Transcript Slides

Logic in Artificial Intelligence
(this lecture is an informal introduction only)
Human Logic
• Humans are, among other things, information
• We acquire information about the world and use this
information to further our ends.
• One of the strengths of human information processing is
our ability to represent and manipulate logical
A simple puzzle
• We are given some facts about the arrangement of five blocks in a
stack, and we are asked to determine their exact arrangement.
• The sentences shown on the left constitute the premises of the
• The red block is on the green
• The red block is on the green
• The green block is on the
• The green block is somewhere
yellow block.
above the blue block.
• The yellow block is on the blue
• The green block is not on the
blue block.
• The blue block is on the black
• The yellow block is on the
green block or the blue block.
• The black block is directly on
• There is some block on the
the table.
black block.
• Unfortunately, it is not always apparent which conclusions may be
safely drawn from a given set of premises.
• What's more, even when we are given the conclusions, as in this
example, their correctness may not be immediately obvious.
• In order to persuade others of a conclusion that we have drawn, it
is useful to write down a proof, i.e. a series of intermediate
conclusions, such that each is immediately obvious.
• As an example, consider the following informal proof:
• We are told that the yellow block is on the green block or the blue block.
• We are also told that the red block is on the green block.
• Given the assumption that there can be only one block on another and that a
block cannot be two colors at once, we can conclude that the yellow block is
not on the green block.
• But then, by elimination, the yellow block must be on the blue block.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.)
• The concept of proof, in order to be meaningful, requires that we
be able to recognize certain reasoning steps as immediately
• In other words, we need to be familiar with the reasoning “atoms”
out of which complex proof “molecules” are built.
• One of Aristotle's great contributions to philosophy was his
recognition that what makes a step of a proof immediately obvious
is its form rather than its content.
• It does not matter whether you are talking about blocks or stocks
or automobiles. What matters is the structure of the facts with
which you are working.
All Accords are Hondas.
All Hondas are Japanese.
Therefore, all Accords are Japanese.
All borogoves are slithy toves.
All slithy toves are mimsy.
Therefore, all borogoves are mimsy.
• What's more, in order to reach these conclusion, we do not need to know
anything about Hondas and Accords or borogoves and slithy toves or what it
means to be mimsy.
• What is interesting about these examples is that they share the same reasoning
structure, with respect to the pattern shown below.
All x are y.
All y are z.
Therefore, all x are z.
• Which patterns are correct?
• How many patterns are enough?
Unsound Patterns
All x are y.
Some y are z.
Therefore, some x are z.
Good Instance
All Toyotas are Japanese cars.
Some Japanese cars are made in America.
Therefore, some Toyotas are made in America.
Not-So-Good Instance
All Toyotas are cars.
Some cars are Porsches.
Therefore, some Toyotas are Porsches.
Induction - Unsound
I have seen 1000 black ravens.
I have never seen a raven that is not black.
Therefore, every raven is black.
Abduction - Unsound
If there is no fuel, the car will not start.
If there is no spark, the car will not start.
There is spark.
The car will not start.
Therefore, there is no fuel.
What if the car is in a vacuum chamber?
Abduction, or abductive reasoning, is the process of inference to the
best explanation.
• What distinguishes a correct pattern from
one that is incorrect is that it must always
lead to correct conclusions, i.e. conclusions
that are true whenever the premises are true.
• As we will see, this is the defining criterion
for what we call deduction.
Deduction - Sound
Logical Entailment/Deduction:
Does not say that conclusion is true in general
Conclusion true whenever premises are true
The intellect is freed of all conception of the
objects involved, and yet the computation yields the correct
Math may be defined as the subject in which we
never know what we are talking about nor whether what we
are saying is true.
Formal Logic
• Algebra
1. Formal language for encoding information
2. Legal transformations
• Logic
1. Formal language for encoding information
2. Legal transformations
Algebra Problem
Xavier is three times as old as Yolanda. Xavier's age and
Yolanda's age add up to twelve. How old are Xavier and
x - 3y = 0
x + y = 12
-4y = -12
Logic Problem
If Amy loves Pat, then Amy loves Quincy.
If it is Monday and raining, then Amy loves Pat or Quincy.
If it is Monday and raining, does Amy love Quincy?
