Transcript new_qwk11

Week 11 (11/27) – Quiz #31
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. When a star finishes burning all the hydrogen in its core, it
ceases to be a main sequence star
B. The “helium flash” (ignition of the helium core) takes place
at the tip of the red giant branch
C. A planetary nebula is formed when a star loses part of its
outer envelope in a stellar wind and this is the material from
which planets are formed
D. The Zero Age Main Sequence represents the locus of points
on the HR diagram where nuclear fusion starts
Week 11 (11/27) – Quiz #32
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The constancy of the speed of light is a basic principle of
the Special Theory of Relativity
B. The General Theory of Relativity was designed to
explain situations where the speeds of objects are close to
the speed of light
C. The Special Theory of Relativity states that a moving
ruler is measured to be longer than its twin ruler at rest
D. The mass or inertia of an object decreases when its speed
approaches the speed of light
Week 11 (11/27) – Quiz #33
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Stars in the disk of a spiral galaxy tend to be
younger than those in the bulge
B. Observations of globular clusters in the Milky Way
led Shapley to conclude that the Sun is not located
at our Galaxy’s center
C. Most galaxies are thought to have massive black
holes at their centers
D. Stars in an elliptical galaxy move in a coherent
fashion about the galaxy’s center