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Rootkits – Avoiding detection
Tillmann Werner, [email protected]
Seminar Computer Security, B-IT
Motivation and definition, short history of rootkits
Entering the kernel: Hiding and starting
Operating system internals: How things get executed
Modern rootkit techniques
Covert channels for stealth communication
Countermeasures against rootkits
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 2
Hackers want to keep access to a successfully compromized box.
At the same time, they want to remain undetected and thus need to
hide their presence and traces.
Using conventional ways to remotely access a hacked box is often
much too noisy. Once a system is under control, an intruder normally
wants to install his own invisible backdoor.
All hacker activities and data related to those activities shall be
invisible to legitimate users. Any permanent trace should be avoided,
if possible.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 3
„A rootkit is a set of programs and code that allows a permanent
or consistent, undetectable presence on a computer.“
Source: G.Hoglund, J. Butler: „Rootkits“, ISBN 0-321-29431-9
„A rootkit is a set of software tools intended to conceal running
processes, files or system data from the operating system.“
Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia,
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 4
Privileged access and stealth
In a nutshell: It‘s all about permanent access and stealth.
Once a hacker has administrative
privileges, assuring permanent access
is only a matter of her creativity.
This presentation focusses
on how to stay stealthy.
Operating System
Filtering I/O between two layers
could conceal the presence
of a rootkit.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 5
From early rootkits…
First rootkits came up in the late eighties. They were written for
UNIX-like operating systems (Windows was not yet around).
Early versions consisted of a bunch of modified programs that
replaced the original instances on a compromized box.
Typical candidates are programs that are used to examine the current
system status, like ls, ps, who, netstat, etc.
Also, the login program was often modified to accept login attempts
for a specially crafted user. Invoked by telnet, it enabled attackers
to come back at any time they wanted.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 6
… to modern rootkits
The early rootkits were easily detectable: modified binaries differ in
size or cryptographic hashes from the original versions.
There are 1001 ways to explore the system status – one could even
write own programs. Comparing their results reveals the presence of
rootkit binaries.
Modern rootkits step into a lower layer, the kernel. If they run in
kernel mode, any userland program is under their control as well.
User input to a program and its output can then already be filtered on
the kernel level. Patching binaries is not necessary at all.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 7
A rootkit design example
User Space
Kernel Space
Keyboard Sniffer
Packet Sniffer
Main OS Kernel
TCP port
for remote control
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 8
Entering the kernel: Hiding rootkit resources
A common approach for hiding a rootkit is prefix-based filtering:
A resource whose name matches a given prefix is considered to belong
to the rootkit and is lurked to other programs.
Such a prefix can be prepended to file names, directory names or
program names (which are inherited by corresponding processes).
A similar method allows for hiding network traffic from other processes.
Relevant packets are equipped with a magic value in their payload.
This simple technique enables an attacker to hide most of his activities
quite successful.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 9
Entering the kernel: Starting a rootkit
A common technique is to implement the rootkit as kernel module or
driver that can be loaded during runtime. Modification of a present
driver is also possible.
The kernel code itself can be altered to start a rootkit. Both the on-disk
image and the running kernel must be changed (e.g. by altering
/dev/kmem on Linux).
A rootkit program can also get hooked into the system to load
automatically during operating system startup, e.g. by patching
/sbin/init or by using .ini files.
The boot loader can be modified to apply patches to the kernel just
before the start phase.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 10
i386 architecture
The i386 architecture provides four different
protection domains in hierarchical order,
so called „rings“. This allows for enforcing
a security model on the hardware layer.
Most operating systems only use the rings
0 and 3 for compatibility reasons.
Ring 0 is also known als „protected mode“ oder „kernel mode“. On
modern operating systems only the kernel is allowed to enter it.
Ring 3 is generally called „user mode“ and is used to execute code in
an unprivileged level, i.e. with memory protection.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 11
Entering ring 0
So, how can a program execute privileged instructions?
The operating system provides system calls to a userland process.
Common examples are functions like read(), write(), or open().
System calls are not used directly. Instead, they are encapsulated in
libraries that can be used in high level languages. Examples are the
libc or glibc on UNIX-like systems.
Some platforms, like Microsoft Windows, do not want a program to use
the low-level libraries directly. They provide API functions that simplify
common programming tasks, like controlling a GUI.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 12
: flow of execution
: memory pointer
Kernel Space
User Space
Import Address Table
Operating system internals – how things get executed
Interrupt Descriptor Table
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
System Call Table
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 13
API Function
Library Function
: flow of execution
: memory pointer
Kernel Space
User Space
Import Address Table
Operating system internals – how things get executed
Interrupt Descriptor Table
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
System Call Table
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 14
API Function
Library Function
: flow of execution
: memory pointer
Choose IH
from IDT
Kernel Space
User Space
Import Address Table
Operating system internals – how things get executed
Interrupt Descriptor Table
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
System Call Table
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 15
API Function
Library Function
Choose IH
from IDT
Kernel Space
User Space
Interrupt Descriptor Table
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Import Address Table
Operating system internals – how things get executed
: flow of execution
: memory pointer
Choose Syscall
from SCT
System Call Table
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 16
API Function
Library Function
Choose IH
from IDT
Kernel Space
User Space
Interrupt Descriptor Table
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Import Address Table
Operating system internals – how things get executed
Choose Syscall
from SCT
: flow of execution
: memory pointer
System Call
System Call Table
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 17
API Function
Library Function
Choose IH
from IDT
Kernel Space
User Space
Interrupt Descriptor Table
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Import Address Table
Operating system internals – how things get executed
Choose Syscall
from SCT
: flow of execution
: memory pointer
System Call
System Call Table
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 18
User Space
API Function
Library Function
Import Address Table
Possible locations for intervention
Kernel Space
Choose IH
from IDT
Choose Syscall
from SCT
System Call
Interrupt Descriptor Table
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
System Call Table
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 19
IAT Hooking
Import Address Table
On Windows platforms, the
import address table (IAT) of
a program contains pointers
to API or library functions.
