Transcript Document

September 11th, 2001
Islam’s Symbol:
The Crescent Moon
 Depicts The Moon In
A State Of Increase representing the
growth of Islamic
faith from small to
 The Symbol Is Rooted
In Paganism (sign of fertility,
growth, prosperity and the magical
means of attaining such)
 “Islam” – Arabic
word for
“Submission” (to
the will of Allah)
 “Muslims” or
“Moslems” are the
followers of Islam
 “Mohammed” is
their prophet &
the “Qur’an”
contains his teaching
Dome of the Rock
In Jerusalem
Masterpiece of Muslim Architecture
• Became a Social, Political System
• Was Spread By Force of Arms
• Eventually Formed into the Ottoman
• Composed of Shiites and Sunnites
• World’s Fast Growing Religion
• Composes 1/5th of Worlds Population
570-632 AD
Successful Business Man
Married Wealthy Widow
Self-proclaimed Philosopher
Retreated to Mt Nur, during the month of
Ramadan, (a pagan festival), Gabriel visited.
• Became an activist in Mekkah
• Founded Islam
• Fled To Medina
“The month of
Ramadaan is that in
which the Qur'an
was revealed as a
guidance for
mankind with clear
proofs of guidance
and discrimination”
Muslims consider the Kaaba—a small sanctuary near the center of the Great
Mosque in Mecca— to be the most sacred spot on earth. Muslim legend teaches
that the ancient religious patriarchs Abraham and Ishmael built the shrine
using foundations first laid by Adam. Muslims all over the world orient
themselves toward the Kaaba while praying, and every able Muslim is expected
to make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba at least once in his or her lifetime. This
picture shows pilgrimage ceremonies, which consist of several days of rituals
and festivals during the Islamic month of pilgrimages, Dhu al-Hijja.
Muhammad’s City &
Base of Operations
against non-Muslims
from 622-632 AD.
Medina, in western Saudi Arabia, is a sacred city that only Muslims are
permitted to enter. The Prophet Muhammad took refuge in Medina
after fleeing Mecca in 622 AD, and the city's numerous mosques
remain a destination for large numbers of Muslims on their annual
pilgrimage. The income derived from visiting pilgrims forms the basis
of Medina's economy.
 Islam Recognizes Medina, Mecca, and the
Kaaba Stone as Spiritually Significant
 Jesus, in the Bible, Recognized NO
PARTICULAR PLACE as being Spiritually
(20) “Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that
the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem."
(21) “Jesus declared, ‘Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you
will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem’”
(John 4:20-21).
The Five “Pillars of Islam”
1. The shahada (profession of faith) is the sincere recitation of
the twofold creed: 'There is no god but God' and 'Mohammed
is the Messenger of God'.
2. The salat (formal prayer) must be performed at five points in
the day while facing towards the holy city of Mecca.
3. Alms-giving through the payment of zakat ('purification') is
the duty of sharing one's wealth out of gratitude for God's
favor, according to the uses laid down in the Koran.
4. There is a duty to fast (saum) during the month of Ramadan.
5. The Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca is to be performed if at all
possible at least once during one's lifetime.
The Background of Islam
The Role of “Ishmael”
The Qur΄an says Ishmael: The Bible says of Ishmael:
 “Raised the Foundations”
of God’s House (2:128)
 “Purified” God’s House of
Devotion & Prayer (2:126)
 Was One of the Patriarchs
(2:137; 3:85; 14:40)
 Was “Exalted with Elisha,
Jonah and Lot” (6:87)
 Was a “Messenger &
Prophet” (19:55)
“The angel of the LORD
also said to [Hagar]: "You are
now with child and you will have
a son. You shall name him
Ishmael, for the LORD has heard
of your misery. 12 He will be a
wild donkey of a man; his hand
will be against everyone and
everyone's hand against him, and
he will live in hostility toward all
his brothers" (Gen. 16:11-12).
o The Abrogation of Judaism and
o In the religion of Islam, Judaism and
Christianity meet their end.
o La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadu Rasool
o “There is no God but Allah, Muhammad
is His Prophet.”— (The essential
Muslim profession of faith.)
One passage asserts:
Allegedly revealed to
Mohammed by the angel
Gabriel over a period of 23
years (but compiled after
his death).
“Praise be to God, who hath sent to his
servant [Mohammed] the book [the Qur’an],
and hath allowed therein no crookedness”
The Quran - The Significance of
 Surely We have revealed it-- an Arabic Quran-- that you may
understand (12:2)
 And thus have We revealed it, a true judgment in Arabic, and
if you follow their low desires after what has come to you of
knowledge, you shall not have against Allah any guardian or a
protector (13:37)
 And thus have We sent it down an Arabic Quran, and have
distinctly set forth therein of threats that they may guard
(against evil) or that it may produce a reminder for them.
