Transcript fx 1
Termination Analysis
Math Foundations of Computer
Definitional principle
Soundness and termination
Proving termination and measure
Well ordering and natural numbers
Induction and termination
Recursively defined data structures
Undecidability of termination
Definitional Axiom
(defunc f (x1 . . . xn)
:input-contract ic
:output-contract oc
If the function f is admissible
Add definitional axiom for f: ic [(f x1 . . . xn)
= body]
Add contract theorem for f: ic oc
Definitional Principle
(defunc f (x1 . . . xn)
:input-contract ic
:output-contract oc
The function f is admissible
f is a new function (no other axioms about f)
xi’s are distinct
body is a term, possibly using f, but with no free
variables other than xi’s
f is terminating
ic oc is a theorem
body contracts hold under assumption of ic
Soundness and Global Variables
(defunc f (x)
:input-contract t
:output-contract t
The definitional axiom for f leads to
unsound logic
Substituting ((x 0) (y nil)) we get (f 0) = nil
Substituting ((x 0) (y t)) we get (f 0) = t
Which implies t = nil.
Soundness and Termination
(defunc f(x)
:input-contract (natp x)
:output-contract (natp (f x))
(+ 1 (f x)))
The definitional axiom for f leads to unsound
(natp x) x x+1 [property of natural numbers]
(natp (f x)) (f x) (+ 1 (f x)) [instantiate above]
(natp x) (f x) (+ 1 (f x)) [from ic oc]
(natp x) (f x) = (+ 1 (f x)) [from def axiom]
(natp x) nil [from p p = nil]
How do we Prove Termination
For recursive functions show that the
“size” of the inputs get smaller and
eventually must hit a base case
Size is defined to be a function to the
natural numbers
Use the well ordering principle of the
natural numbers to conclude that the
number of recursive calls can not be
Well Ordering of Natural
Any decreasing sequence of natural
numbers is finite. I.E. it terminates
This implies that any non-empty set of
natural numbers has a minimum element
Induction works as long as we have
(defunc sum (n)
:input-contract (natp n)
:output-contract (integerp (sum n))
(if (equal n 0)
(+ n (sum (- n 1)))))
The input to the recursive call (- n 1) is smaller than the
input to sum and the decreasing sequence of natural
numbers n, n-1, n-2,... must terminate (equal 0) after a
finite number of steps
If (integerp n) this would not be guaranteed
(defunc app (a b)
:input-contract (and (listp a) (listp b))
:output-contract (and (listp (app a b))
(if (endp a)
(cons (first a) (app (rest a) b))))
This is a terminating function. Define the size of l to be
(len l).
(len l) is a natural number
(len (rest l)) < (len l)
Implies len must eventually equal zero, i.e. l = nil
Measure Functions
Technically we measure size with a
measure function
A measure function m for the function f
m is an admissible function defined over the
parameters of f
m has the same input contract as f
The output contract for m is (natp (m … ))
For every recursive call, m applied to the
arguments decreases, under the conditions
that led to the recursive call.
Example Measure function
(defunc app (a b)
:input-contract (and (listp a) (listp b))
:output-contract (and (listp (app a b))
(if (endp a)
(cons (first a) (app (rest a) b))))
(defunc m (x y)
:input-contract (and (listp x) (listp y))
:output-contract (natp (m x y))
(len x))
(< (m (rest x) y) (m x y)) since (< (len (rest x)) (len x))
Induction Depends on
Show that the induction scheme for a nonterminating function can lead to
unsoundness even when the definitional
axiom does not
Alternative proof for the induction
principle that shows “termination” front
and center
General Induction Scheme
(defunc foo (x1 . . . xn)
:input-contract ic
:output-contract oc
(cond (t1 c1)
(t2 c2)
(tm cm)
(t cm+1)))
None of the ci’s should have ifs in them
If ci has a recursive call to foo, it is called a recursive case
otherwise a base case.
