Transcript The Sun

The Sun – A typical Star
Here’s the Story we’ll Unfold for you…
• Nuclear power and the sun’s radiation
• The layers of the sun; core, radiative zone,
convective zone, photosphere,
chromosphere, and corona
• Sunspots and magnetic fields, the sunspot
• Solar activity and how it influences the Earth
Gravity vs. pressure
A Star: A Balance between
Gravity and Pressure
• Self-regulating…
• Higher fusion rate would expand
star, lowering core’s self-gravity
and thence density, pressure,
temperature and thus lowering
fusion rate. And vice versa
Solar spectrum (from eschelle spectrograph)
The Sun – Nuclear Power’ed
• Core: T>10M Kelvin, high speed protons moving so
fast they approach to within 10-13 cm, leading to
hydrogen fusion into helium
• Fusion: the Strong Nuclear Force overcomes EM
repulsion of protons
• 4H → He + 2 gamma rays + 2 neutrinos
• Gamma rays random-walk their way to the surface –
takes ~50,000 years! distributing their energy along
the way, wavelength lengthening to eventually
become visible light at the surface
Fusion Temp; strong vs em
Layers of the sun
Sun layers
Sun globe in Halpha
Chromosphere all around
Eclipse chromosphere
Diamond ring
Total eclipse corona
Eclipse composite
Sunspots optical
Sunspot group optical
• Zeeman Effect: splitting of spectral lines into triplets,
due to the gas being imbedded within a magnetic
• Think of magnetic field lines like “sticky rubber bands”
• Charged particles in a magnetic field feel a force
sideways to their motion, binding the gas to the field.
• Sunspots are like “magnetic scabs” of gas unable to
be recirculated to lower, hotter levels. They are
bound to the magnetic fields in the photosphere,
cooling as they radiate to the cold universe, and
hence cool and darken.
• Vertical structure of a sunspot
Babcock slide
Differential Rotation intensified and concentrates magnetic field energy,
producing sunspots
Marching sunspots
Sun pic at max,min
Sunspot cycle #vs time
Sunspot cycle 1760-1965
Ha loop
Xray loops
Xrays- chromospheric mag field
Magnetic field spaghetti!
Powerful solar flare
Xray sun
Total eclipse corona
Eclipse corona2
Earth magnetosphere
Aurorae – GiNormous
Flourescent Lights!
• Caused when high speed solar wind particles
impact the Earth’s atmosphere
• Collisionally excites the nitrogen and oxygen
• These atoms then de-excite (electrons fall
back down through the energy levels) giving
off photons
• Exactly the same as how flourescent lights
Aurora barn
Aurorachu Alaska
Aurora westlake
Aurora lindersen
Aurora hoffman
Aurora c/IkeyaZhang
Aurora ewoldt
Aurora people
Aurora tricolor
Aurora tower
Aurora from space iss
Jupiter aurora
Saturn aurorae
Comet NEAT kinky tail
SOHO wide angle
Sun Halpha + big prominence
Sun halpha + big prom; later
The Genesis Mission
• (no, not the hokey StarTrek thing…)
• Spacecraft spent months out in
interplanetary space, capturing particles
from the solar wind and from interstellar
• Then, brought them back to earth
• But, there was this parachute problem…
Genisis spacecraft crash site