The Quran - The Significance of
 An Arabic Quran without any crookedness, that they may
guard (against evil). (39:28)
 A Book of which the verses are made plain, an Arabic Quran
for a people who know: (41:3)
 Surely We have made it an Arabic Quran that
you may understand. (43:3)
This last verse makes clear the thought, that Mohammed restricted
true understanding to those who speak Arabic! Others are seen as
unqualified to debate, discuss, or exegete the passages!
The Quran Versus the Bible
on Scriptural Integrity:
2:106: “None of our revelations (verses) do we abrogate
or cause to be forgotten, but we substitute something
better or similar. Knowest thou not that God hath
power over all things?”
13:39: “God doth blot out or confirm what he pleaseth.
With Him is the Mother of the Book.”
16:101: “When we substitute one revelation for
another, - and God knows best what He reveals (in
stages), - they say, ‘Thou are but a forger’ but most of
them understand not.”
The Quran Versus the Bible
on Scriptural Integrity:
communications We
abrogate or cause to
be forgotten, We
bring one better than
it or like it. Do you
not know that Allah
has power over all
things?” (Quran
“If he called
them gods, unto
whom the word of
God came, and the
scripture cannot be
broken…(John 10:35)
NO Contradictions
Contradictions Allowed!
“Let there be no compulsion in
religion. Truth stands out clear from
error: whoever rejects evil and believes
Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy
hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah
heareth and knoweth all things.”
Surah 2:256
“Verily! Those who
believe and those who
are Jews and Christians,
and Sabians, whoever
believes in Allah and the
Last Day and does
righteous good deeds
shall have their reward
with the Lord, on them
shall be no fear, nor shall
they grieve” (Qur’an 2:62;
and 5:69).
Cite These Verses to
Argue That Islam is
Inclusive of Other
Traditional Muslim
unanimously agree
that they have been
abrogated by
“And whoever
seeks a religion other
than Islam, it will never
be accepted of him, and
in the Hereafter he will
be one of the losers”
(Qur’an 3:85).
Muslim fundamentalists
appeal to this passage
as defining their World
View. Contradiction is
no problem due to the
“Whatever message We abrogate or cause to be
forgotten, We bring one better than that or the like
thereof. Knowest thou not that Allah has the power to
do all that he wills?” (Qur’an 2:106)
 Palestinian Abdel Baset
Odeh, a Hamas activist,
holding a copy of the
Quran, Islam's holy book,
and a automatic rifle.
Odeh, 25, was the suicide
bomber that blew himself
up in Netanya
 March 28, 2002:
 19 Killed
 140 Wounded
“Paradise under the
shades of the sword”
(Mohammed, Hadith 4:73)
Islamic “Jihad” (Holy War)
 Arabian Peninsula NOT TO BE OCCUPIED By
Certain People:
“The idolaters are filth, so they must not approach the
Masjid ul-Haram (in Mecca)” (9:28)
 Quran Says War Is Necessary For Moral Cleansing
“And if God did not prevent mankind, some with others, the earth
would be full of corruption” (2:251)
“If God did not prevent people, some with some (others) then truly
the cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques - in which is
oft brought to mind the Name of God - would have been destroyed”
(22 :40)
Islamic “Jihad” (Holy War)
to explain
Jihad as
“Fight against them by means Of it (the Quran) a
great fight” (Ch. 25, V,53)
“We are returning from the lesser Jihad to the greater
Jihad” (Quote from Mohammed, Commentary of Sura
Al-Hajj Verse:78 Published by Dar-ul Kitaab Al-Arabi
Beirut, Lubnan)
“Paradise Under The
Shades of the Sword”
“Muhammed said: Know that paradise is
under the shades of the sword” (Hadith
“Being killed in the road of God covers all
“This religion will ever be established,
even to the Day of Resurrection, as long
as Muslims fight for it.”
Quotations of Muhammed - Sahihu ‘lBukhari and Sahihu Muslim, Arabic editions, Babu ‘l-Jihad)
“Paradise Under The
Shades of the Sword”
“God is sponsor for him who goes forth
to fight on the road of God. If he be not
killed, he shall return to his house with
rewards and booty, but if he be slain, he
shall be taken to Paradise.”
“The fire of hell shall not touch the legs
of him who shall be covered with the
dust of battle in the road of God.”
Quotations of Muhammed - Sahihu ‘lBukhari and Sahihu Muslim, Arabic editions, Babu ‘l-Jihad)
“Those who believe, and suffer exile
and strive with might and main, in God's
cause, with their goods and their persons,
have the highest rank in the sight of God:
They are the people who will achieve
Quran 9:19,20
“When ye meet the unbelievers (in
fight), smite at their necks; at length,
when ye have thoroughly subdued them,
bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter
(is the time for) either generosity or
ransom: Until the war lays down its
burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but
if it had been God's will, He could
certainly have exacted retribution from
them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in
order to test you.”
