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Session 1
Why are we studying Islam?
Has played a significant role in the history of
Christianity since the 7th century
Has advanced and is establishing itself around
the world
second largest world religion
more than 65 (of 195) nations consider themselves Islamic
accomplishing by immigration what they could not do with the
1.3 billion (of 6.7 billion)
In the Middle East
Why are we studying Islam?
It has played a significant role in the history of
Christianity since the 7th century
It has advanced and is establishing itself around
the world
second largest world religion
more than 65 (of 195) nations consider themselves Islamic
accomplishing by immigration what they could not do with the
1.3 billion (of 6.7 billion)
In the Middle East
Outside the Middle East
Why are we studying Islam?
It has advanced and is establishing itself
even in the U.S.
Number of Islamic students / schools
Islam, even radical Islam, right now tends to
be acceptable in the U.S. in the media popculture
It is both a religious and a political system.
Identifies a world view; an ideology; almost an
eschatology; driven by theme of judgment
Why are we studying Islam?
Antagonistic to U.S.
Military bases in Saudi Arabia – country with
two of three holiest cities
Support of Israel
“Great Satan” – moral influences
1998 Fatwa (written declaration)
“For over seven years the United States has been occupying the
lands of Islam and the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula,
plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people,
terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula
into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim
peoples . . . [There has been] aggression against the Iraqi
people . . . [Their aim has been to] serve the Jews’ petty state
. . . [They express] eagerness to destroy Iraq . . . All these
crimes committed by the Americans are a clear declaration of
war on Allah, his messenger, and Muslims . . . The ruling to kill
the Americans and their allies—civilians and military—is an
individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in
which it is possible to do it. . . This is in accordance with the
words of Almighty Allah, “and fight the pagans together as they
fight you together,” and “fight them until there is no more tumult
or oppression, and there prevails justice and faith in Allah.”
What is Islam?
“Submission to the will of God”
Achieve personal peace by submitting to the
will of God
Fundamental Creed of Islam: “There is no
God but Allah, and Muhammad is his
What is Islam?
“There is no God but Allah, and
Muhammad is his prophet.”
Shares 24 Old Testament characters & Jesus
Prophets themselves are inspired
Six great prophets: Adam, Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus, & Muhammad (the greatest)
Who is Jesus?
Muhammad, the Man
(history, Quranic, tradition)
“How can a religion completely focus on
one man but not focus on that man at all?
By being Islam. Everything in this religion
is based on Muhammad’s life and
teaching, and yet Muhammad is not at all
the center of worship and devotion”
(Corduan, 77).
Muhammad ibn Abdullah [lit. Abdullah –
“Servant of Allah”]
What is Islam?
By preaching
By the sword
Personal Behavior
One wife, Khadija
Eleven more wives in
10 years
Focus of Battle
Against idol worship;
more favorable to
Jews & Christians
(2:62, 256)
Against Jews &
Christians (9:5,29)
Nature of Islam
Religious movement
Political movement
What is Islam?
“There is no God but Allah, and
Muhammad is his prophet.”
"Say (O Muhammad): O people of the Book (Jews and
Christians) come to an agreement between us and
you, that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we
shall take no partners with Him, and none of us shall
take others for Lords beside Allah. And if they turn
away, then say: Bear witness that we are those who
have surrendered (unto Him)." (Quran 3:64)
What is Islam?
“There is no God but Allah, and
Muhammad is his prophet.”
Muhammad ibn Abdullah
Allah originally was Al-ilah, the moon god of
the Quarish tribe of Arabia.