Simple sentences:
Amy loves Pat.
loves(amy, pat)
Amy loves Quincy.
loves(amy, quincy)
It is Monday.
It’s raining.
If Amy loves Pat, Amy loves Quincy.
loves(amy,pat)  loves(amy,quincy)
If it Monday and raining, Amy loves Pat or
ismonday  raining 
loves(amy,pat)  loves(amy,quincy)
If it is Monday and raining, does Amy love
Rule of Inference (Resolution)
p1  ...  pk  q1 ...  ql
r1 ...  rm  s1  ...  sn
p1  ...  pk  r1 ...  rm  q1 ...  ql  s1 ...  sn
• If pi on the left hand side of one sentence is the same as qj in the
right hand side of the other sentence, it is okay to drop the two
Two Tricks
• A sentence
asserts that p is true (i.e. a fact)
• A sentence
asserts that p is false
Modus Ponens - special case of
Using the tricks:
 p
i.e. q
monday  alex is teaching AI
alex teaching AI
Solving Amy's love life…
p1  ...  pk  q1 ...  ql
r1 ...  rm  s1  ...  sn
p1  ...  pk  r1 ...  rm  q1 ...  ql  s1 ...  sn
• If pi on the left hand side of one sentence is the same as qj in the
right hand side of the other sentence, drop the two symbols.
loves(amy,pat)  loves(amy,quincy)
ismonday  raining  loves(amy,pat)  loves(amy,quincy)
loves(amy,pat)  ismonday  raining 
loves(amy,quincy)  loves(amy,pat)  loves(amy,quincy)
ismonday  raining  loves(amy,quincy)  loves(amy,quincy)
ismonday  raining  loves(amy,quincy)
Prolog as a Theorem Prover
• Prolog is by far the most widely used logic programming language.
• However, Prolog programs are sets of implications whose premise is a
conjunction of positive literals and whose conclusion is a single positive
• An implication with no premises simply asserts a given proposition –
sometimes called a fact.
• Hence, the Amy’s love life can’t be solved with Prolog. We need a more
powerful Theorem Prover.
Art is the parent of Bob and Bud.
Bob is the parent of Cal and Coe.
A grandparent is a parent of a parent.
 p(art,bob)
 p(art,bud)
 p(bob,cal)
 p(bob,coe)
p(x, y)  p(y, z)  g(x, z)
Is Art the Grandparent of Coe?
Let’s assume g(art, coe) is not true, i.e. g(art, coe) .
1.  p(art, bob)
2.  p(art, bud)
3.  p(bob,cal)
4.  p(bob,coe)
5. p(x, y) p(y, z)  g(x,z)
6. g(art, coe) 
7. p(art, y)  p(y,coe) 
8. p(bob,coe) 
9. 
Nothing means contradiction!
By assumption (see above)
5,6 (bind vars by unification)
1,7 (bind vars by unification)
Who Are the Grandchildren of Art?
1.  p(art, bob)
2.  p(art, bud)
3.  p(bob,cal)
4.  p(bob,coe)
5. p(x, y) p(y, z)  g(x,z)
6. g(art, z)  goal(z)
7. p(art, y)  p(y, z)  goal(z)
8. p(bob, z)  goal(z)
9. p(bud, z)  goal(z)
10. goal(cal)
11. goal(coe)
Who Are the Grandchildren of Art? In SQL
1.  p(art, bob)
2.  p(art, bud)
3.  p(bob,cal)
4.  p(bob,coe)
5. p(x, y) p(y, z)  g(x,z)
6. g(art, z)  goal(z)
p(x, y)  p(y, z)g(x, z)
SELECT p1.x, p2.y
FROM p AS p1, p AS p2
WHERE p1.y = p2.x;
g(art, z)goal(z)
WHERE g.x = 'art';
; Someone who lives in Dreadsbury Mansion killed Aunt Agatha. Agatha, the
; butler, and Charles live in Dreadsbury Mansion and are the only people who
; live therein. A killer always hates his victim, and is never richer than
; his victim. Charles hates no one that Agatha hates. Agatha hates everyone
; except the butler. The butler hates everyone not richer than Aunt Agatha.
; The butler hates everyone Agatha hates. No one hates everybody. Aunt Agatha
; is not the butler. Prove that Aunt Agatha killer herself.
