Islam Notes PPT
Transcript Islam Notes PPT
Pre questions:
What is the symbol of Islam?
What are followers of Islam known as?
What is the world’s largest religion?
What country has the largest number of
Islamic followers?
Who is the greatest prophet of Islam?
True/False: Followers of Islam believe in
The god of Islam is known as:
Anything in particular you would like to
learn about Islam?
Facts about Islam
Only around 20% of Muslims are Arabs
2nd largest religion with over 1.5 billion
Around 2.6 million Americans
Muslims are not allowed to gamble, drink
or eat pork.
• Holy day is Friday – worship at a mosque
• Holy Cities – Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem
Famous Muslims
Islam – A Brief Background
• Christians, Jews, and Muslims all trace their
lineage through Abraham. (Abrahamic Religions)
• Muslims are descendents of Ishmael, Abraham’s
first son with Hagar, the maid of his wife Sarah.
• Jews descend from Isaac, Abraham’s second son
and 1st with wife Sarah.
• Hagar and Ishmael are cast out (Genesis says he
died at the age of 137)
• Muslims and Jews/Christians share many of the
same stories and beliefs (although they may be
slightly different: ex: Adam and Eve, Abraham,
Jews and
Christians think
this is one son,
Muslims believe
it to be the
Background continued
• Islam means to submit (to God).
• The term Muslim means one who submits
• Monotheistic – God is Allah meaning one god or
the god.
• Islam is complete and total submission to the will
of Allah by following strict rules.
• Muslims believe Adam, Abraham, Noah and Jesus
practiced Islam and were all prophets.
• Do not view Jesus as son of God.
• Regards the Hebrew Scriptures and the New
Testament as divine revelations, however they
believe they have been compromised.
• Muhammad is the final and greatest prophet of
God. (he is not worshipped)
Who Was Muhammad
• Born 570 AD in Mecca (currently Saudi Arabia)
• Raised by uncle and married a rich widow @ 24.
• At 40 he received his 1st revelations from God and
the angel Gabriel.
• Began preaching the belief in 1 god in a
polytheistic culture.
• Became the target of an assassination plot and fled
to Medina where he became the leader.
• In 630 his forces recaptured Mecca and destroyed
all idols and unites the region.
• Dies in 632.
• Watch Empires: Islam: Empire of Faith: The
Messenger from United Streaming (56 min)
Watch Empires: Islam: Empire
of Faith: The Messenger
From United Streaming
Muhammad preaching a sermon.
The Qur’an
• Islamic holy book composed of the
revelations of God through his prophet
• Mohammad’s 1st vision was when Gabriel
came to him and said “recite”.
• Memorized by over 10 million Muslims.
• Viewed as the unchanged and final
authoritative word of God.
• Composed of 114 Surahs (chapters)
Interesting Fact
• Since the Qur’an was
given in Arabic and is
the unchanged word of
God it loses its
authenticity when
translated into
5 Pillars of Islam outlined by the
1) Confession of one’s faith in God and his prophet
2) Ritual Prayer – 5 prayers daily facing Mecca and
the Ka’aba.
3) Almsgiving (charity) – 2 ½ % of your wealth
given to the needy.
4) Fasting – no food, drink, or intercourse from
sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan.
5) Pilgrimage (Hajj) – those who are able must
make 1 trip in their life to Mecca.
Prayer facing Mecca
Circling the
• Unifying focal point of all
Muslim prayers.
• Built by Abraham and
Ishmael as a house of
monotheistic worship. (not
original structure)
• Pilgrims circle it 7 times
counter clockwise to
demonstrate the unity of
the believers in the
worship of the One God
The Black Stone (Meteorite) at
the corner of the Ka’aba
• Believed by many to
have been placed at
the Ka’aba by
Hajj: Stoning of the Devil
Islam and the Afterlife
• No son of God to forgive sins so Allah will judge
based on deeds performed and their devotion to
• On the day of judgment, all will be physically
resurrected and judged.
• Devout believers = directly into paradise with
abounding pleasures
• Less devout may enter hell and later be brought
into heaven or be sent to the “heights” (similar to
• Those who reject Islam will be cast into hell for
The Major Sects of Islam
• Read handout and incorporate the following
into your notes:
– What are the 2 major sects?
– What prompted the division of the religion?
– Which branch is the majority and what
percentage of the world’s Muslim population
practice it?
– Which branch is more authority oriented over
consensus oriented?
– How do the two sects differ in their belief about
civil and religious authorities?
– What is a third sect of Islam?
The 2 Major Sects, Shia and Sunni:
Reading Activity
Shia and Sunni
• Split came after the death of Mohammed. Initially
it was more political than a differing of religious
• Shia believe that Ali, son-in-law and cousin of
Mohammed was the 1st Caliph (successor of
• Sunni accept a succession of 4 legitimate Caliphs
including Ali...the leader could be elected
• Today conflict between the groups largely traces
back to this, however there are some religious
• Sunni is largest with roughly 80-85% of
Muslims…Sunni roughly 15-20%.
• Shia governments are often theocracies: example
Shia and Iran
• Shia muslims make up
the majority in Iran and
Iraq. They place heavy
emphasis on Islamic
clerics. The Supreme
Ruler of Iran is a spiritual
leader named Ayatollah
Khamenei. All decisions
must be approved by him.
He is very anti-American
and Israel.
• In 1981 Khamenei lost
use of his right arm in
an assassination
attempt. A bomb
disguised as a tape
recorder blew up next
to him at a press
Contested site
• Jerusalem is divided between
Jews and Arabs.
• Dome of the Rock (built 68891): Islam holy shrine built
over the rock from which
Mohammad ascended into
heaven to receive the word of
• Jews believe this is the rock
that Abraham prepared to
sacrifice Isaac on…Also the
location of the Temple of
Solomon which many Jews
want to rebuild.
Sacred rock
Divided Jerusalem
Find on Google Earth
The Rock
Sharia Law