Concept of active Dividers and tests
Transcript Concept of active Dividers and tests
Status of the LPC Phase-II upgrade activities
ATLAS-LPC annual meeting
Domaine du Marand, 2015 November 6th
François Vazeille
Geneva, 29 October 2015: “LHC luminosity upgrade project moving to next phase“
CERN press release
- First phase completed (2011-2015): design study
by a large collaboration CERN + Russia, Japan and USA
- Second phase started: development of industrial prototypes.
- Ultimate goal:
HL-LHC 10 times more collisions in 2025 than the nominal LHC .
The LPC upgrade activities are made in an official context (CERN, ATLAS, IN2P3)
and should maintain the positive role played by our team since the very beginning,
both in ATLAS (and before) and in the upgrade works (2004: studies, 2008: R&D).
● 4 R&D studies made by our team: Two are completed, two are in progress.
● No R&D failed … even though a failure is always acceptable in R&D projects.
We made good choices.
We worked rather well … despite a reduced technical manpower
(I will come back to this point).
● Official follow-up:
- At CERN: TileCal meetings (Vidyo meeting every Wednesday + Tilecal weeks)
+ Expert weeks (Hall 175) + Test Beam + official ATLAS papers.
- At IN2P3: annual upgrade meeting.
- At LPC: CSAT meetings every 6 months,
(“Commission de Suivi des Actions Techniques“)
+ Scientific council (Every 2-4 years).
- In the LPC team: meeting every Friday.
- Mechanical studies: Mini-Drawers and Handling Tools
- PMT Active Dividers
- Remote High Voltage System
- Very Front End and Front End Readout
In progress
Mini-Drawers and Handling Tools
● Concept and validation of Mini-Drawers
● Concept and validation of Handling tools: Slider and Basket
Contacts on
4 rings
Concepts transferred to Barcelona and now Bucharest:
pictures from the Test Beam
partially equipped with FATALIC
Slider and Basket in position
(David Calvet pictures)
PMT Active Dividers
● HL-LHC constraints: Higher minimum bias levels
higher current flow in PMTs
non-linear working of PMTs with current PMT Dividers.
● Goal: to recover a very good linearity for the highest currents in PMTs,
in particular for high energy jets (more numerous in HL-LHC).
● Solution: to replace the current passive Dividers by active Dividers
Current Dividers:
only passive components
No radiation sensitivity.
Active Dividers:
Transistors and Diodes in the last 3 stages
Radiation sensitivity.
● Main results
▪ Comparison of non linearities versus current
- At HL-LHC: max currents 10 µA
(If Luminosity = 5 times nominal LHC)
- Negligible NL with active Dividers
at least up to 150 µA.
Set of 10 dividers
▪ Divider Test Bench now compatible
with passive/active Dividers
Test Bench
▪ Active Dividers fitting radiation tests (NIEL: CEA Dijon, TID: Brookhaven).
▪ 350 active Dividers presently in ATLAS (MBTS + Crack scintillators).
▪ 2 Internal ATLAS Notes
Concept of active Dividers and tests: ATL-TILECAL-INT-2014-005
Radiation certification: ATL-TILECAL-INT-2015-001
Remote High Voltage System
● Current performance in RUN 1 (Loic Valery’s thesis + Internal Note)
- HV Stability of 100 mV (Mean applied PMT HV 690 V).
- Problematic channels 0.6 %.
- No precise knowledge of HV noise and HV induced noise on readout noise.
● Goal: To reproduce the current performance with a 100% reliability
on the HV supply of the 9852 TileCal PMTs, with increased radiation level.
● Solution: to locate all the electronics in the USA15 counting room,
by using the same electronics + long multi-conductor cables for supplying PMTs
HV Remote system.
Current (embedded) option
Remote option
● Prototype set-up
100 m long cable
Current loop
HV Bus cards
Phase-II loop
With 2 challenges:
- HV induced noise due to both long cables and
Transistors both in the HV loop scheme and in active Dividers
HV regulation loop without Transistors for Phase-II.