=> Killed(Agatha,Agatha) | Killed(butler,Agatha) | Killed(Charles,Agatha)
=> Is(x,Agatha) | Is(x,butler) | Is(x,Charles)
Killed(x,y) => Hates(x,y)
Killed(x,y) => ~Richer(x,y)
Hates(Agatha,x) => ~Hates(Charles,x)
~Richer(x,Agatha) => Hates(butler,x)
Hates(Agatha,x) => Hates(butler,x)
=>~Hates(x,Agatha) | ~Hates(x,butler) | ~Hates(x,Charles)
Agatha into clausal form
Killed(Agatha(),Agatha()) | Killed(butler(),Agatha()) | Killed(Charles(),Agatha())
Is(x,Agatha()) | Is(x,butler()) | Is(x,Charles())
~Killed(x,y) | Hates(x,y)
~Killed(x,y) | ~Richer(x,y)
~Hates(Agatha(),x) | ~Hates(Charles(),x)
Richer(x,Agatha()) | Hates(butler(),x)
~Hates(Agatha(),x) | Hates(butler(),x)
~Hates(x,Agatha()) | ~Hates(x,butler()) | ~Hates(x,Charles())
Theo – Theorem Prover
1#>KilledAgathaAgatha KilledbutlerAgatha KilledCharlesAgatha
2: IsxAgatha Isxbutler IsxCharles
3 >~Killedxy Hatesxy
4 >~Killedxy ~Richerxy
5 >~HatesAgathax ~HatesCharlesx
6 >HatesAgathaAgatha
7 >HatesAgathaCharles
8: ~HatesAgathabutler
9 >RicherxAgatha Hatesbutlerx
10 >~HatesAgathax Hatesbutlerx
11 >~HatesxAgatha ~Hatesxbutler ~HatesxCharles
12: ~IsAgathabutler
Negated conclusion:
Phase 0 clauses used in proof:
14#>(13a*1a) KilledbutlerAgatha KilledCharlesAgatha
15 >(9a*4b) Hatesbutlerx ~KilledxAgatha
17 >(5b*3b) ~HatesAgathax ~KilledCharlesx
18#>(17b*14b) ~HatesAgathaAgatha KilledbutlerAgatha
19S>(18a*6a) KilledbutlerAgatha
20S>(19a*15b) Hatesbutlerbutler
21#>(20a*11b) ~HatesbutlerAgatha ~HatesbutlerCharles
22S>(19a*3a) HatesbutlerAgatha
23S>(22a*21a) ~HatesbutlerCharles
24S>(23a*10b) ~HatesAgathaCharles
Phases 1 and 2 clauses used in proof:
25S>(24a,7a) []
• Theorem Provers have come up with novel mathematical results.
• The most famous of these concerns Robbins Algebra.
• In 1933, E. V. Huntington presented the following basis for
Boolean algebra:
• x + y = y + x. [commutativity]
• (x + y) + z = x + (y + z). [associativity]
• n(n(x) + y) + n(n(x) + n(y)) = x. [Huntington equation]
• Shortly thereafter, Herbert Robbins conjectured that the
Huntington equation can be replaced with a simpler one:
• n(n(x + y) + n(x + n(y))) = x. [Robbins equation]
• The problem was first posed in the 1930s by Dr. Herbert Robbins,
a New Jersey Professor of Mathematics at Rutgers University.
• Robbins said that he worked on the problem for some time, and
then passed it on one of the century's most famous logicians, Dr.
Albert Tarski of Stanford University. Tarski, who is now dead,
worked on the problem, included it in a book, and handed it out to
graduate students and visitors.
• Burris (University of Waterloo), for example said that Tarski
suggested the problem to him in the early 1970s, while he was
visiting Stanford for a couple of months. Tarski, he said, "liked to
throw out challenging problems to people passing through."
• While mathematicians were batting around Robbins's problem,
computer scientists were striving to see if they could get computers
to reason.
• Among them was Wos, who started working on automated
reasoning in the 1960s. It was a time when computers were
primitive, clunky and slow, and researchers were divided on how to
• On October 10, 1996, after eight days of computation, EQP (a
version of OTTER) found a proof.