File - Al Noor Islamic Sunday School Third Grade Class
Transcript File - Al Noor Islamic Sunday School Third Grade Class
What is Hadith
What is the definition of Hadith?
1) Arabic meaning is Modern or
Contemporary. Opposite of Ancient.
2) It also means News or Talking.
3) In Islamic literature it means the saying
of prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Nevertheless, in Hadith also used in
• The Arabic word Hadith means ‘statement'
or ‘talk'. In the Shariah, the word Hadith
means those things or action, which
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
said or did. You will also come across the
word ‘Sunnah' which is also used for
Hadith, but usually ‘Sunnah' is used to
report a deed, such as how the Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) slept or
ate etc, while Hadith is used for ‘talk'.
Difference between Quran and
Hadith Qudsi
1) Quran is verbatim word of Allah to prophet through Angel Jibraeel. Quran
starts with Surah Fatihah and ends with Surah Naas.Quran was written at
the time of prophet Muhammad. As it was revealed it was dictated. It was
verified in house of Hafsa and compiled in the form of book at the time of
Omar Ibn Khateeb. Quran is protected from any distortion by Almighty God
2) Hadith Qudsi is the word of God revealed to prophet through the language of
Prophet. Qudsi does not necessarily mean it is confirmed or authentic. It
can also be forgery, or it’s Isnad are questionable.
It is not stated that Hadith is also protected from distortion by Almighty.
Prophet said not to write Hadith which is in
the most reliable sources of Hadith.
• The Prophet said, "Do not write down
anything from me except the Quran."
[Ahmed, Vol. 1, Page 171, and Sahih
The speculated reasons are:
1. High rate of illiteracy. People were illiterate
at the time and writing loses its value.
2. To prevent any diversion from the Qur’an or
any mix up with the gradually trickling
revelation and not have 2 texts to follow.
There was no standard at the time to write
Context of the Hadith.
• There are six well know Hadith books, which
were compiled by great scholars of Islam:
• Sahih Bukhari
• Sahih Muslim
• Sunnah Abu Dawood
• Sunnah Nasai
• Sunnah Tirmidhi
• Sunnah ibn Majah
The Birds
One day, a hunter set his net on the banks of a stream.
Many birds, which got lured by the
grain in the net, fell into his trap. When the hunter
came to gather his net, the birds suddenly flew
away with the net.
The hunter was astonished by their cooperation and
coordination when he saw all the
birds flying together with the net. He decided to follow
them to see what was going to happen.
A man, whom he met on his way, asked him where he
was rushing to.
Pointing the birds in the sky, the hunter said he was
going to catch the birds.
The man laughed and said:
“May God grant you some sense! Do you really think
you can catch birds on the wing?”
The hunter said:
“If there was only one bird in the net I wouldn’t stand a
chance. But wait and see; I will
catch them.”
“The hunter was right. When the night fell, the birds all
wanted to go to their own nests.
Some of them pulled the net to the woods, others
headed toward the lake. Some wanted to fly to
the mountains, others to the bushes. None succeeded
and finally all of them crashed down with
the net. The hunter came and caught all of the birds.
• Poor birds! If only they had known the following
saying of our Prophet they would have
• always flown in the same direction, and then
they would not have gotten caught by the hunter:
“Do not separate from one another! The lamb
that abandons its herd will be eaten
by the wolf.”