- HV regulation stability.
● Results from tests at LPC and at CERN (Radiation aspects out of order)
HV noise 2.5 mV at 700 V
HV/HV 2.6-2.7 10-6
in the HV range [550, 850 V]
HV induced noise
on readout
within readout
data uncertainties
HV stability 90 mV
+ Waiting for next results from the last Test Beam.
● Next steps: - Test beam analysis.
- Choice and routing of final HV multi-conductor cables.
- Final prototype study with Lisbon.
- Final decision between the 2 options: Remote HV (LPC)
and Embedded (ANL).
● Internal ATLAS Note ATL-INT-TILECAL-2014-082
+ Poster and proceeding at TWEPP workshop at Lisbon (September 28-October
Will be published in JINST (8 pages)
… after comments of reviewers.
Very Front End and Front End Readout
● Goals:
▪ To reproduce current performance (and even better: noise, linearity, dynamics).
with increased pile-up and radiation.
▪ To take benefit from Phase 0 experience and from technologic progresses.
- Reducing the number of cards, connectors, cables.
- Using ASIC chips, GBT fibers.
- Remote trigger in USA 15 room: data towards the USA15 room at LHC frequency.
- To keep a reasonable cost.
● 3 Concurrent options with common components
▪ Option 1: discrete component, by Chicago (Evolution of the current readout).
▪ Option 2: Special design of a new ASIC, by LPC.
▪ Option 3: Evolution of a CMS chip, by Argonne.
Chicago, LPC
Front End electronics
Back End electronics
● Solution: Custom ASIC IBM 130 nm technology
▪ Separate studies of analog part (Current conveyor + 3 shapers H, M, L gains)
and digital part (ADC).
▪ Then whole design: FATALIC 4.
▪ Main Board studied by LPC for the options 2 (LPC) and 3 (ANL): 16-layer card.
● Results from tests at LPC and at CERN Test Beam (To come).
▪ Static tests made by µ-electronics staff at LPC.
▪ Dynamic tests on a special Test Bench at LPC by electronician and physicists.
Optimal filtering study
▪ Test beam analysis
- Study of PMT and FATALIC pulses
- Study of digital data from FATALIC:
in progress.
▪ Talk of Laurent Royer at TWEPP 2015,
but no proceeding written.
● Next steps
- To complete the Test Beam analysis.
- To restart tests at LPC (Diode and CIS).
- To complete the association Main Board/Daughter Board + Tests at LPC.
- To build the Optimal filtering
True performance with/without Minimum Bias and pile-up.
- Radiation tests.
- Test Beam in 2016.
Conclusion and next steps
● 4 R&D projected launched by LPC.
● 2 R&D completed:
▪ Mini-Drawers and handling tools: agreed by collaboration,
now transferred to Bucharest,
while keeping an eye on the tools.
▪ Active Dividers: agreed by collaboration for the Phase II,
with 350 Dividers already in ATLAS for Run 2.
● 2 R&D in progress:
▪ Remote HV system: performance fitting specifications,
choice to make with the ANL embedded option (Former LPC design).
▪ FATALIC project: performances always under tests,
choice to make with the 2 other options (Chicago and Argonne).
● Two crucial years coming
Choice !
● Manpower and funds for 2016-2017
▪ Manpower:
- Physicists (Full time or partially: 1.2 ?): Louis Franck
Romain Madar
Dominique Pallin
François Vazeille
- Engineers and technicians (2.5)
- Electronics: Romeo Bonnefoy (Full time) + Technicians.
- µ-electronics: µ-electronic staff (chaired by Laurent Royer) in stand-by
waiting for an extension … that will need to start a new action.
- Mechanics: François Daudon (Very partially) + Technicians
almost in stand-by, even though contacts are foreseen with Bucharest.
▪ Funds
Question: where are the priorities in our laboratory ?
VFE, All-in-One,
Main board
25 k€
30 k€