General Induction Scheme
Case1 = t1
Case2 = t2 t1
Casei = ti t1 ti-1
Casem+1 = t t1 tm
If ci is a recursive case with Ri calls to foo with the jth call,
1 j Ri, obtained by the substitution (foo x1 . . . xn)|sij
General Induction Scheme
To prove prove the following
[ic Casei]
For all ci’s that are base cases
[ic Casei 1 i Ri |sij]
For all ci’s that are recursive cases
Induction Scheme for
Non-terminating Function
(defunc f (x)
:input-contract t
:output-contract t
(f x))
The definitional axiom, i.e. (f x) = (f x) is ok
The induction scheme for f is unsound
(not t) nil t
t t
Using this scheme we can derive for any
In particular, we can derive nil
Induction Scheme over Naturals
Every terminating function gives rise to an
induction scheme
1. (not (natp n)) ⇒
2. (natp n) ∧ (equal n 0) ⇒
3. (natp n) ∧ (not (equal n 0)) ∧ |((n n-1)) ⇒
(1) and (2) are base cases and (3) is the
induction hypothesis
More powerful than case analysis since you
can use assume the induction hypothesis
Proof by Contradiction
Assume the conclusion is false and show
that that leads to a contradiction.
1 n 1 n F
A B C A C B (show this is valid)
Apply to (1 n) T
Why does Induction Work?
Suppose we prove the three cases in the
induction scheme but is not valid.
Let S be the set of ACL2 objects for which is
false. By (1) and (2), S is a set of natural
numbers not equal to 0.
Since S is a set of natural numbers it has a
smallest element s 0 for which |((n s)).
This implies by (3) that |((n s-1)) is false and s-1
S which is a contradiction
Non-terminating Function
(defunc f (x)
:input-contract t
:output-contract f
(f x))
The induction scheme associated with f leads to
unsoundness (i.e. we can derive nil)
Termination for Recursively
Defined Data Structures
For recursively defined data structures like
lists, trees, expression trees, etc. we can
use the number of constructors for the
Number of cons’s for lists
Number of nodes for trees
Number of +’s, -’s, *’s and /’s for expression
Boolean Expressions
BExpr :=
Constant: T|F [t | nil]
Variable [symbol]
Negation: BExpr [(not BExpr)]
And: BExpr BExpr [(and BExpr BExpr)
Or: BExpr Bexpr [(or BExpr BExpr)]
(defunc booleanexprp (expr)
:input-contract t
:output-contract (booleanp (booleanexprp expr))
( (is-constant expr) t )
( (is-variable expr) t )
( (is-not expr) (booleanexprp (op1 expr)) )
( (is-or expr) (and (booleanexprp (op1 expr))
(booleanexprp (op2 expr))) )
( (is-and expr) (and (booleanexprp (op1 expr))
(booleanexprp (op2 expr))) )
( t nil)
(defunc bool-eval (expr env)
:input-contract (and (booleanexprp expr)
(environmentp env)
(all-variables-defined expr env))
:output-contract (booleanp (bool-eval expr env))
( (is-constant expr) expr )
( (is-variable expr) (lookup expr env) )
( (is-not expr) (not (bool-eval (op1 expr) env)) )
( (is-or expr) (or (bool-eval (op1 expr) env)
(bool-eval (op2 expr) env)) )
( (is-and expr) (and (bool-eval (op1 expr) env)
(bool-eval (op2 expr) env)) )
Measure Function
(defun m (expr env)
:input-contract (and (booleanexprp expr)
(environmentp env)
(all-variables-defined expr env))
:output-contract (natp (m expr env))
( (is-constant expr) 0 )
( (is-variable expr) 0 )
( (is-not expr) (+ 1 (m (op expr) env)) )
( (is-or expr) (+ 1 (m (op1 expr) env) (m (op2 expr) env)) )
( (is-and expr) (+ 1 (m (op1 expr) env) (m (op2 expr) env)) )
Halting Problem
We can prove that many functions
In general determining if an arbitrary
function will terminate is undecidable
What about the following function?
(defun 3np1 (n)
((equal n 1) 1 )
((evenp n) (3np1 (/ n 2)) )
((oddp n) (3np1 (+ (* 3 n) 1)) )