Jordan Bradshaw, Virginia Walker, and Dylan Kane, presented on

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Transcript Jordan Bradshaw, Virginia Walker, and Dylan Kane, presented on

The Exciting World of Natural
Dylan Kane
Jordan Bradshaw
Virginia Walker
Natural Deduction
Gerhard Gentzen
Stanislaw Jaskowski
Mimics the natural reasoning process,
inference rules natural to humans
Called “natural” because does not require
conversion to (unreadable) normal form
Natural deduction proofs
I’ll be back.
Natural Deduction
Proof system for first-order logic
Designed to mimic the natural reasoning process
Make assumptions (“A” is true)
Letters like “A” can represent larger propositional phrases
The set of assumptions being relied on at a given step
is called the context.
Use rules to draw conclusions.
Discharge assumptions as they become no longer
Natural Deduction
Natural deduction is done in step by step:
Logical Connectives
Truth Tables for Logical
Making Conclusions
The rules used to draw conclusions consist
mostly of the introduction (I) and elimination (E)
of these connectives.
Several of the rules serve to discharge earlier
The result does not rely on the assumption being
If the assumption is used by itself again somewhere
else, it must be discharged again in a step that
Introduction and Elimination
Introduction builds the conclusion out of
the logical connective and the premises.
Elimination eliminates the logical
connective from a premise.
Rules: AND/OR
Rule “or E” discharges S and T.
Rules: IF
Rule “if I” discharges S
Rules: C
Proof by contradiction
If by assuming S is false, you
reach a contradiction, S is true.
Discharges (not S)
Rules: forall (∀)
Rule “∀I” requires that “a” does not occur
in S(x) or any premise on which S(a) may
Rules: exists (∃)
Rule “∃E” requires that “a” does not occur in S(x) or T or
any assumption other than S(a) on which the derivation
of T from S(a) depends.
Rule “∃E” also discharges S(a).
Always true.
The proof of a tautology ultimately relies
on no assumptions.
The assumptions are discharged
throughout the proof.
Sample proof: a tautology
Sample proof: a tautology
A is discharged using the ->I rule.
Sample proof: a tautology
B is discharged using the ->I rule.
Example using Quantifiers
“Imagine how you would convince
someone else, who didn’t know any formal
logic, of the validity of the entailment you
are trying to demonstrate.”
a.k.a. That a knowledge base entails a
Example using Quantifiers
Ex. We want to prove this:
{forall x (F(x) -> G(x))
forall x (G(x) -> H(x))}
|- forall x (F(x) -> H(x))
Take an arbitrary object a
Suppose a is an F
Since all Fs are Gs, a is a G
Since all Gs are Hs, a is an H
So if a is an F then a is an H
But this argument works for
any a
So all Fs are Hs
Proof using Natural Deduction
Rule exists (∃): Revisited
Rule “∃E” requires that “a” does not occur in S(x) or T or
any assumption other than S(a) on which the derivation
of T from S(a) depends.
Rule “∃E” also discharges S(a).
Incorrect Proof (exists E)
Interesting Tidbits for Further
Natural Deduction book written in 1965 by
Gallier in 1986 used Gentzen’s approach to
expound the theoretical underpinning so f
automated deduction.
Reeves, Steve and Mike Clarke. Logic for
Computer Science. 2003.
Russell, Stuart and Peter Norvig. Artificial
Intelligence: A modern Approach. 2nd
edition. 2003