Surah 47:4
3 Options For Non-Muslims:
(Fundamentalist Perspective)
 Convert to islam
 Pay the protection tax and agree
not to oppose islam
 die
On Religious Mortal Combat
“And fight in the way of ALLAH against those who fight against
you, but do not transgress. Surely, ALLAH loves not the
“And slay these transgressors wherever you meet them and drive
them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is
worst than slaying. And fight them not in and near the Sacred
Mosque until they fight you therein. But if they fight you, then fight
them. Such is the requital for the disbelievers.
But if they desist, then surely, ALLAH is Most Forgiving, Merciful.
And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is
professed only for ALLAH. But if they desist, then remember that
no hostility is allowed except against the wrongdoers” (Quran
“And fight them until there is no
persecution, and religion is
professed only for ALLAH”
The Ultimate Goal of Islam:
“Surely the true religion with ALLAH is Islam…”
“And whoso seeks a religion other than Islam, it shall
not be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he shall be
among the losers”
“And fight them until there is no persecution, and
religion is professed only for ALLAH…”
“O Prophet, urge the believers to fight. If there be of you
twenty who are steadfast, they shall overcome two
hundred; And if there be a hundred of you, they shall
overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because
they are a people do not understand” (Quran 3:20, 86;
2:194; 8:66).
On Religious Mortal Combat
“Let those then fight in the cause of ALLAH who would sell the
present life for the Hereafter. And whoso fights in the cause of
ALLAH, be he slain or be he victorious, WE shall soon give him
a great reward.”
“And why should you not fight in the cause of ALLAH and for
the rescue of the weak men, women and children - who say, `Our
Lord, take us out of this town whose people are oppressors, and
give us a friend from Thyself and give us from Thyself a helper.'
“Those who believe fight in the cause of ALLAH, and those who
disbelieve fight in the cause of the Evil One. Fight ye therefore,
against the friends of Satan; surely Satan's strategy is weak.”
(Quran 4:75-77)
On Religious Mortal Combat
“Hast thou not seen those to whom it was said : `Restrain
your hands, observe Prayer, and pay the Zakát.' And when
fighting is prescribed for them, behold a section of them fear
men as they should fear ALLAH, or with still greater fear; and
they say `Our Lord, why hast thou prescribed fighting for us?
Wouldst Thou not grant us respite yet a while?' Say, `The
benefit of this world is little and the Hereafter will be better for
him who fears ALLAH; and you shall not be wronged a whit.'
“Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you, even if
you be in strongly built towers. And if some good befalls
them, they say, `This is from ALLAH;' and if evil befalls them,
they say, `This is from thee.' Say, `All is from ALLAH.' What
has happened to these people that they would not try to
understand anything?” (Quran 4:78-79)
On Religious Mortal Combat
“Fight, therefore, in the way of ALLAH - thou art not made
responsible except for thyself - and urge on the believers to
fight. It may be that ALLAH will restrain the might of those
that disbelieve; And ALLAH is stronger in might and stronger
in inflicting punishment.”
“O ye who believe! Fight such of the disbelievers as are near
to you and let them find hardness in you; and know that
ALLAH is with the righteous.”
“Verily, ALLAH loves those who fight in HIS cause arrayed in
solid ranks, as though they were a strong structure cemented
with molten lead ” (Quran 4:85; 9:123; 61:5)
They Offer This
Booklet Entitled…
Then, write…
Allah negates from
Himself the
possibility of His
having any "son" or
associate in His
dominion, in His
acting and
decreeing and in
the worship of Him.
- Alharamain
“Allah has not taken on a son nor is
there any deity along with Him. If this
were so, each deity would take away
that which it had created and one
would have overpowered the other.
Exalted is Allah and free of that which
they attribute to Him! * Knower of the
unseen and the apparent, and High is
He above that which they associate
with Him.”
Quran 23: 91-92
Against the Godhead:
“O People of the Book! Exceed not
the limits in your religion, and say not of
ALLAH anything but the truth. Verily, the
Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a
Messenger of ALLAH, and a fulfillment of
HIS word which HE has sent down to Mary,
and a mercy from HIM. So believe in ALLAH
and HIS Messengers, and say not, `They are
three.' Desist, it will be better for you. Verily,
ALLAH is the only One God. Holy is HE, far
above having a son. To HIM belongs
whatever is in the heavens and whatever is
in the earth. And sufficient is ALLAH as a
guardian” (Quran 4:172).
The Bible Says
 3 Persons of
God (Matt.
28:19; 1 Jn.
5:7; Rom.
