SIOP - darryllardportfolio
Transcript SIOP - darryllardportfolio
111.22. Mathematics, Grade 6. (6) Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses
geometric vocabulary to describe angles, polygons, and circles. The student is expected
to: (A) use angle measurements to classify angles as acute, obtuse, or right;
(B) identify relationships involving angles in triangles and quadrilaterals; and
(C) describe the relationship between radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle.
(11) Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student applies Grade 6
mathematics to solve problems connected to everyday experiences, investigations in
other disciplines, and activities in and outside of school. The student is expected to:
(A) identify and apply mathematics to everyday experiences, to activities in and
outside of school, with other disciplines, and with other mathematical topics;
112.22. Science, Grade 6. (1) Scientific processes. The student conducts field and
laboratory investigations using safe, environmentally appropriate, and ethical practices.
The student is expected to: (A) demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory
investigations; and (B) make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and
the disposal or recycling of materials. (2) Scientific processes. The student uses
scientific inquiry methods during field and laboratory investigations. The student is
expected to: (B) collect data by observing and measuring; (C) analyze and interpret
information to construct reasonable explanations from direct and indirect evidence;
(E) construct graphs, tables, maps, and charts using tools including computers to
organize, examine, and evaluate data.
Languages: Students will be able to recognize the parts of
the question when given a description or asked to find a given
angle or measurement.
Content: Students will be able to identify the measurement of
an angle to classify it as an acute, obtuse, or right angle as given as
part of a triangle or quadrilateral. The student will also be able to
identify the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle.
Learning Strategies
• Teacher will model the different units of
measurement for each angle and part of the circle
using student participation.
• Teacher will use student’s prior knowledge, by
asking questions that will direct student’s answers.
• Teacher will break students into small groups to
perform the lab activity.
• Use scaffolding techniques to build on information
Key Vocabulary
Right Angle
Materials: Ball, string, digital cameras, computer
• Dr. Math Introduces Geometry by John Wiley & Son, Inc.
Motivation: Students will be introduced to acute, obtuse, right
angles, radius, diameter, and circumference through classroom
activities that will activate their prior knowledge.
Links to background experiences:
•o Discuss with students about lines and rays (previously
•o Have students share objects that they see in the classroom
that are the angles that are being studied.
Links between past learning and new concepts:
•o Show students how rays and lines form the different types
of angles being studied using the string.
•o Show students the different types of angles using the ball.
The teacher will share the language and content objectives with
the students to gain their understanding for why they will be
doing the week’s activities. Explain that this is an of previous
geometry lessons. Go over the key vocabulary for the week. Go
over the week’s calendar of events.
•· Monday: Introduction to Geometry and spatial reasoning,
acute, obtuse, right angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and the
relationship between radius, diameter, and circumference of a
• Tuesday: Divide class into groups, and do lab activity.
• Wednesday: Have groups compile and process information
gathered on Tuesday.
•Thursday: Presentations
•Friday: Assessment
Monday:Teacher will go over acute, obtuse, right angles, triangles, quadrilaterals,
and the relationship between radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle.
o Teacher will model the activity that the students will be assigned for the week.
Tuesday: Students will be divided up into groups and given instructions on what the
lab project is and how it works.
Students will be given one digital camera per group and given the instructions of to
go around outside the school taking pictures of the new information that they just learned
(acute, obtuse, right angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles).
Wednesday:Students will get in their groups, and down load their pictures and
comprise a power point describing each of their pictures and which angle or object they
Thursday:Students will present their power points to the class using the ceiling
Friday:Teacher will review the week’s lessons with the students.
o The students will take a quiz properly naming and labeling acute, obtuse, right angles,
triangles, quadrilaterals, and the relationship between radius, diameter, and circumference
of a circle.
Student made power point
Geometry and spatial reasoning quiz
Student used a digital camera and down loaded pictures to a file