API Function
A rootkit can modify the table
to make a pointer reference a modified function.
Rootkit Function
This function at first execute hostile instructions and then eventually
calls the original API function if revelation is not feared.
But: Every application has ist own import address table and the rootkit
has to place a DLL with its wrapper functions in the filesystem.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 20
Modifying System Calls
Specially crafted system calls affect all
calling programs.
The system call could check given arguments
in order to decide how to operate.
Patched Syscall
If a detection of the rootkit is feared, an alternative routine is executed
that returns a different, harmless value.
Modification of system call code requires runtime kernel patching on
multiple locations. This is dangerous as one single error could crash
the operating system.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 21
System Call Table Hooking
Altering the system call table
is the most common rootkit
Choose Syscall
from SCT
System Call
System Call
System Call Table
Some system calls are
Rootkit Function
replaced with modified
versions by changing the corresponding pointers in the syscall table.
A rootkit system call can behave different depending on the calling
process, e.g. an open() fails if the argument is a rootkit resource.
Problem: System call tables are backed up multiple times. Integrity
checks could easily reveal a rootkit‘s presence.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 22
Altering the System Call Selector
Choose Syscall
from SCT
Instead of altering the syscall
table, use your own!
The kernel must know
where to find the
rootkit‘s syscall table.
System Call Table
Rootkit System Call Table
This can easily be done by changing the code of the system call
chooser routine such that it consults the rootkit‘s table instead of the
original one.
But again, altering kernel functions during runtime would be necessary.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 23
Interrupt Descriptor Table Hooking
The pointer to the syscall
selector code in the IDT
can be changed to point
to a modified instance.
Choose IH
from IDT
Rootkit Syscall
Interrupt Descriptor Table
This function basically
behaves like the original syscall selector but uses a modified instance
of the system call table which references certain hostile syscalls.
Modification of the original system call selector is not necessary.
In theory, one could even go further and use an alternative IDT. The
address in the Interrupt Descriptor Table Register (IDTR) must then be
set to the location of the rootkit table.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 24
… and without execution flow modification?
Hiding processes is also possible: Unlinking a rootkit from lists used by
the kernel to manage active processes can fool tools like ps or top.
Rootkit Process
Files can be camouflaged by placing data in the file system‘s slack
space. While this is not totally safe, studies show that chances are
good for such data to survive a very long time.
File System
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
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Stealth communication: Covert channels (1)
A rootkit is only of value if it allows remote access. To hide remote
logins, covert channels are used.
This method abuses another legitimate communication channel in
order to transmit commands and their responses by manipulating
certain properties.
Timing channels use the relative timing of events to code information.
Storage channels code information into existing data.
The information transmitted via a covert channel can also be
cryptographically encoded or obfuscated using steganography.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
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Stealth communication: Covert channels (2)
Information can be stored in the identification field of IP packets.
DNS queries can also contain information that can be interpreted
differently. The protocol does not even require a direct connection.
Timing channels can be formed by representing bits by the duration
of a session, the interval between two arriving packets, …
Information theory teaches that the possibility of covert channels
cannot be completely eliminated.
However, a statistical analysis leads to detection in many cases.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
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Countermeasures against Rootkits
Mandatory access control can be implemented to reduce the danger
of a system level compromize.
Anti rootkits can control kernel data and the execution flow process
themselves. Regular checks could detect modifications.
Host-based intrusion detection and prevention systems can check
system integrity by maintaining a list of cryptographic hashes for
important resources.
Integrity checks are only trusted when executed offline, that means
from a trusted media while the suspect system is not running.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
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The Future of Rootkits
Operating systems like Windows Vista and up-to-date Linux versions
make use ring -1 on modern hardware to implement virtualization.
A recent area of research is the development of so-called
virtual machine based rootkits.
The projects Blue Pill and SubVirt published working proof-of-concept
methods that move a running operating system into a virtual
This environment is controlled from the outside. Hence, it is
impossible to detect the rootkit from within the compromized operating
system instance.
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
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Greg Hoglund, James Butler, Rootkits – Subverting the Windows Kernel
Addison-Wesley, 2006, ISBN 0-321-29431-9
Andreas Bunten, Rootkits – Techniken und Abwehr,
Proceedings of 10. DFN-CERT/PCA-Workshop, 2003, ISBN 3-8330-0097-X
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems,
Second Edition,Prentice Hall, 2001, ISBN 0-13-031358-0
Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati, Understanding the Linux Kernel,
O'Reilly, 2002, ISBN 0-596-00213-0
Greg Hoglund, A *REAL* NT Rootkit, patching the NT Kernel, Phrack 55-05, 1999
Black Tie Affair, Hiding out under Unix, Phrack 25-06, 1989
Halflife, Abuse of the Linux Kernel for Fun and Profit, Phrack 50-05, 1997
Invisible Things,
Rootkit – Share your old stuff, keep your good stuff,
US DoD, Covert Channel Analysis of Trusted Systems (Light Pink Book),
Rainbow Series, 1993
Craig H. Rowland, Covert Channels in the TCP/IP protocol suite,
1997, First Monday 05/97
© Tillmann Werner, University of Bonn
Rootkits - Staying Stealth.
Silde No. 30