that can
be used on gzip compressed files. They
behave like the original commands do,
but they work on compressed files.
Some of these commands are gzgrep,
gzmore, gzcat, and gzdiff.
Recovering Deleted Files
• When a file is deleted in UNIX it is gone. There is no practical
way of recovering it. However, the system administrators do
nightly backups of the file system. If you have some version of
the file that existed prior to the last backup, it is likely that it
can be restored. If you lose or delete such files, send email or
inform your demonstrators and give the path for each of the
files that were deleted and when. If possible, also tell
demonstrators when the latest version was known to exist.
Time permitting, the staff will try to recover the most recently
backed-up version if one exists. Turn-around time on file
discovery and recovery is measured in hours, so do not get
dependent on this service. Save copies of important files your
are working on.