 Father, Son,
Holy Ghost
(Jn. 1:1-2;
Acts 5:3-4)
Against the Godhead:
“Indeed, they are disbelievers who say, `ALLAH, HE
is the Messiah, son of Mary,' whereas the Messiah himself
said, `O Children of Israel, worship ALLAH Who is my Lord
and your Lord.' Surely, whoso associates partners with
ALLAH, him has ALLAH forbidden Heaven, and the Fire will
be his resort. And the wrongdoers shall have no helpers.
“They surely disbelieve who say, `ALLAH is the third
of three;' there is no god but the One God. And if they do
not desist from what they say, a grievous punishment shall
surely befall those of them that disbelieve” (Quran 5:73-74).
“And they say, `ALLAH has taken to Himself a son.' Holy is
HE! Nay, everything in the Heavens and the earth belongs
to HIM. To HIM are all obedient” (Quran 2:217).
Against the Godhead:
The Quran Teaches That:
The Bible Says
o One is an “Unbeliever” who
Confesses Jesus as God
 Jesus Was, Is,
and Forever Will
Be, GOD (Jn.
1:1-2, 14; Jn.
5:18; 10:30;
14:9; 12:45;
20:28; Mk. 2:510; Rom. 9:5;
Col. 2:9; 1 Tim.
3:16; Heb. 1:3)
o One is an “Unbeliever” who
Confesses Jesus as God’s
o One is “Forbidden Heaven”
who Confesses Jesus as
o One Deserves “Fire” &
“Grievous Punishment” who
Confesses Jesus as God
Against Jews & Christians
“Fight those from among the people of the Book, who
believe not in ALLAH, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful
what ALLAH and HIS Messenger have declared to be unlawful,
nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax considering
it a favour and acknowledge their subjection.
“And the Jews say, `Ezra is the son of ALLAH,' and the
Christians say, `the Messiah is the son of ALLAH;' that is what
they say with their mouths. They only imitate the saying of
those who disbelieved before them. ALLAH's curse be on
them! How they are turned away.”
“If you will not go forth to fight in the cause of ALLAH, HE
will punish you with a painful punishment, and will chose in
your stead a people other than you, and you shall do HIM no
harm at all. And ALLAH has full power over all things” (Quran
Islamic Doctrines
Islam on “friends”:
“O ye who believe ! take not the Jews and the
Christians for friends. They are friends of each
other. And whoso among you takes them for
friends is indeed one of them. Verily ALLAH
guides not the unjust people” (5:52)
“O ye who believe ! take not your fathers and
brothers for friends if they prefer disbelieve to
faith. And whoso of you takes them for friends,
such are the wrongdoers” (9:23)
Against The Jews For:
 “Lying” About the
Crucifixion of Christ
 Exalting Ezra Above
 Rejecting Mohammed
as a Prophet
 Charging Interest on
Money (Quran 4:162)
“And for their saying, `We did
slay the Messiah, Jesus, son of
Mary, the Messenger of
ALLAH;' whereas they slew
him not, nor did they bring
about his death upon the cross,
but he was made to appear to
them like one crucified; and
those who differ therein are
certainly in a state of doubt
about it; they have no certain
knowledge thereof, but only
pursue a conjecture; and they
did not arrive at a certainty
concerning it.” (Quran 4:158).
Against The Christians For:
 Denying that Jesus was a Created Being (Col.
1:15-17; John 1:1-2) [The Quran says Jesus was
created like Adam was (Quran 3:60)]
 Belief in the Deity and Divine Sonship of Jesus
(Hebrews 1:1-12)
 Rejecting Mohammed as the Prophet of
Deuteronomy 18:18-19 [Islam claims “Mohammed”
to be the fulfillment, but see Acts 3:22-23,26]
 Rejecting the Quran as God’s Last Revelation
to Man (see Gal. 1:8-9; Jud. 3; 1 Cor. 2:10-16)
Islamic Doctrines
 May Marry Up To 4 Wives (Quran 4:4)
 May Marry Additional Slave Girls (4:128)
 Mohammed Had 9 Wives
 A Thrice Divorced Woman May Only Be
Taken Back If She Has Married Someone
Else and Been Divorced From Him (2:31)
Totally Contradicts Biblical Teaching!
Islamic Doctrines
Morals and Ethics:
 Games of Chance – Prohibited (2:220)
 Eating of Pork & Blood; Consumption of
Alcohol – Prohibited (2:174; 2:220)
 Lying & Adultery (as specially defined in
the Quran) – Prohibited (4:20-26)
 Killing (of fellow believers) is Prohibited
 Stealing is Prohibited (5:39)
Cut off hands and feet.
Islamic Doctrines
The Nature of God:
“And they say, `The Gracious God has taken unto
Himself a son.'
“Assuredly, you have indeed uttered a most hideous
“The heavens might well-nigh burst thereat, and the
earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in
“Because they ascribe a son to the Gracious God.
“It becomes not the Gracious God that HE should take
unto Himself a son”(19:89-93)